Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Water Main Break Update

Water Main Break Update

Do you recall the numerous water breaks on July 14th? I was concerned about the lack of an update on that situation, so I asked for an agenda item at the August 27th BOS meeting to discuss requesting a written report from the Water Dept. on the water main breaks.

Lo and behold, the BOS chairman and newly elected Light and Water commissioner, Chris Stewart produced this document at the BOS meeting. It is an interesting document. It provides a timeline and an analysis of the water main breaks. It does not provide the expense involved in making the repairs to the water mains. There is no mention made of how to prevent this type of incident from occurring again.

Questions I would like answered:

Is there a plan in place for improving our water system’s infrastructure?

I would like to see a 4 year analysis of the locations and dates of the water main breaks in Town. I believe there was another water main break on Maple St on July 21st. There was another water main break on Patriots Rd last week.

How much water was lost because of the water main breaks on July 14th? Why wasn’t a water ban put into effect after this event or during this very hot, dry summer?

How long did it take to refill the tank on Hospital Rd?

Is there a problem with the SCADA system?

What is the budget for water main replacement and repair?

Does the Baldwinville Rd reconstruction project include water main replacement?

Will this type of incident with multiple water main breaks reoccur?

I think it’s time to ask these questions. Add your own questions to the list and attend the next Light and Water meeting.

My opinions…supported by FACTS !

Julie Farrell


  1. This is a very reasonable list of questions. Not much to add that I can think of. The only real question I have is why was a report from the water dept not automatically submitted on Monday morning after the breaks over the weekend? How is the world is it possible for something like that where the CERT team is called in as well as other emergency workers and there is no report EXPECTED??? I just can't get over that anyone had to ask for it? I am encouraged that Mr Stewart came to the BOS meeting with report in hand. Its something. I would love to see as standard practice at least one dept on the agenda for every regular BOS meeting to give a 5-10 min report of their operations. Not only will it promote transparency in local government, it will educate the citizens as to what each dept is responsible for and the challenges they face. This idea may not be needed forever, but while rebuilding the processes and operations of the town, it is a vital form of communication that is easy to carry out. Until more town business is available on our website, finding ways to communicate and distribute info is essential. Check out other town websites and see what is possible. WIth more town information available, the less infighting will occur because it will be harder to hide facts...on paper and manipulate those facts to one's benefit. Remember, we need to overcome the "stupid taxpayer" label. Because of the events of the last year in Templeton politics, I am motivated to learn everything I can about how the town runs. After all, I am a shareholder in this "business" by being a homeowner. If I want to protect my investment, its up to me to understand how my taxes are being used and how my elected officials are conducting town business.

    1. I would be happy if everyone felt like you do. If we had a fire while all these water breaks were taking place, where would we be? Up the creek, with out the boat or the paddles, I,m afraid. We need another strong person to be on the light and water committe. I am afraid they will only do what has to be done, until some one can put the pressure on. Bev

  2. well said anon,I'am also a shareholder x2 and employee of templeton. Things that have gone on here have'nt been seen as far as i "recall" no pun intended!Just look at the faces and you can tell after you question them at light and water meetings that things are not normal there!
    any reason for that are the same as what the town bos is trying to get fixed, just one more mess or 2 to clean up!
    Templeton has cancer and is almost in remission. Were the doctors and we won't give up till it's free from it/them!
    As with any cancer it is going to get worse to get better.
    We can't give up on Templeton! I won't, I'm a shareholder too. come to the meetings and be inspired to participate
    with us,we can change Templeton for good!
    Join Citizens 4 Templeton

    1. You are the people this town needs, Anonymous 7:57. At one time I was foolish enough to think that I could leave running the business that is the Town Of Templeton, to other people. How wrong I was, not that I alone could have made a difference. It is too bad, that things had to get to the point they have, before a group of people finally stood up. We are here, and it will be a cold day in hell, when I give up. So now you have a partner, and are not alone. C4T is a group of mostly older people. Do we need some younger people to join? You bet! It is a wonderfull feeling, dealing with people who have different life experiences. It is never to late to learn. We can never go back to the way the town was run by G.S's crew. No regard for how our money was spent. Rules not followed, I guess they thought the ends justify the means! I don't think so! It will be interesting to see how much money Mt Spring's Advisory Board can save the town with the insurance commitee, or how our legal bill will look, compared to last year. Every dime they save, will be a dime you will not have to pay in taxes. Think about that for a few minutes. The going is going to be rough because of the economy. Our C4T will try to help make this next year a little less painfull. My opinion, Bev.

    2. There is a saying that goes like this . THOSE WHO FAIL TO PLAN ,PLAN TO FAIL ! its time everybody starts paying attention to our failing infrastructure or were ALL in trouble .

    3. No truer words have ever been spoken. I need to make a point! Mr. Ritter has been working long, long, hours, even since he took this job to be the town cooridinator. He is working hard to get the selectmens office in some kind of resionable shape. There were so many things not done, or done wrong, I think it will take until the cows come home, before he is finished. The cows may not want to come home, if they see what kind of mess the town is still in. Like I say, some things take more time than others.

    4. there are many problems in town and they need to be addressed 1 at a time.someday it will all be good. the highway dept will get equip same with fire and police. love light and water all new equip and trucks.alkso like kirk said infrastructure failing bad. will not help bring buisness to town to the people working hard on all the crap that happend with other folks keep up the good work.and bev how con i get involed with c4t

    5. Just give me a call. Home is 978-939-5556. We have a super group of people. Bev.


  4. I'm working on the important documents page! Hopefully, sooner rather than later. I'm also rendering the video for the 8/27/12 BOS meeting
