Thursday, August 9, 2012

Why is Water Fluoridation so hard to stop?

August 5, 2012

Dear Mr. Bergantino:

My name is Julie Farrell and I am a selectman in the Town of Templeton. I called your office at NECIR last week to speak with you about the possibility of investigating some issues. You asked if the issues were related to “Templeton only”. Some of the issues are “Templeton only”, but the issue I would like your organization to investigate is water fluoridation.

The Massachusetts Fluoride census was last updated in May 2010. There are 141 cities and towns that fluoridate the public drinking supply. Templeton is one of the first communities to have water fluoridation. At the annual town meeting in March 1951, there was a very simple warrant article to begin adding fluoride to the public water supply. If you review the googledoc, you will see that Templeton, Middleton and Danvers all began water fluoridation in 1951, over 60 years ago. 

Two years ago, after extensive research on the topic of fluoridation, my husband began a campaign to end the practice of water fluoridation in Templeton. My husband, Peter Farrell, III submitted a citizen petition to end the practice of water fluoridation. At that time I was also an elected member of the Templeton Light and Water Commission (TMLW). I signed that citizen petition. I also signed the citizen petition for this town meeting (May 2012) as well. I signed the citizen petition because my husband is correct about the problems associated with water fluoridation. I didn’t just sign it because he is my husband.

In this recent article from the Harvard School of Public Health there is evidence that water fluoridation lowers IQ. I find this to be very disturbing. The study examines research from both the US and China and recommends more study. On August 4, 2012 The Governor of NH will sign a bill with this warning:

“Your public water supply is fluoridated. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, if your child under the age of 6 months is exclusively consuming infant formula reconstituted with fluoridated
water, there may be an increased chance of dental fluorosis. Consult your child’s health care provider for more information.”

The city of Fairbanks, Alaska recently released a report on water fluoridation for their community. On page six of this report, the recommendation is to stop adding fluoride to the public water supply.

The Fluoride Action Network is dedicated to ending the practice of water fluoridation, worldwide. Start with The top ten reasons against water fluoridation. Water fluoridation is not the only source fluoride. The USDA has a list of the amount of fluoride in common foods. This list was published in 2004. The amount of fluoride each individual ingests is compounded by water fluoridation. Fluoride bio-accumulates in the body. Fluoride affects every part of the body, not just the teeth. There are more than 50 reasons to oppose fluoride. There is no justification to continue the practice of water fluoridation.

So how do you end the practice of water fluoridation?

In Templeton, we tried to end the practice of water fluoridation by submitting a citizen petition for a warrant article at annual town meeting. Our thought was the practice of fluoridating the water supply happened by a town meeting vote; then ending water fluoridation would need a town meeting vote. We met with heavy resistance form both the TMLW commission as well as the Board of Health.

In 2011, I made a public record request for the MSDS for the fluoride that was added to the water supply in Templeton. I received this document , which only added to my concern. Why would the product used for water fluoridation contain ANY heavy metals? I asked for a certificate of analysis about the product from WEGO. I have not received the certificate of analysis as of this date. The manager of TMLWP sent a letter to water customers on April 12, 2011.

The number of signatures required for a citizen petition changed in Templeton. We became the only city or town in the commonwealth to require 100 signatures for a citizen petition to be placed on the annual town meeting warrants. The required number of signatures was gathered and it was discussed at town meeting. The vote failed at town meeting. After town meeting, I made a FOIA request to the board of health. I have a blog entry that I created regarding my FOIA request to the BOH.

For two years we have tried to end the practice of water fluoridation in Templeton. At both annual town meetings, Dr Myron Allukian was present to convince the attendees at town meeting to keep fluoridating the water supply. Same Harvard school of Public Health that released the article that water fluoridation lowers IQ. There was a full court press to ensure that Templeton  did not end the practice of water fluoridation.

Could you please investigate how a community can end the practice of water fluoridation?

