Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Thank yous!!

Thanks to all the people who came by the Citizens4Templeton table and bought chances and helped support the children of the Narragansett school district that have lost their homes. Thanks to all the Volunteers - Will and Carolyn, Bev B, Carol G, Theresa K, Darren, Dave S, Karen and Hal B, Dianna and Doug, hope I didn't forget anyone.

The winner of the antique wood Toolbox was Ida O'Brien
Bud Chase and Debbie Henshaw won the two Wine Baskets
Bob Dennis won the Dog Basket
Tom Miller won the Smiths Country cheese Gift certificate
Bob Mitchell won the Chair from the Chair Shoppe
Kate C (a little girl )won the Fall Planting Basket
Amanda K won the Footstool
Rose B from Templeton won the Kitchen Garden Gift Certificate
Bev B won the JK Crossroads Gift Certificate
Ann Marie Page won the Baldwinville Station Gift Certificate
Nan Sans won the Baldwinville Pizza Barn Gift Certificate
Bridget from Gardner won the Ale House Gift certificate
A women from Gardner won the Kid's Basket

We raised over $1000.00 for the Kids thank you all.
We would also like to thank Sara Robuccio former Narragansett Student, now a teacher I heard and daughter of Mr. & Mrs.  Robuccio's of East Templeton who graciously donated a huge box of all kinds of supplies for the kids.  Thank you Sara!!!!


  1. Great job. You raised how much over $1000.00 and what is that $$ going toward? Keep up the good work.

  2. a few donation were still coming in. we'll let you know when we have a final count. Money will be given to Superintendent Ruth Miller. One thing she said what some of the kids need is socks and sneakers, backpacks, and other supplies.

  3. We hope to arrange a presentation of the check to Ruth very soon. I'll keep you posted. The money will go into an account that can be accessed to purchase what is needed for the kids. The Supt.'s office will keep track of the money spent.

    1. I never would have believed that we would have such a large number of homeless children in our town. Our group has decided that our mission, as a group, will not be to just try to work through the "political problems" of our town, but to pitch in to help those who need a hand along the way. I am very proud of the work we have done, so far. We welcome anyone who would like to lend a hand. Thank you all for the support we have recieved so far. Bev.

    2. I think currently there are 58 empty houses in town. I think the total of homes that have gone through forclosure or are in one step or another in the foreclosure process in the last couple of years is now well over 200. I'll try to post some figures.
      Anonymously Sue

  4. I forgot to thank Ashley Bird for her great Citisens4Templeton designs and the banner and posters

    1. It was good to see Denise Andrews going out to the people at the Craft Fair to introduce herself. She got a good responce from every one, except from Mike Manca. It was my fault, I told her "I was so sorry", and I really am. I guess I just did not think. I said" this is Mike Manca", {he was sitting at a table selling something}. When she said who she was, he started yelling, "KEEP MOVING, KEEP MOVING! SHE LOOKED BEWILDERED. I said something to him, like ok, ok. He said "IF YOU DON'T MOVE , I CAN GET ALOT LOWDER". What a jerk, She said "What is wrong with him?' I told her" He has a big mouth" I think he thinks because he's "Italian" it is ok to be rude and mouthy. Guess what, he is wrong! I don't like alot of people, some people I almost down right hate. There is nothing wrong with saying "Sorry, I'm not interested". Mike showed me how ignorant he is, and I was, for putting Denise in that position. It will never happen again. All the good he can do, getting people to donate things when he has a cause, vanishes, when he sticks his foot in his mouth. This is my opinion, don't do things that will embaress you in the morning. Bev.

      What a jerk, She said what is wrong with him? told her he just has a big mouth.

    2. Mike has more than just a loud mouth, he is arrogant and totally one way, "His Way". You should have heard him during the recall defending Bob Columbus and telling people how great Bob Columbus was and he served the town good while in office. OH, did I mention he is one of those Lion guys who stick up for each other whether they are good or bad.

