Friday, September 28, 2012

Save the Date ! TMLWP Meetings October 2, 2012

Save the Date ! TMLWP Meetings October 2, 2012

The next meeting of the TMLWP has been posted.

Here is the agenda for the Water meeting, which will begin at 6:00

Here is the agenda for the Light meeting, which will begin after the Water meeting concludes.

These are the meetings to attend if you hope to have your questions answered about the water breaks and the turbine. 


  1. Thanks Julie for getting these on the Blog. Ratepayers need to ask some pointed questions.

    1. Maybe the message is getting through! I see they have left room for customer comments and questions, after each of the meetings. If you have questions about your bills, please do not be afraid to ask. You will not be there alone. This are your water and light companies, so stand up for your rights. Bev.

  2. PILOT formula = ?
    X x Y = whats the amount to be based on

    1. My guess is no one knows, so they give us the same amount, year after year, after year. Oh, what if we have been short changed? Oh, they wouldn't do that! HEE, HEE
