Wednesday, September 19, 2012

email thread for public scrutiny

This an interesting e-mail thread that i think deserves public scrutiny. I may not physically be there in Templeton, but i do have limited access to phone and internet at odd hours. I have access to newspaper online as well so I may know more than one thinks. Perhaps someone can ask the question at a selectmen meeting if Police Sgt Bennett did a check on Mr. LaPorte. Then ask Mr. Stewart if he posted the meeting of three selectmen, Wilder, Mullins and Stewart in the office of the town coordinator.


Cc: "Nancy Paradis" , "Jeff Ritter" , "Julie Farrell" , "Virginia Wilder" , "patrick mullins 2012" , "Town Coordinator"
Sent: Tuesday, September 18, 2012 8:09:12 PM
Subject: Re: Thursday Executive Session on Fire Chief

Jeff you aren't here and have no idea what you are talking about. We have not given up on Ray yet. There was some info in his background check we want explained. We also have some language in contract we need to discuss with him and make sure he is ok with it. Noone on the board has said anything about dismissing his nomination.


To: "Town Coordinator"
Cc: "Nancy Paradis" , "Jeff Ritter" ,, "Julie Farrell" , "Virginia Wilder" , "patrick mullins 2012"
Sent: Tuesday, September 18, 2012 6:27:30 PM
Subject: Re: Thursday Executive Session on Fire Chief

I hope this will be the end of the fire chief non-sense. After the interviews, a decision had been made to offer it to Mr. LaPorte so I would hope the board would honor its stated intention. I hear some people say forget the past and move on with town business so perhaps it is time for those people to stand by those words rather than change their tune after someone has to go away for a while.


From: "Town Coordinator"
To:, "Julie Farrell" , "Virginia Wilder" , "patrick mullins 2012" ,
Cc: "Nancy Paradis" , "Jeff Ritter"
Sent: Tuesday, September 18, 2012 6:10:47 PM
Subject: Thursday Executive Session on Fire Chief

We have scheduled a 6 pm THURSDAY meeting at 690 Patriots Road to conduct
negotiations with Ray LaPorte for the position of fire chief. I will send a
draft contract to you later tonight or tomorrow morning, as soon as I have
it from our Town Counsel.

Jeffrey W. Ritter
Town Coordinator
Town of Templeton
690 Patriorts Road
PO Box 250
Templeton MA 01468
Phone 978.939.8801
Facsimile 978.939.4065


  1. Too bad they don't do background checks on selectmen. There's some questions citizens would have liked answered back then, too.

  2. Chris Stewart shame on you for being so snotty to a fellow selectmen that is SERVING OUR COUNTRY!!!!! and yes Mr Mullins has been trying to convince people that we do not need ems in Templeton and that we don't need Mr Laporte

  3. I said it before I'll say it again, Bankowski does not give a care about the rescue squad and it would be abolished with him at the helm

  4. Stewart is an a*****e. Look at how rude he is to Pete at the meetings. We're not all your kids. Learn how to communicate better.

    1. Pete needs to raise his hand and be adknowledged just like everyone else. He has much to offer but needs to follow the rules

  5. Well, Maybe the question should be do we want this department to move forward. Lets get someone in there. and lets straighten out the department, and get some of these people down to their level. There needs to be order in the dept. and it needs to happen soon. The ambulance should no longer be in question on whether or not we need it. If it was such a good thing for an outside agency to have ambulance transports wouldn't phillipston still have woods. I mean come on. The town needs to get the chief's position filled with someone full time. Whether it be Mr. Laporte, or Mr. Bankowski. Lets move forward, Let's get over it, and then it will be seen on whether or not this town made the right decision on making the person chosen the full time chief. Public safety is very important, and the right decision should be made.

    1. It should be done soon. If Mr.Banknowski care much abought Templeton why did he go and join phillastion fire and become a
      Capitan and why now is he becoming a EMT. He realy shows good leadership.

  6. If the ambulance service goes away, I would think that the full-time chief position would also be in jeopardy. Why would we need a full-time fire chief when the majority of the calls are not fires? I wonder how Mullins' in-laws feel about his attitude toward the rescue service after their own years of building the program.

  7. Who are Millins' inlaws

  8. Mullin's inlaws are Bob and Donna Sans