    3. Sorry he put you through that, Bev. It's he who should be embarrassed by his behavior. But, people who do that sort of thing don't have the ability to act appropriately on anything except what they feel will benefit themselves. I may not agree with certain political or other views but to make a spectacle of yourself & not care about other people's feelings is unacceptable!! Not to care either or have any common courtesy for the rest of the crowd just goes to show the limited capacity of certain rebel rouser's brains, if you know what I mean!! What idiotic behavior for a so-called grown man. But, then again, as you say, look at the group he hangs around with. Have any of those cared about the future existence of this town. I think not!! Just my opinion from what I have seen happen in the last few years. God Bless you with peace Bev. Be thankful you are not him. He looked like a fool, I'm sure. You were the gracious one!!

  5. What is Mike Manca's issue with Denise? Who is his candidate, Lee? He does have a big mouth and is quite obnoxious. Who was he representing the Lions? How embarrasing for both of you. She has my vote. So glad the Citizens4Templeton is addressing more than just politics. Great group of people.

    1. I have some of her signs. If you want one for your yard, let me know. You know the promise she made to get the "BIG GUYS" to listen to us! It just might happen. You never know! Bev.

  6. Is someone a "jerk" because they don't support the same candidate as you, or as other C4T folks?

    I can see many reasons why a taxpayer would not support Denise Andrews.

    How about these:
    She voted against restricting the use of EBT cards. This measure was prompted by verified instances of EBT cards used in very extravagent ways.
    She voted against a measure that would require a person to be a legal resident in order to register a motor vehicle.

    I can appreciate a politician promising to "help" Templeton. But there are other issues. Massachusetts has 482,000 households on the dole. We know it has become a way of life for far too many people. The Democrats have become a party that doles out benefits to constituents in order to keep power. As Margaret Thatcher said, "eventually, you run out of other people's money." Just like Templeton, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts is out of other people's money. The federal government is out of other people's money. Unless you want to pay even more in taxes, things have to change. Denise Andrews is as far left as anyone. Why did she oppose the modest restrictions on EBT card use?

    Given the fact that C4T is carefully watching every cent in Templeton, it makes no sense to support a tax and spend liberal like Denise Andrews. Why are you only concerned about wasting or mis-use of the relatively minor sums in Templeton, but are OK with spending $1.3 BILLION on "transitional" assistance in the state of Massachusetts?

    1. I don't believe that Citizens4Templeton have endorsed any candidate - I believe Bev likes Denise Andrews but I believe that C4T wants the people of Templeton to listen to all the candidates and make there own decision. Right Darren?

    2. Mark B... I absolutely agree with you about too many people on the dole because they just don't want to work. I am not counting in there those who have lost their jobs through no fault of their own. My support of Bev was being subjected to improper behavior, not as support of Ms. Andrews. I happen to concur with you about her far leftist thinking. A candidate will promise anything at the time to get themselves elected. No where should anyone publicly embarrass another person just because they don't have the same views. You are also right, Templeton is only a reflection of the much bigger picture of if we don't get a grasp real soon of the way we are going with this nanny state govt. we are going to crash as a free enterprise society that is not totally controlled by the govt. in every aspect of our lives. Work is good. As I said once I have had some of the most menial lousy jobs one can imagine but I had to do them. Contrary to what is thought there are still many of those jobs out there. Do they suck, yeah, but sometimes you have to go through the junk to get the better prise. This is what builds character & backbone. Not seeing that much these days. My opinion.

    3. Democrat...Republican...you're misled if you think there's a difference between the two. All try to help and all are guilty of wrongdoing. Its going to take a 3rd party candidate that hasn't been "bought" in order for any real change to happen in this state & country. Until that happens, I will choose whomever doesn't openly discriminate against minorities & women.

    4. One difference I can point out: the last three Speakers of the House are all convicted felons.

      These three men were elected by the Democrat majority.

      Why did our legislature vote for these three crooks? Why do they (the legislature) give this position so much power? How is it that the federal government must always prosecute these corrupt "leaders", our own attorney general asleep at the switch?

    5. The job description for "politician" has lost its true definition. Both parties have lost their identities. The days of campaign seasons with good, honest discussion on serious issues are gone. Now its a tennis match between marketing executives. Who looks worst vs. who looks best. However, we have people on the local level that are following the true job description. I am thankful for that. People are working hard to make sure the rules are fair and followed in Templeton while helping to improve life here. Encouraging our community to evolve is something we all should agree is needed and should appreciate the people making it happen.

