Friday, September 28, 2012

Hat’s off to COA’s Outreach worker Tracey Deyo.

As everyone knows by now I have had a few stays in the hospital this past summer – 4 to be exact. In my younger days I was self employed and never had health insurance. When I hit 65 I got Medicare. Well there comes a time when Medicare alone just doesn't cut it. Especially when some prescriptions cost over $400.00 (using up my blueberry money, lol). Tracey helped sort through all the supplemental plans and prescription plans out there. There is so much it can be very confusing to the layperson. I encourage any senior in town to bring your insurance questions to her. She is very knowledgeable and helpful. Thanks Tracey.

1 comment:

  1. I agree Tracy is very knowledgable, helpful, and friendly. We are lucky to have her working for us, seniors.
