Friday, September 7, 2012

Water Dept

Did you all read the Gardner News article Thursday September 6 page 1 and 4 about the water main breaks. Hey Will Spring you and the advisory board need to look into the finances of the water dept. In the 2011 annual report book the light and water dept report is from 2009. It is the same report as was put in the 2010 book. What gives.  Sooo Mr. Driscoll after reading the Gardner news and reading it again and again -I have a few questions – if the water main on rt 202 blew a hole to the side how the hell would this sent water to the mains on Summer (back bay) Mill st (way the hell over by Lee’s) Norcross st (now we are over in Otter river) what bu----- .
you say that is probably impossible for a booster station to tell the difference between a break or water usage for a fire. Woo boy! Can your department tell the difference. Don’t you monitor usage? You sent a piece of the broken pipe for a safety analysis to test the strength – who is stupid now – if it broke it’s not strong. You and the former manager and the commissioners know that the pipes are around 60 years old – where is the planning in you departments. Looks like bad management to me going back for the years and years. Does your department inspect the areas of the valves for erosions in ground.  Like sudden hump in the pavement or signs of fracture. Are you monitoring the pressure. Maybe you need to consult Harry Aldrich for some expertise!  Why would you want to put in a mile of pipe when the valve is faulty? You say you think the state would be reluctant to hand out a grant – how do you know -have you applied for any grants?
When People need help they should not be afraid to ask – this is our town and we all need to work together.
Note the town in RI that just got out of  bankruptcy
okay bloggers – I need to rest so get your opinions out here.
Thanks for reading my opinions - Pauly
 PS. Denise Andrew won the primary. Congratulations Denise and team.


  1. Is there no state oversight that would catch wind of a dept submitting an annual report from a previous year and would raise a red flag and investigate this action? I'm sorry, but I'm not understanding how government operates if this is allowed to happen without ANY discussion or action. This is not an opinion which supports one faction in town over another. This is an observation of cold, hard, facts and as a stock holder in the town of Templeton, it greatly concerns me that there is a tremendous failure to manage ethically and responsibly. All citizens of Templeton should be concerned about the lack of planning and the lack of proper fiscal reporting. It is not right in any town anywhere.

    1. Hope everyone is aware that there was another water break on Patriots Road near the others at 1:30 a.m. Friday morning.

    2. Very glad Denise Andrews won. She was on the Templeton Center Common at 7:30 a.m. Friday morning. Good show. Thank Anne Gobi for endorsing her. Now she needs to win the next election. Very satisfied.

    3. `What happens if a person works for a big company, and has to give a report to his boss? What happens if he copies a old report, and his boss figures it out? I am not sure I know the answer, but I would guess, he would get canned. Now what happens in Templeton, when you do the same thing? How did you guess, not a dam thing! The best part of this picture, is the look on Mr. Driscoll's face when Will. Spring caught him red handed. The sad part is when the light comissioners did not say a word. I guess you have to be a member of the "old boys club." I wonder why they do not want company at their meetings? My opinion,HEE, HEE, Hee! Bev.

    4. That's the difference between public and private sector business. The private sector is held accountable for their actions, the public sector is not. There is not a single business that would allow the actions that have happened here to go on and on over and over again without penalty. I guess we add this latest incident (falsifying annual reports) to the long list of wrongdoing and bad business practices that will go unaddressed in our little rural town.

  2. Do you know how many times a year that section of road has water breaks, it seems like every time you turn around we don't have water because of the breaks in that area, why they don't fix it correctly and get it over with is beyond me. You would think in the long run it would be cheaper to fix it than keep patching it up or whatever it is they do.

    1. It seems to me that the only was a big project like this is ever going to get done is with a grant. I am not sure some of you people really understand, reality. We do not have any money! We will not have any money until atleast 2015. Things may get alot worse, before things get better. I am not sure how we are going to make ends meet. I know it is not going to be easy, and the town is going to have some rough days ahead, and rough years to boot. Put on your seat belt, the ride is going to be rough. A nother bad winter,with high oil prices, food prices, houses lost, and the economy is going to get tougher. Bart and I felt the difference this year for the first time ever, with our business. More and more people trying to plant a vegetable garden, just to feed their family I hope and pray I am wrong, but I doubt it. Bev.

    2. Maybe patches are job security. I would like to see how much these breaks have cost us? Hold your breath, It is not going to be pretty! Bev

    3. Bev, you are right. It is going to be a tough several years here in Templeton. There's no way around that. And because of that, it is that much more important that we ALL try to act civil and work together to make it through. The longer all the sides continue to bad mouth one another, the tougher it will be to make it out of this difficult time. PLus, the more time we spend infighting the more opportunity is given to the real enemies to real havoc on our lives. If everyone is too busy hurling insults, the easier it is for wrong-doers to do their harm while no one is paying attention. The name calling and finger pointing has to end. ALL departments must be prepared to undergo tough scrutiny and be held accountable for their past, present and future business practices. It is part of the healing process. I plead for everyone to refrain from personal attacks and insults and stick to commenting only on business practices.

  3. If someone thinks that pointing the fingers at the boss in charge is infighting , than shut up and step aside. Its going to happen and its well needed, things have happened that are not given answers to when asked about. I know I've asked and have been given the shuffle, thats when driscul shuffles the papers in front of him and looks like he's in a trance, when speaking to try to answer, with a runaround pile of bull----! accountability,is needed to understand whats going on, when and where is it? put the info up on the town web site, or are things being hidden from us?
    when is the web site going up for light and water!
    why can't they post meetings on town web site like all others? Why accountability! Thats why,they don't!
    go and ask why! windmill inop,cost,loss,rent to nrsd not paid 5,000. for 2 years unpaid,Why, they need to be held accountable, pay the 10k and the question goes away, or refigure our bills to reflect a ajustment for that cost!
    The more we dig up together the sooner they will be accountable in the future, we can't afford more of the same old sh-- from them. shareholder
