Sunday, September 9, 2012

Senior Center update from Doug Morrison

Since there hasn’t been much visible activity at the new senior center lately I thought I would post an update. There have been a number of things that have slowed the physical progress of the construction, but there has still been a lot going on. Recently the structural steel welding was completed, permanently securing the modular structure to the foundation. The sewer line and water lines have been installed, and we are waiting for the electrical transformer.
Once the transformer is in and we have temporary power the construction activity should pick back up. During this time we have been working on the fire sprinkler system specifications, the plumbing specifications, the HVAC specifications, and detailing the interior construction plans. These delays may set the project back a few months, but what you may not realize is this project has been in the making for 10 years.
In 2002 the COA director and a few board members met with a group of citizens to discuss the long term needs of the senior center. As a result of these meetings in 2003 the citizens formed a nonprofit 501c3 public charity, the Friends of the Templeton Elders. This group embarked on the endeavor to inform the public of the need for a new senior center and that Scout Hall was quickly nearing the end of its useful life as a senior center. In 2006 the Board of Selectmen finally realized the need was real and was not going to go away, and formed the Senior Center Oversight Committee, to study the feasibility of renovating 9 Main Street for a Senior Center, needless to say that would have been very expensive and was not a good long term solution. The Senior Center Oversight Committee continued working towards other solutions and with the support of the taxpayers has gotten us to where we are today; constructing a Senior Center on donated land with a donated modular office building.


  1. I know I may not understand alot about construction, but why is it takeing so long to get a transformer? Why can't you use a temporary hook up, like they do when they have new construction? I know a generator would work, people have them to lend, if you can keep the bad guys away. The good weather is not going to last forever. It is a shame to loose even one day. I hope the roof is on and the building is weather proof, before long. You guys have done good. I know sometimes it must have felt like you were trying to empty the ocean with a tea spoon. I hope the problems with getting the transformer, have not got anything to do with the lack of support by our friend Mr. Driscoll. That would not make alot of people happy. If you need any help, support, you know that all you need is to speak up. Bev.

  2. Thanks for the update! Its good to know progress is happening. Although it would be nice to get project and department updates regularly during a BOS meeting, it good to know Pauly's blog has the info I'm looking for. It gets over 1,000 hits a day--so it looks like a lot of people come here for info.

    Can't wait to see the Senior Center completed. Can't wait to see any project completed in Templeton.

  3. Thanks Doug for the update. Seems like there may some of the same ole same going on with a department. I just hope the people (taxpayers) do not let alot of hard work get undone by the crew that does not seem to want that project to be completed. my opinon. I also have heard that the jerry gang is back at work, the snakes in the grass have risen, mullins, wilder and the people should not wait until may to make a change. I also hope the people show up and demand answers. wish Ihad more time tokeep up but I am pretty busy but when I have a few minutes,I call or read the blog,take care of your townand remember, you get what you allow, it is yours so show the chairman whois boss. well, time to run, at least it is nice and warm here. good luck and take care of your tpwn

    1. Hey Jeff remember we have skype ready to send to you for those remote meetings. Take care.

  4. Thankyou Jeff for your support from afar. Take care of yourself and THANKYOU for giving so much time to this town and our country. God Bless America and God Bless you.

  5. Come home safely, Jeff! You are truly missed!

  6. The building is weather tight and the roof is complete. Before winter arrives we will have the rear wall finished and expect to have the front entry completed.

    The building is already setup for three phase power. The plan was only to bring in single phase power. From my understanding three phase gives us more power flexibility and is more efficient to operate. So we opted for the three phase power, since that was not in the original plan TL&W had to order the proper transformer. The transformer has a 6 to 8 week lead time and was ordered 3 or 4 weeks ago.

    It is our human tendency to run at full speed and finish fast. But that is not always the best way to finish. As long as it has taken us to get here I don't want to rush to the finish line and end up with us having to live with the result of bad or rushed decisions for many years to come.

    1. Very well said, Doug. Maybe if people moved with careful consideration regarding the muni building, we wouldn't have overpaid for the 252 Bald. Rd. boondoggle. Thank you for your careful and thoughtful decisions. And I'm thankful to Light & Water Dept for their efforts to help make the senior center a success!

  7. Jeff, thanks for checking in. We will keep a watchfull eye on OUR (us and you) Town, and look forward to seeing you return. Thank you for all you do, and stay safe.

  8. Hi Jeff,
    It's good to see your presence on the blog! We missed you at the meeting last night....well I did anyway! Many people attended the meeting. I'll be posting the meeting to Youtube once I get a copy of the DVD.

    I'm glad the weather is warm where you are. We just received notification of an increase in the threat of EEE in our area. I posted the notice from the Mass Dept. of Public Health on the Citizens 4 Templeton homepage:

    Chris read the notice at last night's meeting. I wrote a quick blog and sent it off to Pauly. I think Pauly is still very sick.

    Take care of yourself and check in as often as you can.


  9. Jeff, a big THANK YOU for serving our country. Stay safe and you will be in our prayers.

  10. Great to hear from you Jeff! Don't worry about all the silly nonsense back here in Templeton. We'll keep a close eye on it all.

    Thank you Doug for the senior center updates. All good stuff!

    One note about last night's meeting...I'm a little disappointed in the response of the BOS to the Advisory Board's financial policies proposal. I wish their first comment was "thank you" for putting so much time and effort into creating a draft of the policies. That board has done more for this town in 3 months than a whole bunch of boards have ever done combined. As a taxpayer, I am thrilled that this board is demanding accountability. I understand that wording has to be properly vetted. Sure. But as MANY people in the audience pointed out, if you don't have high goals, you will never try to meet them. If the BOS would adopt this proposal as a goal rather than a policy (as simple as changing the word "policy" to "goal") it would show the town that the BOS intensions are leading to a more responsible way to handle our money. I hope the BOS (all members) will attend a future Advisory Board meeting and hash out the final wording. Please do not let this drag out forever. Let's get this done.
