Wednesday, September 19, 2012

from the selectman's corner....somewhere in the dessert

Although I am not physically there in Templeton, I try to keep up with things as best as I can through Internet, phone, newspaper and such. With all that is going on here, I still care about Templeton. One thing I find interesting is that someone who voted against the continuation of the Government study committee would submit a letter of interest for that same committee. Another thing I see issues with is the exact status of the windmill, I hear it runs sometime and sometime it does not. I think it is about time Mr. Driscoll
explains a few things and if the light commissioners do not wish to explain it to the rate payers / taxpayers then a recall is in order, regardless of cost. Templeton can not afford to have that used as an idea to hold the town hostage to the individuals who refuse to do their jobs such as informing rate payers / taxpayers of what exactly is going on with the windmill. I do have e-mail capability so perhaps I need to inform Mr. Olver and his replacement about the foolish (my opinion) spending of taxpayer money on something that does not really benefit them nor makes sense, at least in this case, such as buying an outdated piece of hardware. Another question for Mr. Driscoll is why Sean Hamilton had to be there to show a politician the windmill, is Mr. Driscoll capable of dealing with the windmill? Again, it may be time to turn up the heat and put this information out there in more places than just the blog. Now I know many people read the blog but the more places, the better. I find it interesting that Mr. Phil Leger wants to suggest regionalization of health agent with barre, MA, a town I believe he already works for, he just wants to keep double dipping. Time for these double dippers to go, they are not in Templeton's best interest, they are only out to line their pockets at your expense. Thank you Bev and others for your support, I am a big boy and have a tough skin, so I can take it and I certainly can give as good as I get, but I do appreciate it. Bev, keep the washer plugged in, I will be back before you know it. I am trying to work it out so I can do a few meetings by remote, just have not gotten there yet. As for the election issue, a letter was suppose to go to the state election commission to change the location of the voting place from the middle school gym to the Narragansett regional school building, which would then leave the entire building for use with regards to elections. The issue being that a specific location was used and that has to be changed before it can be moved and that is the selectmen take the lead issue, so I hope the chairman has taken the lead on that. I know he only gets paid as a light commissioner now but when you take the oath, and you ask to be chair, you have to step up. I recall a certain past chairman of selectmen not only did her full-time job but oversaw the running of the select office even after we put a temp in the coordinators seat so I know it can be done. It comes down to are you there for the money or is it because you care? Well I hope everyone is well and people are still attending selectmen meetings in force and I hope you pack the light & water meetings as well. Someone say hello to Mr. Driscoll for me. Oh, they have rattlesnakes out here just like the ones in Templeton, except these ones let you know who they are up front and they don't screw with you unless you mess with them, they are the kind of snake that you can respect unlike them other rascals.

Jeff Bennett


  1. It is so good to hear from you. Ok, we know you are a tough guy, but I am sure we can get a "care package" out to you. There is no doubt that being the chairman is a tough job for anyone, but it still is the most important job in town, as far as being a selectman goes. I have heard nothing about this letter, you spoke of. I will check with Mr. Ritter, to see what he says. Tonight we are going to present the school committee with the check for the displaced kids in our school system. It is going to be at 6:30, at the supt's office. Anyone who would like to come is welcome. Bev.

  2. Great to hear from you Jeff! What a sense of relief to hear your words and know you're still here in spirit. We will be sure to inform the public as much as possible on these issues.

  3. Chris Stewart is lazy and isn't doing much of anything andyou're right. If he's not getting paid, he's not going to do the work. I'm surprised he walked in the parade. And yes let's get rid of Dana Blais. The guy has no idea what he's doing.

    1. Give Dana a ruler and a hammer, and nobody can beat the job he does, to create some of the most beautiful buildings around. Believe me there is no one better. Has Dana been busy, yes he has been. I think he expects, what the light people do to be right. Wouldn't you? Some times it takes fresh eyes to see something in a different light. I do think this is the time. The royalty does not want to give up their kingdom! Oh yes, there is a problem! It is not there kingdom. They have been doing their own thing, for so long, they forgot that. Bev.

  4. Jeff being a snake yourself you must get along with all of them rattlesnakes you speak of, after all you think you are the king cobra snake? Jeff you need to resign your post and let the town pick a new selectman for your position so maybe town business could be truly conducted, not via the net. Bev maybe you should get yourself a new pair of specs to tune up your eyes, your fearless leader has definatly been brain washing to much, if all you guys put your negative energy into positive energy maybe this town would be a better place to live. Everyone needs to all get along but as long as your king is sitting on Patriots road no one ever will.

    1. Gee, another person brave enough to say, not so nice things, as long as they do not print their name! Our town is in better shape tonight than it has been in the last ten years. Last time I checked, we do not have a king, we live under a democracy. We had the Revolutionary War, to rid ourself of the king. Our energy is anything but negative. We have alot of things in the works, to make the town more efficient. If you have something to contribute, we welcome your input. Jeff is not going to resign, now or ever. As of this moment I have wasted too much of my time on your rediculous blog. Bev.
