Friday, August 31, 2012

Civic Engagement Opportunities

Good thing I checked my junkmail. I found this notice to attend the 69th Citizens Legislative Seminar. I thought I would pass this information along.

In the same e-mail there is a notice for a meeting on the Open Meeting Law in Barre:

Additionally, I would like to remind you that Attorney General Martha Coakley's Office will host one of four educational forums on the Open Meeting Law in Barre on Thursday, September 20, 2012 from 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM at Quabbin Regional High School.  Additional information on this forum and other forums across the state is provided below.

I hope you will consider participating in these informative opportunities providing your schedule allows.


Steve Brewer

Blog On!

Julie Farrell


  1. I think we should all go and ask the person from Martha Coakley's office why all of our complaints from Templeton have been ignored!! Hey Bev how about organizing a protest!

    1. We will be front and center! I hope no one thinks we have forgotten our real goal, to get Paulys investigation done. We need to have a chance to speak with this lady. I will see if Mr.Brewer can set something up for us. It is good that we are doing what we can to get the town on track, but we still need to get some questions answered. Do you know that the short term loan we borrowed, with the help of G.S. is due to be paid back on Nov.1st!! No one wants their taxes to go up, but there is no other way to pay it! What are they going to do to us if we can't pay up? Come and arrest us all? G.S. borrowed 1.9 million dollars. We can return what we did not use, but we still owe something like 60 thousand dollars What a nice mess to be in. It bewilders me when the Lions Club members can still support someone like Gerry and Bubba. The way they ran this town, to benefit them selves and chosen friends is the worst thing that anyone has done in the last 250 years. In the old days of colonial New England, they would have been stoned or hung, for every one to see. This is my opinion, Bev.

    2. Yes, they should be displayed on the town common in chains if not one of the things you mentioned, Bev. Also, I think GS should have to lose his pension for putting us in this hole. That money can go toward paying the loan HE borrowed. Sending him to jail would be even better for fraud, breach of the public trust, Obstruction of justice, unfair business practices to name a few possibilities. If they would do that investigation Pauly has been requesting for several years I bet enough would be turned up to send him & wifey, along with their "henchmen" to prison for life!! That is my opinion & wish for justice!! We have all suffered enough because of them & now the real pain is going to begin with having to come up with the money for NOTHING & they are laughing all the way to the bank, as they blind-sided us!! Again, my opinion based on what I have seen & heard.

  2. I hope everyone also signs on to the Citizen's Petition asking for Special Legislation for a State Attorney General investigation of some of the wrong doings here in town. How is it that Mr Skelton is allegedly involved with each and everyone of these topics to be investigated? Millions of dollars are involved in this investigation. Perhaps our faith in government will be restored as a result of this investigation but I would bet the opposite.

    1. It will be a sad day, if they think they can run the town into the ground and get away with it. I want to see bank books, just where did some of that 400,000. go? They will have to ask "stupid", Mr. O'Brien what he got out of this? It will all come out in the wash! Just wait. My opinion, Bev.
