Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Notes from Tata & Howard Water Report

Notes from Tata & Howard Water Report

(a very large document)

It is interesting to note that this report is addressed to Mr. Chris Ryan, former town coordinator. Here are a few definitions that might be helpful when you read the report.

Tuberculation - A build-up, called tuberculation, occurs in all metal pipelines sooner or later. The AWWA defines tuberculation as an accumulation of rust knobs or, a little more scientifically, as an accumulation of metallic salts.

MDD – maximum day demand

ADD – average day demand

This report also references a water supply evaluation (p.12) and a water audit study (p.12) that were sent separately to the TOWN under a separate cover…guess I’ll have to make another public records request. Projections from this system evaluation indicate an ADD of 1.04 mdg by the year 2020.

Recommendations begin on page 13 and are divided into Phase I and Phase II. I would like a written report that lists which Phase I and II improvements were completed and at what cost? Which long term bonds, carried as debt by the TOWN, are associated with the corresponding recommendation or improvement.

For example: Phase I Improvements (page 14) item 3. New booster pump station for South Rd estimated cost $350,000. I know this improvement was completed. Which bond payment (long term debt) is associated with this improvement? What is the interest rate on this bond? When does this bond retire? What is the useful lifespan of a booster pump station?

I would like a written report to address all of the improvements, both Phase I and Phase II in the manner outlined above.

Also, if you refer to Table No. 5, you will notice that item no. 7 addresses the cost of new water mains on Patriots Rd.


When was the town last evaluated by ISO (Insurance Service Office) for fire protection? Where is that data?

Have improvements been made to reduce water loss? At the time of this system evaluation report, the town had an unaccounted-for water loss of 40%.

Why was Back Bay (CDBG project) a priority over Patriots Rd? Back Bay isn’t mentioned in the report.

Has a Zone II delineation been completed for well head protection?

Is there a more recent Water Distribution System Evaluation report?

What are your questions about the recent spate of water main breaks?

My opinions…supported by FACTS ! !

Julie Farrell

1 comment:

  1. Julie, ask those questions, and at the next light and water meeting we will all go and listen for the answers. The poor way things have been handeled, are not all the fault of the guys that worked for the water dept. I think the lack of leadership has been from the top down for a long time. You have to remember the majority of selectmen in the town of Templeton came from Baldwinville, for a long time. Otter River and East Templeton have been neglected by our town leaders for years. When Gladys was a selectman, there was a lot of times that she did not have a majority vote. She constantly did battle with Dana, Dunleavy, Strott and Cullen. You know how that is! If there was money available, depending on who was in office, that is where the jobs went. So that may be a reason Patriots Road was not fixed, and back bay was. Just me and my opinion, again. Bev.
