Saturday, September 1, 2012


Wanted to let you all know that I dropped off an additional  $300.00 donation  to Ruth Miller for the homeless kids of NRSD from C4T.
This is way off the usual subjects but I just wanted to get it out there. I wanted to thank Bev and Bart for loaning my mother the "prayer shawl" that Theresa Kasper made and graciously donated -thank you Theresa and  Bart won at the Fontaine's fundraiser. Bev has decided it will be loaned to anyone who is needs it. So let Bev know.

I also want to nominate a "Templeton's outstanding Employee of the month"  she's going to be really pi---- about this. As you all know August has been real crazy for me with both Pauly and my Mom being hospitalized. My assistant Luanne Royer is one of those employees that always gives well over 100% and my office is soooo lucky to have her. I hope Templeton realizes what a gem they have in this employee. I sure do!



  1. I'm glad the kids will have another $300 added to the cause. We need to remember the families in transition. Nice phrase - "in transition". I'm seeing an increase in kids who need to rely on school technology (computers, printers, internet)in order to get their homework. It's hard to do homework if you don't have a home.

    I really like the idea of the prayer shawl for those who need it. My mother is part of a prayer circle for those who want prayers said on their behalf....which may be why I'm still alive!

    I agree with the nomination of Luanne Royer for "Outstanding Employee of the Month" for many reasons. The Royers are upstanding members of our community. I know about a lot of the crap that Luanne went through down at the Sewer department, just for doing her job.

    Have a safe Labor Day weekend!

  2. Its very good to praise the people who work hard. That didn't happen for years in Templeton town offices. Kudos to Luanne! Bev mentioned in a previous post that Mr. Ritter has been working long hours trying to bring order to the BOS office. So, here's a shout out to him as well. Its not a glamorous job. And I am so thankful he came back to help this dysfunctional town gain some function again. Sue, I hope your mom is ok.

  3. I thought it was a nice idea to pass the shawl to people that wiil feel better, and get comfort from its warmth. Sue has her hands full with all that is going on. So nice to hear od the good that goes on in our town. To many times the bad gets all the ink, and the good gets none. I"ll bet more people read the blog in a week than the G-snoos. Go ahead boys, increase the price of that worthless piece of paper,soon no one will be buying it. Bev.

  4. Yes, prayers are good!! Julie, you can bet your mother is not the only one who has been saying huge prayers for you :) ...Bev, the offer of the prayer shawl is a wonderful thing.... Sue, I hope you are doing okay with all you have on your plate right now.... And thanks Luanne for hanging in there for us through all the troubles you have had to endure with the "dirty" town politics. Have a good weekend everyone.

  5. Sue since Luanne Royer is doing such a great job and picking up the slack then why do we need two of you in that office. Maybe the town should eliminate your job just think of the money we can save. I agree if she is doing the job of two then she should be nominated employee of the month. Just think of how smoothly the office would run with only one person, she seems to mind her own business and stay out of everyone else's maybe something you should try to do also.

    1. Why don't you go look in the mirror and see if you're proud of who you're looking at. DId you just make a helpful comment or did you comment to cause trouble? Sue is one of the hardest working people in town and she knows her business and does it well. Take you ball and go home and come back when you're over yourself and a little more grown up.

    2. So, which one of the despicable GS gang wrote that horrible & insulting comment about Sue? And of course they had to do it anonymously! Was it someone who is afraid of what she & Pauly have uncovered & are still uncovering regarding all the dirty dealing that is & has been going on in this town for far too long now? We are in this mess because too many of us minded our own business & didn't pay enough attention to what was going on with the town finances in all depts. It was too easy to have the hands in the til so now we are almost broke & Sue has been working hard to help fix this MESS!! I would suppose anyone connected with emptying "our" taxpaying pockets would want everyone to mind their own business so the "old crew" can come back in & take the last few "morsels" of anything that might be left in the "cookie jar" So, I wonder which one of the gang it is, hmmm??? I say thank you to Sue & Pauly for minding the "company store". Those on the take think they are home free but, they will have someone knocking on their door when they least expect it. I thank God for that, too!! These are just my opinions. The heat is on!!

    3. I don't think this is a GS follower. I think its a disgruntled town employee who is upset that there are so many eyes on town operations. Feathers will be ruffled when streamlining town operations and finances. I hope this person realizes that discussions about town business is not personal. There's a bigger picture here. There are 8,000+ people in Templeton who lives are affected by town operation and discussions and decisions have to be made based on what's best for all. We all need to move past individual personalities and focus on making the town function as one entity. When you work in the public sector, you have to undergo additional critisism than you would in the private sector. If this person can't take the scrutiny, then maybe they should look for a job in a private company where the checks and balances are less.

  6. Usually people who work at a job do not use it for there personnel gains, unlike Sue and Pauly, were as Sue has inside information on people who will be losing their properties for back owed taxes, Sue looks in the computer to see who is up next for tax taking then her and Paulys make deals with people before they lose their Homes. If you want to look at someone screwing over tax payers in this town I suggest someone looks into this situation, these seems to be very unethical to me. DOES ANYONE ELSE FEEL THIS WAY??

    1. What a Fr---in moron, I and anybody else can have easy access to all that information too, It is all out there for people to see.
      It is very nice to see the "opposing" side is reading this blog religiously, seems they are on constantly and right on top of things, Welcome to the site and blog on! 0069
