Monday, August 20, 2012

Steve LaPrise's puppies


  1. OMG, Beautiful, just absolutely beautiful pups!! I so wish I was at a time in my life when I could buy one or even two. Sadly not, but will pass this info on to a few who may be able to. Thanks for putting on these pics to show them! They won't have any trouble finding homes for these beauties!!

  2. Replies
    1. They are spoken for before I breed my dogs. I start a customer list now threw the winter months and breed in the spring. The last 15 years or so it has been waiting list only. I usally get 10 to 15 puppy customers on the puppy list each year.
      I have been breeding golden retrievers for 26 years and next year is my last time, I have 3 people on the list so far for next year.

    2. I thought they were probably already taken, that's why I asked my question like that. Thanks for the pictures, regardless, it made my day & I'm sure many others enjoyed seeing them as much as I did. Lovely dogs you have bred through the years.

  3. The puppies are adorable but we can't forget the dogs sitting on death row in a pound somewhere waiting to be adopted.

    1. 90% of the dogs in the pounds/shelters are purposely bred to be sold thru the shelters, they are bred down south in puppy mills and brought up here by the truckload, Just go to any shelter and see for yourself. Buying from a reputable dealer like Steve is your best bet for a dog with a "truthful" bloodline.

  4. My "shelter" dog Daisy, a cocker spaniel came from Ahimsa Haven shelter in Winchendon. She is a sweetheart!!!!

  5. In my opinion, all dogs are wonderful if given half a chance, right, Sue!! I rescued one of my dogs from "unethical dealers" & she turned out to be the best dog I ever had. Is it best to go with reputable breeders like Steve, probably, but all dogs need a chance. They are like people, can't help how & where they were born. If I can't own a dog at a certain time, I try ti give to shelters like the one Sue mentioned to help with food, medicines, supplies needed to keep them well & safe. There is also the Bosley rescue right here in town. Wonderful organizations who care for abused, neglected & unwanted animals usually run on donations so I say, God Bless them for the terrific jobs they do. I just learned of another unbelievable shelter but for displaced draft horses. It is called Gentle Giant Rescue & is located in Maryland. These people who care for beautiful animals like this are unsung heroes, in my book. Most get hardly anything for pay. They do it because they love animals. Anyway, too much rambling this day. LOL
