Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Third Human Case of EEE

I just wanted to try to get the word out that the Mass Dept of Public Health has confirmed a third human case of EEE in Massachusetts.

“Based on this finding, the EEE threat level has been raised in several towns in Franklin County and Worcester County. The EEE threat level has been raised to “Critical” in Athol, Orange, and Royalston,

and to “High” in Erving, Petersham, Phillipston, Templeton, Warwick, Wendell, andWinchendon. Communities which have been designated at either “Critical” or “High” risk of EEE are urged to cancel all planned evening outdoor events for the remainder of the season until the first hard frost.”

The full article is available here.   Chairman Chris Stewart will be delivering this information to the school department and the Board of Health will be contacted for procedures on how to proceed.

Stay safe!

Julie Farrell


  1. Thanks Julie, for looking out for everyone with regard to everything that is going on! Sorry I have not been available to respond to anything before this. Again, thank you for all your hard work & due diligence on behalf of this town. You stay safe out there, as well. You are most appreciated. Hope Pauly is feeling better soon, too.

  2. i have a question .... are we trending toward being wimps and over cautious
    what im talking about is the EEE scare we have in our area ...1...you have a better chance of getting hit buy a car....2 ...you have a better chance to hit the lottery !!!! Not every skeeda has the eee .... so is this a knee jerk reaction what ya all think??? mike c

    1. Well, you can take your chances at the critical times mentioned & if you get bit & don't get it great but if you do then I guess the reports were true. I agree somethimes it seems like everone is a wimp these days but I know about triple EEE & it ain't pretty so personally I think on this front I would err on the side of caution esp. for little ones, those with compromised immune systems & the elderly. Just my opinion though I understand what you are saying, too.

  3. If I feared everything I am told to, I'd never leave the house. Right now I'm told to fear killer insects, the air (chemtrails), the water (Fluoride), the dirt (PCBs), the sun (shrinking ozone), our food (GMOs, listeria, samonella), other humans (terrorists, politicians, big corporations) animals (bears, sharks, coyotes, foxes) and the weather (tornados, hurricanes, lightening, blizzards, ice storms, oppressive heat). One has to approach each day with caution, but not to the point of preventing your life from unfolding and actually enjoy parts of it.

    1. Righto, Good advice. I agree with that having already been indirectly hit by lightning 3 times (talk about being in the wrong place at the wrong time, geez)& having a couple of those other things you mentioned happen to me besides a few other horrendous things not listed. If I kept thinking about all those past incidents I wouldn't go anywhere but I do still get out every day & don't think about it. However, when I know there is a potential threat I try to be a bit more cautious but not paranoid. Everything else is up to each individual to do as they see fit for themselves with whatever info is out there (real or perceived) This is what informed (do your own research) decisions are all about. Something we are losing at a rapid rate with this socialist nanny state govt. So, if you still want to play ball after the sun goes down, I say do it for yourself. Have a great day & always make your own decisions based on what you know & feel is right for you. I also don't like anyone telling me what to do on any level esp. as far as whether I can drink a large soda or not (like mayor bloomberg did in NY) or that I can't buy vegetables from a local grower because the first lady & Co. says it is not good for me. I'll decide that!! Govt. those things are my right to do or not do so I say stay out of my life!! Enjoy life each day & try not to worry but be wise, that is all, not frightened. Have a wonderful weekend.

    2. Amen, Isteach! I love reading your comments. Hope you enjoy your weekend as well!

    3. Thank you so much & you, too!! And we'll do it unafraid & with a great big smile on our face, right! Because when you look at the rest of the world in turmoil we are still so blessed here :) Just need to keep the radicals at bay, although we have had our own home grown of another sort, if you know what I mean!! God Bless our own warriors that we have fighting to clean up messes in town & Jeff B. for his part in the international war on terror but hope he gets back soon, cause we need him to help fight the local one. Hope Pauly gets better soon & back on board because I miss his spunk & commentaries, too.
