Monday, September 3, 2012

More questions and more hanky panky

Ok last week I had a visitor at my junkyard - this person who shall remain anonymous (on no not another anonymous, hee, hee, hee) This anonymous person stated that the Narragansett Regional school district had hired a new lawyer - a friend of Principal Mr Ricken. Hoo Boy here we go again. More controversy. Is it true that the teachers that were layed off were rehired. was this all a scare tactic for the taxpayers. Funny how every year they yell "wolf" (remember that story?) and every year they "find" the money they need while
the town end suffers. And what is this about - oh we won't fill the asst superintendent position but they supposedly created a new position for a person that they didn't want in the position they were in last year. hoo boy are you all confused yet. In layman's language the person that was principal at TC and BES last year, I guess didn't do a good job sooo rather than fire that person they (NRSD) created a new position at the central office for her and then advertised for a new principal for TC and BES. I think the NRSD need to be investigated too. what say Ruth Miller??? Ok one more time I will say it - THIS IS OUR MONEY! US THE TAXPAYERS!!  

I will say it again I want a full investigation of this town including the school. Didn't I ask for an investigation at one of the selectmen's meetings back a few months when we were still meeting at 690 Patriots Rd. I believe I was told they would take it under advisement.   

Why do people get in these positions and then think that they do not have to answer to anyone? Not the taxpayers - not the bylaws - not the voters - not anyone. That they can do what ever they want in their department and not have to answer to anyone. Well guess what no more - The current board of selectmen has to get with it - Julie and Jeff B seem to be the only ones questioning things. Mullins is useless - Chris you are the chairman - act like one. - not a tyrant like Bob C just have some backbone and do what is best for the town.  and VW ?? is she still running to echo hill after every meeting? And when the advisory board advises - listen to them!!!

Okay folks comment - has anyone else heard about hanky panky going on in the school with our money?
Just my opinions - thanks for reading - Pauly


  1. These are legitimate questions to ask the school department. Don't be too quick to judge Ruth Miller. I don't think it's fair to render a verdict this early in her tenure, but it's definitely appropriate to hold her accountable.

    1. Best to nip it in the bud NOW, rather than wait till the damage is to extreme to turn around. She did sound sincere when she wanted the money, but her antics since then are anything but.

  2. what does the school committee have to say about this ???they are elected officials are they looking out for both towns or just the school??are they part of the problem ???
    i know the teachers union is a huge problem !!!!just remember people if you have kids in the school district be carefull what ya say!!!if ya know what i mean !!!


    1. I think I said last night. don't call wolf, unless the wolf is at the door. If you do and there is no wolf, guess what? The taxpayers in this town will never have any faith in you, and you will not get what you want, when you really need it. Ms. Miller does not want to loose the support she has built with the taxpayers, but it looks like the down hill slide has begun. Try to explain how you got to get that money tree, to grow so fast. I know the fertilizer, from the taxpayers' pockets, did not help, so where did all that magic money come from? If the people that are on the school commitee, and the school superendent, want to get anything from the town, they should play fair and start being honest. Just my opinion, Bev.

  3. When is the next school board meeting? I think it would be appropriate to go to the meeting and ask these questions directly. Its important to keep communication flowing back and forth so everyone knows the facts and questionable actions are understood. There's no harm in asking questions and answering questions if there's nothing to hide. I wish more citizens would take a night off from watching tv to go ask more questions at meetings. It was our fault collectively that we didn't ask enough questions in the past ten years. And look where that got us. It is possible that there is valid reason for the decisions Ms. Miller made. We won't know unless we ask. And, people in power positions should not be offended that people question their actions. It is part of the job.


