Friday, September 7, 2012

another anonymous blog sent to me

Some more questions. Is there ever going to be an answer to the windmill? Is it Fixed? Or does the light dept have a switch they push to make it run when they want people to see it running - such as when Templeton voted at the high school on Thursday? Why are people picking in Sue and Bev? Is it because they stands up for what is right? Some people have awful slanted minds. Sue knows her job frontwards and backwards. Are they jealous? The back light at the high school has been fixed. I wonder where they found the money to fix it. Probably the same place they found money to rehire teachers, fix up the gym floor and the cafeteria. And they wonder why the Town folks don't trust the Superintendent. Seems from the COA newsletter that Dianna will not be doing the newsletter anymore. Who will pick up the slack? Maybe a voluinteer? Did everyone see TB's name mentioned in the reporting of the cemetary damage? Has anyone seen VW bullying Jeff Ritter? If so, you better report it. Sooo... let's have some answers or some comments. Pauly, we are keeping you in our thoughts and prayers.


  1. Who is TB and where is the report of damage?

    1. I spent Thursday in front of the High School campaigning for Denise Andrews. It was a eye opener, more on another blog. I did talk to the superendent, we did talk about the money we are giving the school for the homeless kids. She said she needs to get a more up to date list. She is planning to use the nurses' office as a way to see who needs what. I feel ok with her plans, the money is in its own account, and will not be used for anything else. We talked about seeing if we could get some corporate help. I know Olympia sports was one of the places we had talked about. If anyone has any other ideas of businesses that will help, or projects that we could do give a shout. Thanks, Bev.

    2. Bev-If they could put together a wish list of items they need, it may be easier to target certain businesses for specific items to donate. Or people may be able to step forward with donations. Thank you for talking to her. Its a very good cause.

    3. The kids are ok with school supplies. What she was talking about, were things like sneekers, sox, winter jackets. These parents are proud people. They do not ask for help, so the school has to kind of figure it out. These kids are under alot of stress, so they go to the nurse often. Somehow we will figure things out. Bev