  7. Mark,
    Webster's dict. def. jerk (3) [slang] a person regarded as stupid, dull, or eccentric, etc.

    The measure of a "jerk" has nothing to do with the opinion he/she has but of the manner in which the opinion is expressed. I would say Mr. Manca expressed his opinion in a stupid (foolish, irrational) or eccentric (unconventional) manner, therefore, he could be called a jerk (slang).

    The rest of your info. about the candidate is worth considering.

  8. I understand, and I agree. Denise Andrews is always getting plugs on this blog. I want to let people know about some of the votes she has taken, as I feel they are more important than some vague promise to "help" Templeton.

    Not to judge Mr. Manca, I wasn't there. I doubt that his reaction has anything to do with his "Italian" heritage. He or anyone else has the right to support whoever they want, even Suzanne Lee, a (GASP!), Republican.

  9. Replies
    1. Maybe you could ask him why he acted the way he did. Everyone is welcome to their opinion but behavior like Mike Manca creates bad neighbors(and in this case relatives).

  10. Pauly, I think Charlie and Dutchie are great people. Mike acted like a jerk! He did not have to go out of his way to make a scene. She was dumfounded. What the hell, She just stopped by to say hi. When you go into the voting booth you can vote for who ever you want. I do not think there is a politician on the face of the earth who votes the way you or I want them to all of the time. I am married to a Italian man. Some times this is the excuse they use for acting like a jerk. This is my personal opinion, about Mike and Deniese. End of discussion, as far as I am conserned. Hey Checkn000, thanks for the support. Bev.

  11. I was totally put off by Denise Andrews when she was put on the agenda for a BOS meeting this spring to "introduce herself" to the residents. Unfortunately, it turned into a campaign speech and a rally for votes - very inappropriate, in my opinion, and it took up precious time that should have been allotted to the residents' concerns with the financial debacle the town is experiencing. Shame on her! Just saying.....

    1. Funny, I actually LIKED her taking the time to come to a BOS meeting and introducing herself to us. It impressed me. I thought it was smart and it certainly got my attention. Maybe the other candidates should have followed suit. All MA politicians have questionable track records and if you're going to choose a candidate to support, be sure to read about all of them and not choose based on democrat or republican. That choice is so blurred these days. Personally, I really like Denise Andrews. She's very intelligent and has created a credible public profile. If any of you oppose my opinion, how about sharing what you like about the candidates you support instead of badmouthing the ones you don't.

  12. I would not get to caught up in someone showing their true colors, i would just file that away for another day. When you consider the behavior of alot of the recall group before and after the recall, you should expect nothing but bad/improper behavior. Look at some of the DVD's and pay attention to columbus and some of his actions. I asked a couple of questions to the office of Denise Andrews, such as how can you say no to a gas tax increase but then say you support rebuilding of roads and bridges. With electric cars and hybrids and increased mileage requirements on cars which equal less gasoline used and less gas tax collected, where will the future dollars come from for raod repair and maintenance? Could that mileage tax be brought to life where we will be taxed for the miles we drive? The computer already in your car will show the miles driven and the info will be collected when you get your annual inspection sticker on your car and if you don't pay, no sticker and you can no longer legally drive that car on the road so how do you then go to work. That is one theory I have because that tax has already surfaced recently then it went off the radar....for now. Another tax is like another gun law, we already have thousands of gun laws and they don't keep nut cases and criminals from getting guns, they only keep law abiding citizens from them. Next time ask the candidate if they favor lowering the pay for the state legislature and see what kind of answer you get.

  13. Jeff - we must be vigilant or we will end up with that mileage tax. Like all taxes in Massachusetts, it will be squandered. Spent on prevailing wage road construction projects. Projects that last for years and years, inconveniencing taxpayers, and making union construction companies rich.

    Can you imagine if Mass Highway had been in charge of some of the truly great construction projects in history? The Pyramids would still be under construction.
