Saturday, September 29, 2012

Light & Water - Mass General Laws

Seeing as it's a rainy Saturday let's review the MGL that our L&W dept works under. Remember click on the blue words and read the parts that say what a Manager is to do and what the L&W commission is to do.

Chapter 93 acts of 2000

Chapter 164 Section 56

Chapter 164

Thanks - My opinions Pauly


  1. Looks like we have alot more to say about how this light department is run than Mr.Driscoll would like us to believe. It just occured to me, if Driscoll was hired as a "light guy" by Gerry, it could be the does not have a clue about how the water dept. is supposed to run. After all, he was not hired to work for the light company. Instead of walking in circles, why don't they ask for help? They can not just stand around, while the whole water system falls apart. If need be, hire a engineer to help. It is going to cost the taxpayer a ton of money as is, so get this done now. What do we do, if these water main breaks continue in to the winter? What if we have a fire, and someone dies? If you need help admit it. It takes more ba--s, to say you don't know what to do, but people will respect you more. MY opinion, Bev.

  2. water dept call in for road repairs on south main at previous water main repair area?
    why do they not fix road after repair?
    what did this cost our water dept for labor?
    what has the south main street pipe repair/road repair cost our water dept? what will the total cost be when we get the road repaired.?
    please go to the meeting with us and bring your questions!

  3. saturday road repairs by water dept on south main street pipe repair area?
    does our highway dept do road repairs or water dept for a higher wages?

  4. 156a does that cover golf trip dana got?

  5. time for a D commissioning change over, to a see electman seelectman board and we can all see whats going on at the good old boys clubs! On film for all to see,getit!See who works for who?

  6. The so called "repair" on South Main Street. E.T. is about one of the worst jobs I have ever seen. Looks like they needed more black top, and the guy forgot to come back! If you happen to hit that spot, like on a dark, rainy night, you won't want to hit it again. Your poor car does not need to hit many holes like that, or you will need something fixed. Bev.

  7. Hmm... According the Chapter 93 Acts of 2000 in Section 2:

    During his tenure, said manager shall hold no other elective or appointive office nor engage in any other business or occupation. Said manager shall appoint such assistants, agents and employees as the exercise and performance of his powers, rights and duties may require. Said manager shall render to the board of selectmen, as often as they may require, a full report of all operations under his control during the period reported upon, and annually, and from time to time as required by said board of selectmen, shall make a synopsis of such reports for publication and shall keep said board of selectmen advised as to the needs of the town within the scope of his duties; and shall annually, not less than 120 days prior to the expiration of the fiscal year of said town, furnish to said board of selectmen a detailed estimate in writing of the appropriations required during the next succeeding fiscal year for the proper exercise and performance of all said rights and duties.

    If I am understanding the English language correctly, that selectman Farrell woman may be correct after all. The BOS can ask for reports of Mr. Driscoll " of all the operations under his control".

    What a concept! Asking for a written report from the person responsible for the department. Wonder if this idea will ever catch on?

    1. The good old days of,"WE will do what we want, and you can't do anything about it!" are over! I think after what this town has gone through, in the past nine months or so, the people are way beyond looking the other way. The things done to the trust the tax payer, has had in its past leaders, has been stomped into the ground. We have done a fair job of cleaning house, but I know I will never be so gullable again. Incase Mr.Driscoll has not figured it out, do your job, when a selectman asks for something, do it. No excuses, or arguements. You can and will be replaced. My opinion, and I'm sure I am not alone, Bev.

  8. A fair practice of an eye for an eye should be in play for the management there!
    No reports and a simple wage freeze takes effect asap, for all in that Templeton department/light and water, lead by example and suffer the outcome of your management decisions!

    1. I sugested a wage freeze over there months ago. No one listened. That was a mistake. I think with people more aware of who has the power, things will start to change. I really think we need to have people check their water bills. A lot of people don't read this blog. Please take a little time to talk to your friends and neighbors, ask them to look at their water bills. See if there has been a increase in the last quarter, or last couple that they can't explain!! This is really important, ok Bev.

  9. Hi Bev,
    I'm digging out my old water bills. I'm also going to compare my last bills average daily usage (141gallons a day) to what my meter is reading today. My last bill covered the time period ending August 30th. I should be able to calculate my average daily use for the month of September...

    Wish me luck!

    Other people should do this as well and then attend the Light & Water meeting on Tuesday Oct. 2 nd at 6:00 pm.