  4. You know, I'm so frustrated that there is so much controversy over every aspect of running this town. We are all in this together because we are all neighbors. We should all be on the same team and act like we're on the same team. Because when Team Templeton wins, we all win. There is controversy over school buget, school busilding, town hall building, light dept, water, dept, sewer dpet, fire dept, health dept, concomm, waste managment, personnel, highway dept, wind turbine, road repairs, BOS infighting, senior center, taxes, government grants, animal control...did I miss any? I'm trying to figure out what part of Templeton operation can we all agree on? Seriously! Yes, there have been some terrible abuses of power in the past 10yrs and there has been mismanagment and suspect accounting. Are we going to continue to have to pick sides, keep the arguing going and remain treading water? Or are we going to address the issues head on and get this ttown functioning? I pray that the people in management now will take their jobs seriously, and more importantly, take pride in their business by doing it by the book and being good leaders. New Fire Chief, new Superintendant, new Accountant, regionalized Animal Control, and several new admin assistants are now in place. Let's hope that these people will help to change the tone of the conversation and bring honest, professionalism back to each of their depts. I am plesed with the new advisory board. I think they will reall yhelp get town business ironed out. I hope ALL depts cooperate when they ask for info from them. I would like to know the answers to the moeny questions regarding the school. I wondered why the bleachers were outside of the school over the summer--new floors. DOn't remember talk of that when the school was asking for an over ride. But, maybe there is a legit answer. It doesn't help anyone to speculate. And if people have't learned by now that hiring your dear friends is NOT the best idea, then we're back at square one. Someone mentioned hoping the BOS will schedule at least one update/report for each BOS meeitng. I also think that's a good idea. Lets start with school super. Next month, lets have the new fire chief meet the BOS. The following month lets hear from the new Acct. There are solutions in front of us. We all need to agree to work togehter with respect toward a comon goal. And don't get me wrong. I am not saying forget the past wrong doings. I'm sayign lets address them, find out the facts, deal with any wrong doings we find and learn from them. ANd if no wrong doing can be proven...then we move on. If we don't, these issues will haunt us forever. A good leader, a good BOS Chair wiould see this as an opportunity to heal the town by granting an investigation. Its reall ythe only way to "move on" or "move forward".

  5. Which selectman seat is up for election next? I think JF or JB would make a good chair. Chris has not proven himself in my book and it is not business as usual any more in Templeton.

  6. He's a better Chair than the previous one, for sure. At least people can speak at the meetings. Whether Mr. Stewart listens or not is debatable. I've heard some good questions asked that are either ignored or brushed over. And, its important to note that there is no longer a police officer(s) present which I find curious because the previous Chair told us it was required to have them there if a meeting was held in a school building. I wish Mr. Stewart would look past the one side vs. the other mentality and be a selectman for ALL. He can make a difference and bring the town together if he would stop seeing sides. I'm concerned about his dual role as Chair and L&W member. I think there should be a rule that no BOS member can sit on any other board unless its in a selectmen's role. To me, its a conflict of interest. I fear he will not act accordingly regarding L&W issues as a selectman and will let his bias interfere. Its a tough role to take on-BOS Chair-especially now in this town. We all wish him to succeed. I just hope he understands that the people that attend meetings are not there to fuel a longstanding feud, but because they care about their community and want to see it improve and run fairly.

  7. Hey Anonymous 10:17 PM, this is the best blog I have read in a long time. You are right, everything has gone downhill, it's almost too much to account for. So much comes through this blog, but, who is listening? I know JB and JF have tried to bring things out in the open, but, it still seems nothing changes except that some of the offenders quit (or lose) their jobs and many of the best workers we had moved on to better pastures. Morale is so low right now I think depts. are just hanging on by a thread. It's not pleasant for residents to do business with arrogant, snappy people who are angry about their job either. I agree with you 10:17 PM, ACCOUNTABILITY should be in the forefront. Dept. Head updates could help, but, I think some people can embellish anything they want to to make their dept. look good at a meeting. Talk to the people who are working in the dept. that's where you get what's going on. Mr. Ritter has an enormous task ahead of him and I would guess he is inundated right now, but, he too should have meetings with dept. office personnel one on one. I think he could learn a lot about who is and is not doing thier job.

    1. I can not speak for Mr. Ritter, but from what I know he has worked to develope a relationship with everyone who works for the town. Things can not be as bad as when Bubba was wandering the halls, coming down on anyone he wanted. Mr. Ritter is working very long hours, trying to get things that should have been done, finished and getting the town to run on a even keel. Ten years of bad decisions are not going away in a day, or week, but it is a start. As jobs stand, people come and go. There is nothing anyone can do about that. We can't make the situation any different than it is. No ammount of wishing will change that. I am feeling hopefull that things will continue to improve. Time will tell, Bev.

    2. Yes, I agree with you Checkn that there needs to be some accountability. I am now to the point where I feel as you do. I tried very hard in the past to get some "eyes" on these underhanded wrongdoings but seems that I was talking to some who were connected deeply with the old regime who had no intention of ever following through on any complaints. That is why Pauly's outside investigation is needed so badly. I don't think anything will ever really change in town as long as there are those arrogant individuals who think they are above the law. And that is because so far, they have been skimming by above it. No one is doing the right thing in the higher offices to enforce that kind of accountability. Julie, Jeff & a few others in elected positions can't do it all. I have to admit that at this point in my life I have not been able to be at the meetings for support of these few people who have given so much of themselves to try to right the wrongs that are so rampant. And I understand why Anonymous, that you sited, mentioned all those depts. because it has gotten that out of hand that the residents don't know if anyone is accountable anywhere anymore? I still say thank you to Pauly, Julie, Jeff, Sue, Bev, etc for being so committed to trying to turn this town in the right direction. I wish there were more people like them. My opinion with every blog I write.