In the interest of full disclosure, I am a teacher and an MTA member. The new teacher evaluation tool will include a component to include student test scores. I will be asking the MTA to take a stand on water fluoridation. I would like the students in my district to have the best chance possible to score well on any and all assessments, which have the possibility to impact my employment.

Thank you for your time and consideration

Julie Farrell
24 Myrtle St
Baldwinville, MA 01436
978-939-2501  home
978-340-2503  mobile


  1. Great work on behalf of everyone, as always, Julie. Makes one wonder if this is part of the "dumbing" down of America? Why are they so adamant about keeping fluoride in so many water supplies when they KNOW the damage it does to the human body?? Is it follow a money or power trail, as is usually the reason for most things that don't make sense to the average person? I would not have known about this so-called wonderful additive if Mr. Farrell had not done so much research & writing about this subject. Thank you both again for your hard work & watchful eyes. The "dumbing" reference was not meant as an insult to anyone who is having trouble with IQs. This was a way that this question was worded in an article about fluoride that I had read. So, it is KNOWN about the hazards, particularly to the developing brain. Also, those first three towns in MA all had facilities for the developmentally challenged. Were they using the data as experimental on this population with no regard for them or anyone else using the same water supply? Not good any way you look at it. These are my thoughts, questions & opinions this evening.

    1. What is even more troubling, than what isteach has said, is the extra effort of the Board of Health Agent and Mr.Driscoll to keep a citizens petition off of the Town Meeting floor. I would venture to bet neither of these people have even bothered to read any of the imformation that Mr. Farrell and Julie have presented for everyones use. I think this is shamefull. Mr.Driscoll's attitude needs a great improvement, and it is time for the Board of Health agent to stop playing follow the leader, with a man who does not seem to have any interest in helping the citizens of Templeton. It would behove them both to get educated, and take part in getting floride out of Templetons water supply. Me opinion as usual, Bev.

  2. One other factor that is often overlooked is that fluorine/fluoride is added to many drugs. Google up "drugs that contain fluoride" and you will be surprised. This website:

    has the drugs listed by category....Anesthetics, Antacids, Antibiotics, Antidepressants, cholesterol lowering drugs, steroids to name a few..

    One scenario: you are a 60 year old male with high cholesterol unable to control with diet. You also have gastric reflux and are on antibiotics. You wash down the lipitor, prevacid, and cipro with water that has fluoride. All of those drugs contain fluoride. No studies have been done to calculate that load of fluoride in your body.

    This article:
    details the impact of fluoride on the thyroid and the cascading effects on human health...including E.D.

    Just a hypothesis, but an inexpensive option in the scenario above would be to eliminate the fluoride in the diet and water supply as well as the drugs...maybe the E.D. would get better and the sales of viagra would be flaccid.

    Can't make this sh_ _ up!

  3. Not having the time or inclination to research fluoride I dismissed the naysayers thinking. How could so many people say good things about fluoride and be wrong? As I looked closer at the subject I learned that most of what people were saying concerning fluoride was a media sensation. No one had actually looked to see if what had been said in the newspapers and tv concerning the benefits of fluoride was actually true. What people were saying about fluoride had been put in their mouths by others, much like the practice of fluoridation itself. The first time I looked I missed the problems concerning fluoride, perhaps I did not want to believe my government would lie to me. After watching Building Seven fall to the ground by means of controlled demolition on 9/11 and having the government tell me it came down by fire I realized the government does not always tell its people the truth. When I looked again at fluoride after the Building Seven epiphamy I did an exhaustive search looking at everything I could find on the subject of fluoride and lo and behold that same feeling that was present with Building Seven coming down was now associated with fluoride, total betrayal. The book that put everything in perspective concerning the politics of fluoride was Christopher Bryson's The Fluoride Deception. I strongly recommend that you get a copy and read it. The history of the politics of fluoride will instill in the reader just how much of a lie has been told concerning "The Devil's Poison". Drink up.

