Tuesday, September 18, 2012

a blog from Bev B

Well, I have not had a chance to put this on the blog, so this is as good a time as any. I saw the Gsnooz article about our meeting with our new lawyers, Deusch, Williams, Brooks,Derensis, & Holland.. We voted to hire them in April, or May.This was the first time we had a chance to meet them, as a group, at the last selectmans meeting.. Mr. Ritter had not stopped smileing since they were hired. He told me we hit gold when we picked them. Mr. Paul Derensis spoke the longest. He has read everything he could get his hands on, even the blog. I have to hand it too him, he did not go running down the street! He said he has heard it all, nothing can surprise him. I stood to welcome him. I really thought I was going to cry. I think it was the enormous relief, that we have a town lawyer who is not out to hurt us. I tried to let them know we have Mr. Ritters back, and have faith, that with them, we can go forward. I think K&P thought we would have to pick them, because their rate was the lowest. HA, HA, not on your life!. Now we do not have to worry about having a room full of Harvard Lawyers, out to screw us any way they could. As far as I am conserned, I think Mr. Ritter should have a job with us, as long as he wants to stay here. I told him that, and I also told him there is no way on this earth, that anyone is going to be allowed to bully him again., or anyone else for that matter. You all know I drew a line in the sand a week or two ago. I felt the need to let Virginia know, where I stand. I know I am not alone. I did it because I got bad vibrations, sometimes people need a reminder. That was the reminder! Just because Jeff is not sitting in that seat, does not give the stooges the right to pull any crap. If Virginia and Scrappy don't get the message, that we are not going where, they can put all their energy into screwing up the town, and working full time to prop up a loosing group of people who have done enough damage already, then they will be gone as fast as you can shake a stick. It is interesting that Virginia denies any wrong doings, she never called me to ask why I wrote what I did! Believe what you will. I will work with her, I will be nice to her, {I 'm not a mean person}, but I will also watch!!!! My opinion, Bev  


  1. I think the new lawyers were a bit surprised when everyone applauded at the end. I like the fact that they have no hidden agenda. We can get good legal advice, when we need it. Advice that will prevent the town from making bad decisions.

    The lead attorney, Paul DeRensis is also a selectman and is on the executive board of the MMA. I think he really has seen it all!

    It is going to take a lot of effort by a lot of people to pull this town out of the nosedive it's in. We are making progress. Slow progress, but progress.

  2. Keep up the good fight,Templeton needs it more than ever.
    Thank you both.
    Shareholders rule

  3. I noticed VW putting her head down a lot pretending to read when the attorneys were speaking. Clearly body language speaks volumes!!

    I'm so happy there are normal, real life attorneys working for Templeton now. I feel as if the Pied Piper has led the snakes out of town. Yes, the town needs to be repaired from all the holes the snakes left behind. But there are good people willing to do it. And all we need to do is support them and keep our eyes wide open for any other shenanigans popping up again. Educate others about the town's finances. Think creatively about how to solve problems. Be kind to one another. We cannot solve the world's problems, but we can certainly improve life in our little community.
