Sunday, September 9, 2012

TMLWP Agendas

TMLWP Agendas
September 11, 2012

The next meeting for Light and Water is posted (Town Clerk’s office) for September 11, 2012. The Water department meeting begins at 6:00 followed by the Light Department meeting. Please note that there is a new agenda item on both the Light and the Water agendas – “Customer Questions”. Thank you to Mr. Driscoll and the commissioners for adding this agenda item.

For the August 27th BOS meeting, I asked for an agenda item to discuss the multiple water main breaks on July 14th. There was an agenda item to discuss making a request to the TMLWP manager for a written report. At the August 27th meeting, Chris Stewart distributed this document at that BOS meeting. At that time the BOS was not able to discuss the document written by TMLWP manager, Mr. Driscoll. It is an interesting document.
It provides a timeline and an analysis of the water main breaks. It does not provide the expense involved in making the repairs to the water mains. There is no mention made of how to prevent this type of incident from occurring again.

On Thursday (9/6) I sent an e-mail request to have an agenda item placed on the BOS Sept 10th agenda to discuss water main breaks. My request was not honored. I plan to bring water main breaks up for discussion on 9/10 under new business especially in light of the most recent water main breaks on Patriots Road.

The Gardner News ran an article on Thursday, September 9th regarding the water main breaks from July. In this article Mr. Driscoll continues : ” AC piping does not like high pressure.” .

Early Friday morning, another water main broke on Patriots Road. In late July there was a different water main break near this latest water main break on Patriots Road. Last year, there was also a large water main break in this same stretch of Patriots Road. As a selectmen, I received this message from a resident in my e-mail account.

I would like to be able to respond to this citizen’s legitimate concerns. Water department customers are also my constituents. It will be difficult to formulate a response. I can’t even get an agenda item to discuss water main breaks on the Sept 10th BOS meeting. Unlike Mr. Driscoll, I don’t believe a solution to these multiple water main breaks is an “insurmountable task”. To find a solution, both the BOS and TMLWP  commissioners will have to work together. We will need to share information and ideas and above all COMMUNICATE!

Below are the original questions I posted to the blog on August 29th.

Questions I would like answered:

Is there a plan in place for improving our water system’s infrastructure?

I would like to see a 4 year analysis of the locations and dates of the water main breaks in Town. I believe there was another water main break on Maple St on July 21st. There was another water main break on Patriots Rd last week.

How much water was lost because of the water main breaks on July 14th? Why wasn’t a water ban put into effect after this event or during this very hot, dry summer?

How long did it take to refill the tank on Hospital Rd?

Is there a problem with the SCADA system?

What is the budget for water main replacement and repair?

Does the Baldwinville Rd reconstruction project include water main replacement?

Will this type of incident with multiple water main breaks reoccur?

I guess I have an answer to the last question.

My opinions…supported by FACTS !

Julie Farrell


  1. Gee Wiz Julie, Do you really expect these guys to do the work it takes to answer questions like these? I wonder how in the world, the nursing home made out, with out water, for so long. This is not the least bit funny. God help us all, if we were to have a fire at the same time we have a water main break. Why doesn't the water dept, call Harry and ask him what to do? If I remember right, he ran the highway and the water department, and did a good job. Of course he never got paid what he was worth, but I am willing to bet he could solve these problems. I stood up for Chris the other day, but I do not like the fact he and his fellow buddies on the light Co., did not follow through with Julies request for discussion to be put on the adjenda at tomorrow nights BOS meeting. In case the management of the Templeton Light and Water department, and the light commisioners have not noticed, this "good old boys club" crap, is not going to cut it any longer. Tomorrow night's meeting should be very interesting. See you there. Bev

  2. Please someone clarify for me: is the Templeton Light & Water Dept part of the Town of Templeton or are they considered a separate private company? If they are a town department, then why do they not follow the same rules and requirements that all the other departments do? Yes, I know it has to do with how it was run in the past. But we are not in the past. We are in the present and I would like to know how the actions of the past are still allowed today. For Pete's sake, the Chair of the BOS is on the light dept board! Is it that tough to enforce a basic rule that all town depts post their meeting times on the website? And don't give me any BS that they're posted at the Clerks office. Somehow all other depts are capable of posting their meetings on the website. With all the well paid employees over there you'd think someone would be willing and available to send an email to the town coordinator and webmaster with a date of their next meeting and agenda. Lets cut through the crap. The communication between all departments and the governing entity (BOS) is so vital right now. How come this department is not held to the same requirements? If there is a valid reason, please make it known. Otherwise, the BOS continues to govern the town haphazardly. Oversee your departments equally across the board. And one more thing, water main breaks are a serious problem. Not putting the topic on the BOS agenda is irresponsible. Why is it in order to get anything done in this town the citizens have to get all heated up and huffy and make noise? Can we not make progress and govern ourselves without each thing being an argument and a struggle?

    1. This has nothing to do with the senior center. I just got back from the selectmans meeting. It is too late to call Sue to put this on as a new blog, so I'll let you know like this. Our town is now included in with alot of other neighboring towns, as having a problem with Triple E, not a good thing. Templeton was notified late in the day,{today} like around 5:00 P.M. It is now up the Bd. of health, to decide what to do, and how to officially let every one know. Looks like no night time games. I don't think we will have a problem early in this A.M., it is really kind of getting cold tonight. It is when the sun comes up, for a short time, that there is a problem. I am not a bug expert, just use common sence. Buy bug spray with "deet in it", and put it on! Yes, I know it smells bad, but you do not want to endanger yourself, your kids or workers, if they are working outside. Just wanted every one that reads this blog, to know what is going on. If I had a horse I could ride through town yelling, the bad mosquitoes are comeing, the bad mosquitoes are comeing ! But then again, why give anyone a excuse to put me on 3rd. floor at Heywood, Hee,Hee, Bev. OMG, I sound like George Barnes!!!!!{just kidding, he is myfriend}

    2. Anonymous 8;29 a.m., I know Julie has asked to put this on the adjenda before, and brought it up tonight again. Mr. Driscoll Has a problem with anyone asking about "his department", . This man needs a reality check! Ok you water users, you pay some of the highest rates around, It is ok, to stand up for yourself and let Driscoll know you are not happy with his attitude! YOU, pay his rather LARGE SALARY, REMIND HIM OF THAT, AND DO NOT TAKE ANY CRAP FROM HIM ! Come to think of it, you can call Chris Stewart too. Give him a clear message..These people put their pants on just like you and I do, One leg at a time! They will only smarten up and play ball fair, if they are forced to. My opinion, Bev. Oh yes, C4T will have your back!

    3. Oh! I forgot!

      I found the original notification about EEE on the Mass Dept of public health website. I sent in a separate blog about it, but it isn't posted yet. I will make a link on the Citizens4Templeton website. I'll put the link on the C4T homepage.

      You should be able to use the link on the sidebar to access the information or cut and paste:

      I'm not trying to start a panic, but spread awareness of the situation.

  3. Please attend the Light and water meeting tonight. There is an agenda item for customer questions. I'm thinking the agenda was posted before the latest water main breaks on Patriots rd.

    Ask about the size of the water mains on Patriots Rd.

    See you tonight!

    1. I can't make the meeting tonight but I hope someone will ask why they have a problem following the town's procedure for posting public meetings. The procedure that all other depts seem to be able to do without much issue. Its very easy to email the BOS office and webmaster with agenda PDF attached.