    1. I think all new mothers in Templeton, I mean the town, not just the precient, should be made aware of the fact that they should not use town water for their babies, especially if they use water to make formular. If you know a new mother, make her aware of this problem. If she needs to make up her own mind, there are enough refrences on this blog. Bev.

  4. Let me start off by saying that I have not formed an opinion about flouridation of the water supply in Templeton, however, I do recognize that the voters of this town have voted to keep flouridating the water and some respect must be given to those voters. One of the main reasons that this blog exists is because there are various boards within the town that pay absolutely no attention to what the voters say. And whether or not you like the answer, the voters have indeed spoken.

    1. I really think, people feel safe with what is familiar to to them. It does not have anything to do with what is right or wrong. I think it is important for a woman with children to have the chance to make informed decisions for her family. I found something interesting, If you look at Listerine Total Care mouth wash, it has sodium floride in it. The directions tell you to keep out of reach of children. For adults and children 12 and older. It also tells you not to swallow the rinse. It is interesting that they tell you in fine print if you accidentaly swallow it, to get medical help or contact a Poison Center right away. I am pretty sure the majority of the people at the town meeting, did not read enough informarion to make a informed vote. They just listened to the so called "experts". Just because something has been done for a long time, does not mean it is right. Do you know people used to use arsnic of lead, as a spray on apple trees. This was a approved thing to do. The problem comes in when the lead never leaves the grownd, so it is not wise to use the land as a pasture. Some animals like sheep eat very close to the ground, if they ingest soil, it could cause lead poisioning. My husband just told me, they used to use arsnic of lead in gardens, in the 50'. It was a product called Paris Green. It could be bought in a hardware store. Arsnic of lead was also approved for "Organic gardens", is still used in foreign countries, along with DDT and Chloridane, which has been banned by our country. I remember Dwane Leonard riding by our house spraying the trees for catipillers, or something. At least my mother had enough brains to make us go in the house. So the point of this winding narative is, just because we did something for a longtime, it does not mean it is right. Bev. (OH, can you imagine the liability, if it was proven that floride does cause major ilnesses!}

  5. Indeed the voters have spoken because of the citizens petition. That same citizens petition that the BOH and the John Driscoll, manager of TMLWP tried to stop from being discussed at town meeting. Neither Mr. Leger nor Mr. Driscoll live in Templeton.

    They don't have to drink, bathe in or cook with fluoridated water. I do! and I don't want fluoride in my high priced water. This issue will be before the voters once again. Maybe by then you will have time to research the issue and form an opinion.

    Fluoride has been in Templeton's water supply for over 60 years. It is a neurotoxin like lead and mercury. The fluoride that is added to Templeton's water supply contains heavy metals. This fluoride is not regulated by any government department and is NOT the same as the fluoride in your toothpaste. There is a warning on your toothpaste that if you swallow the toothpaste you need to call Poison Control....because fluoride is a POISON. Fluoride lowers IQ's.

    The people will need to continue to speak and vote on this issue, if they wish to continue to be POISONED.

    1. I respect the right of anyone to bring a subject to the town meeting floor. That is a basic right with the town meeting form of government. I also respect your opinion and your right to fight for what you believe in, however, I still firmly believe that it is the right of the citizens to determine their own path whether we agree with it or not.

      From my experiences people are not nearly as uninformed as we sometimes think.

  6. I agree that it is the right of the citizens to determine their own path. That is why the citizen petition to end water fluoridation in Templeton has been brought before town meeting.

    In 1951, on March 8 there was a very simple warrant article to begin water fluoridation in Templeton. It was voted on and approved by those voters at that town meeting. We are trying to use the same method to end the practice of water fluoridation in Templeton, by bringing it to the voters at town meeting. We are not trying to circumvent the process, but follow the process.

