Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Under Duress…another water blog

I finally checked my water bill this quarter to last quarter and I noticed a spike. I did a little basic math and here are the results:

Billing period –

2/29 – 5/23    84 days in cycle   10,000 gallons used    $95.00

5/23 – 8/30    99 days in cycle   14,000 gallons used  $122.91

Hmm. The cycle was longer by 15 days for the bill from 5/23 – 8/30. In that cycle Average daily use was 141 gallons.
During the summer, I did water my garden. I don’t have an outside spigot. I have to fill up my watering can and carry the water outside to water my plants. There is no way in hell, that I lugged 4,000 gallons of water out to my garden!

You’ve probably seen the vehicles the Farrells drive? We have never been accused of washing our cars! I do my laundry, but that is not an activity that I only do during the summer months. We don’t drink the water because of the fluoride, so how did my usage increase by 4,000 gallons?

IF, and I do mean IF, my average daily water use was 141 gallons, then my gallonage should have increased by 2,115 gallons (15 days X 141). 

Now the fun part! Calculate the cost of water by 1,000 gallons!

Billing period –

2/29 – 5/23    84 days in cycle   10,000 gallons used    $95.00

5/23 – 8/30    99 days in cycle   14,000 gallons used  $122.91

$95.00  divided by 10 = $9.50 per 1,000 gallons

$122.91 divided by 14 = $8.77 per 1,000 gallons

[Included in the payment amount is the $28 service charge]

I don’t know if the multiple water main breaks caused the water meters to malfunction. I do know that there is something wrong here. I’m glad I added the words “Under Duress” to the note line on my payment for this water bill.

My opinions…supported by FACTS ! !

Julie Farrell


  1. There is no way a water main break would cause your meter to "malfunction", it is just not possible. Try looking for a leak like a running toilet.

    1. The only thing that leaked was my water heater right after the water main breaks. I noticed the leak right away and Pete fixed it. The toilets aren't leaking.

  2. Ok, I asked my husband Bart. to look at this blog. I said what do you think. He said he thinks atleast one of these bills, may have been a estimate! Somebody figured, wrongly, that you were going to spend your time off washing your cars and running a hose out to water your one acre garden, day and night. Remember a week or so ago, someone wrote a blog and showed the same ammount for three quarters? I asked Bart, how anyone could use the same amt. of water, three times in a row? He told me at the time, that was a estimate! So what are we paying people to read the meters for, if that is what they are doing? Well, just another thing to ask our best buddy in the world, Mr. Driscoll. I know he will be so glad to see us! Bev.

  3. I use exactly the same amount every quarter for the past few years, it is always 15000 gallons, no more no less, and it is not estimated, the meters are read from the street electronically but they do reflect what the meter inside reads. Even if I go away for a month or if I leave the water running all night the gallons never seem to change. I would LOVE to see a 14,900 gallon usage instead of ALWAYS 15000.

  4. I would like to know if others have seen an increase in their bills, too. Something just doesn't add up. And my usage has always been the same amount quarter after quarter until this past bill where it increased by 1000 gal! Huh?

  5. My usage increased 40% in a 99 day period - from 10,000 gallons to 14,000 gallons. I have a tankless hot water heater and the leak was in the cold water feed to it...which I caught right away.

    Maybe we need to ask about the water meters?

    1. I don't know about you guys, but I smell something fishy. Just from the few of you that have written on this blog, and things don't look right! Anyone else having any problems? Let us know! I don't want to think that the good, old boys water dept,has found a way to increase revenues by fudging the meter readings!! That better not be the case. If it is we will find out. My opinion, Bev.

  6. Bev - I'm going to go check my bill for the past year. I suggest that if anyone didn't save their bills that they call the water department and get their usage.
