Monday, September 3, 2012

BOH Meeting Sept. 6, 2012

BOH Meeting Sept. 6, 2012

The Board of Health will be meeting this Thursday at 7:00 p.m. 2 School St. The agenda for this meeting has been posted.

There are a few interesting agenda items. Under New Business there is an item -1. Assistant Health Agent – Posting
I know our very capable former Assistant Health Agent has found another position in Athol. I know the Assistant Health agent position was posted internally. I hope the interviews will be scheduled soon.

The other agenda item of interest is under Old Business – Fluoride. At the previous BOH meeting a request was made to discuss the issue of a warning to be included on the BOH website and in the water bills. The Governor of NH signed a bill into law, which states the following warning must be included in all fluoridated, public water supplies:

“Your public water supply is fluoridated. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, if your child under the age of 6 months is exclusively consuming infant formula reconstituted with fluoridated water, there may be an increased chance of dental fluorosis. Consult your child’s health care provider for more information.”

In addition to this groundbreaking piece of legislation in NH, the Harvard School of Public Health recently released a study that indicates fluoride may “adversely effect cognitive development in children.”  The adverse effect is a lower IQ. At the end of the article it states, “Fluoride seems to fit in with lead, mercury, and other poisons that cause chemical brain drain,”...Impact of Fluoride on Neurological Development in

If you force-fed your child lead or mercury, you would go to jail.

When in doubt, Get it out!

My opinions…supported by FACTS !

Julie Farrell


  1. I guess you can not trust your government to always do the right thing. Being brought up to do the right thing and follow the rules, sounds good in a perfect world. Now that we know that is a big lie, it is the best thing you can do for you and your family is to search for the truth on your own. The information is there, all you have to do is look, and read. Bev.

  2. This meeting has been rescheduled to Thursday, September 13th.

  3. I agree when facts are present and failure to be heard Why then should the people vote on there feeling rather then truth or listen to the lies and the history of outdated studies base on rats and propaganda The concentration amounts and this bring in the evidence I mean over the years . then it happens to you voted
    who are you to want this in my water if you do buy some and put it in your water don't force feed it to those who don't want it in public drinking water or is it ? private ? you tell me i need file the law suit ?