    The fact that the BOH director and the TMLWP manager feel they can thwart the process for a citizen petition at town meeting is more than disturbing. I feel they should both be reprimanded for their activities in trying to stop a citizens petition.

  7. My opinion for what it is worth, and I drink well water, is that the concern of the water department and the Board of Health and its agent should ensure the water is safe to drink and that is it. I don't believe the board of health or its agent is responsible for what can or cannot appear on town warrant. The health agent who I believe is a resident of Royalston should let town counsel, whose job it is to look at the warrants and check for legality, as to whether a petion that is defeated one year cannot appear on the warrant for 2 years. yes this is what the health agent was doing when this subject of flouridation was brought forward 2 years in a row via citizen petition and the health agent was going into the selectmens office trying to say it was not legal when in fact after a check with town legal, it is legal for that article to appear 2 years in a row after defeat. Then again, I recall how the board of health tried to illegaly bring a landfill to Templeton. Go figure.

  8. Although Fluoride was voted in at town meeting in 1951 it took another thirty six years for Gardner to adopt fluoride in their water. Someone in Gardner knew enough about fluoride to keep it out. Here is the Open Letter to the BOH in regards to fluoride. Open Letter to Templeton Board of Health

    Templeton members of the Board of Health may be surprised to learn that fluoridation of the public water system remains an experimental procedure, even though the practice has been in effect for over sixty years. However, the facts speak for themselves.
    1. When the fluoridation trials began in 1945, practically no health studies had been undertaken or published.
    2. When the U.S. Public Health Service (PHS) endorsed fluoridation in 1950, none of the trials had been completed and still no comprehensive health studies had been published.
    3. When a whole series of professional organizations followed the PHS and endorsed fluoridation in 1950, and in subsequent years, those organizations still had no comprehensive health studies to refer to and no trials had been completed.
    4. Since 1950 no rigorous scientific studies have established safety or effectiveness. Many health questions remain unasked and unanswered.
    5. Since 1950 the fluoridation program has not been monitored in a scientific or comprehensive fashion. Many basic health studies have still not been performed, and no effort has been made to monitor exposure in a scientific fashion—that is, there has been no systematic collection of measurements of fluoride levels in the urine, blood, or bones of people living in communities with fluoridated water.
    6. Fluoridated countries have made little or no effort to replicate studies performed elsewhere that have shown associations between fluoride exposure and increased bone fractures in children; arthritic-like symptoms in adults; lowered IQ in children; lowered thyroid function; and the accumulation of fluoride in the human pineal gland, as well as lowered melatonin production and earlier onset of puberty in animals.
    7. Fluoridated countries have made little or no attempt to use dental fluorosis, clearly visible manifestation of early childhood overexposure to fluoride as a biomarker to investigate health concerns in children that may be related to fluoride exposure.
    8. No government that has promoted fluoridation has made any effort to investigate the many anecdotal reports that a subsection of the population is highly sensitive to fluoride’s toxicity and is experiencing a range of common symptoms that, they claim, clear up when the source of fluoride is removed.
    9. Even when independent bodies have recommended key basic research, governments practicing fluoridation have ignored the recommendations. For example, in 1991 the National Health and Medical Research Council of Australia recommended that the government investigate the claims by a number of people that they were particularly sensitive to fluoride. The NHMRC also recommended the collection of data on fluoride levels in bone, so that health agencies would be in a better position to judge whether long-term exposure to fluoride might cause bone damage. Neither federal nor state health authorities in Australia have responded to either recommendation in the nineteen years since the recommendations were made.
    It is hoped that Templeton residents and Board of Health members find this information helpful. As more and more of us seem to be getting all types of illnesses perhaps ending fluoridation will help all of us on our road to better health.
    Special thanks goes out to the book The Case Against Fluoride by Connett, Micklem and Beck for information regarding fluoride.

  9. I don't drink the water in town but my granddaughter does. She is going to need all the smarts she can muster. If this stuff is poison I don't think it is a good idea.
