Saturday, August 11, 2012

The Gardner News

Hey Everyone
Check out Page 3 of today's Gardner News its another article about Winchendon and the "Transfer Station" Our Selectmen Patrick Mullins is mentioned along with how revenues have increase since he left.  When are our Selectmen going to get a clue and ask Scrappy for his resignation.? Now is the time to put Virginia on the spot and see how she votes??
If anyone can send me a link to the article I will be happy to post it!!!!

PS remember the investigation I requested for misuse of municipal funds in Templeton - what happened??? and I am not talking about money from a transfer station I'm talking about big bucks- ask your selectmen?
Why did Winchendon wait until after Mullins was elected in Templeton to have this all come to light. What say Mr Kridler, Lenny Kopelman. How do you like your boy now Jerry. Has anyone looked into Carol S Red Barn selling stuff from the Winchendon Recycling center? Used furniture, dishes etc. I for one would like to know where she gets her stuff to sell. Is Scrappy's Garage still full of things from Winchendon? Maybe we need a search warrant for the Red Barn and Scrappy's Garage.
My opinions Pauly
Yes I am feeling better!!!!

Hey ttwistedssister68 please print your comments so we all can read them and understand them. I start reading them - then I stop because I don't understand "hieroglyphs".


  1. Glad to hear that you are feeling better Pauly.

    It's a very peculiar thing that Mullins was never charged by the police or that the District Attorney did not pursue this matter.

    I hope everyone who is disgusted with Scrappy is also disgusted with the DA's office. Remember to vote against our current DA next election. I know, I know. He's a Democrat in Massachusetts. Well, we get the government we deserve. And if you vote for Joe Early, how do you reconcile that with your call for honest, accountable government?

  2. Once again, The Gardner News leaves a trail of crumbs but fails to completely spell out the obvious. Fortunately, we already know the real story. (Notice how Damien Fisher is the one who handles these more controversial articles, and not Haranas?) I'm not an angry or violent person, but this whole situation makes me crazy. Out of 8,000 people, this lying thief is the best we can do on our Board of Selectmen? As upset as I am with Mr. Mullins, I'm starting to get very annoyed with Mr. Stewart and his lack of forceful leadership. Ask for Mullins' resignation. Stand up to Larry Bankowski. Act now to do something with East Templeton Elementary School. It's clear that there is a direct correlation between how much you're being paid and how hard you work. And then to top it al off, you drive by Echo Hill and it looks like business is booming and the sun never sets on the big red barn. These people have damaged the well-being and reputation of a fine town, and they should all be ashamed of themselves.

  3. Working on a blog for this topic...coming soon

  4. With her husband's inflated retirement money, I'm surprised CS even needs to sell crap out of the barn. Its not like she needs the money. Unless, the free legal train has left the station. By the way, is she still suing the town? How come we haven't heard any update on that? And if she is, then its clear she's mentally ill. She wasn't wrongfully terminated. She just didn't like the outcome and is used to getting her way. When bullies don't get their way they cry foul and make a spectacle. I beg of her to stop causing headaches for the citizens of Templeton. Stop selling crap to out-of-towners. Please retire quietly. Go float around in your pool. Or better yet, go volunteer to help the less fortunate. The town is happy your out of the office. Let's just move on.
