Thursday, August 30, 2012

We Are Not Alone…

Regarding issues with aging infrastructure

The multiple water main breaks in Templeton are a symptom of a larger problem. That problem is our infrastructure is aging and very costly to repair. In order to protect our residents and ensure their quality of life, we will need to have discussions about how to address the aging infrastructure in our community and formulate a plan.

If Templeton is to become a thriving community, it will need to provide businesses and residents with reliable electricity, water/sewer, roads and bridges. Our schools need to be maintained. We also need a new elementary school.

This video was produced by the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). I know more than one mechanical engineer who takes exception to ASCE perspective. You should be aware that the following material/information is biased toward a CE perspective. I think it’s more important that people begin to realize the extent of the problems regarding our infrastructure.

ASCE has produced a series of documents entitled “Failure to Act”. The ASCE website on water/wastewater has links to the entire report and en executive summary. There are additional websites/reports on surface(roads + bridges) transportation and electricity.

Now that you are thoroughly depressed, what should we do? There is a cost associated with doing nothing. To not take action, to not develop a plan, is costly. I know there has been debate on the blog about whether the town should apply for state and federal grants. I think that if the town does choose to apply for grants, that grant money (and town money) should be used for the greatest good for the greatest number of people.

What do YOU think?

My opinions…supported by FACTS !

Julie Farrell


  1. Nothing to do with infrastructure...but was wondering...does the COA director have a bad attitude? From watching the selectman's meeting it seems to me like she may. I know she's probably not happy about not getting a raise and I think she may feel underpaid for her education but it is what it is and there is always the other side of the fence to check out if she doesn't like Templeton. Maybe, hopefully I am wrong with my observation interpretation.

    1. Nolthing todowith infrastructure but the word on the street is that the teachers that were let go at the Narragansett have been rehired. Has anyone else heard this? What a sham!

    2. Also heard Tom Miller got a big raise

    3. Heard the coa director was making a lot of nasty comments during the meeting

    4. This is not a very mature way for a person in her position to act. It does no one any good to behave that way. Bev.

  2. I'm thinking twistedsisster68 has learned how to text .

    1. I do not know about the teachers, but I know this is a reason, {if it is true} that the taxpayers in this town do not trust what they are told by the school dept. Do not call wolf, if the wolf is not at the door. The day will come when the wolf is real and the citizens of this town will not believe you. This kind of behavior will get you bit where it hurts the most. {Yup, right in the wallet!} So much for them, Last night Mark said something about a pumping station that needs to be replaced. I'm pertty sure thats what he said. At any rate, this thing is thirty years old. Old for something that works every day and night! {No vacation time or time off!} Hey anonymous, this is a joke, only it is not funny. We have more places for our money to go, too bad we do not have any money! Maybe if our free cash was not squandered, or stabelization accounts had been left alone, we might have had money on hand. Another good job from GS's bunch! Well you guys know the drill, this really is my opinion, Bev.

  3. Well here my observation You cant cut peoples hours and have them not be pissed. To much cutting has a negitve affect to the town you guys think you are doing good. But you are driving away giod help and who in there right mind wants to work for the town of templeton. Mike c

    1. Ok, Mike C., I do not know if you were at the Friday night meeting where we all, Selectmen and residents sat and worked on the budget. If we did not cut hours and pays, we would have to eliminate a number of positions. Do you think that would have been better? We have not driven anyone away. We have done the best we could, under the situation. If people have left, that is their choice. The cuts will only last until we can get the Town on its financial feet. If you have not read between the lines, G.S. and company, has run the town into the RED, by spending money on usless projects, spending way to much money supporting K&P, padding their own pensions, and the list goes on and on. I agree that our town help is upset. I am upset also, but I know we are on the right track, and we are doing good. If you don't believe me, why don't you go to a Advisory Board meeting and see for your self. Bev.

  4. Unfortunatly Mike C the way I see it is the past leaders of Templeton mismanaged funds while trying to be heros to their friedns and relatives. If the town had have listened to Mr. Cosentino years ago instead of following the lead of GS and fan club we would not be where we are today. It is going to take a lot of work and sacrifice from the employees and taxpayers(stupid as they may be) to get back on track. With the people on board now working so hard to accomplish that it will be sooner than later. In the mean time all employees with bad attitudes and taxpayers that are unhappy will have to accept the expense or move on. There are jobs and houses in other towns. Just remember that the grass is not always greener on the other side of the fence!

    1. Absolutely right on & GS & Co. should all be in jail for "stealing" from us! That is my opinion!! And I don't like what has happened to my household income with the economy the way it is either but hey we are all having to make sacrifices. And I can tell you a lot of the people in town who had to take cuts in hours & pay are still probably making more than I am right now so that is the way it is & none of us likes it but have to deal with it. Bev, is also right on & makes great points plus, I see her working to help get the town in a better position to be more solvent again. I can't say that about myself or a good many others who blog here. So, I thank her, Julie, Pauly, Sue, Jeff B & R, Will S. & a few others that have given their time & effort to get us back on the right track. I think they are doing a fabulous job under extremely tough conditions. The blame needs to go to those who have caused this & that is GS & co. My opinion, as always.

  5. I just finished uploading the video of the 8/27/12 BOS meeting to Youtube. I'll post another blog with the links

    1. Thank you, Julie. Its very helpful to see these tapes when you can't get to the meetings. Seeing that there is poor coverage of the meetings from the local newspaper, I find I rely on the blogs and websites for my news and info. Just because there isn't a heated election doesn't mean that we can stop paying attention to what's going on in town. There are still some serious issues that need to be addressed. I want to keep track of what is discussed at the BOS meetings so I know the status of these issues. Thank you to Julie, Pauly and everyone that makes an effort to get the news out there to us!
