Thursday, September 27, 2012

September 24, 2012 BOS Meeting

I’ve converted and uploaded Monday night’s meeting for your viewing pleasure.



  1. Geez, I'm so glad the BOS meeting was moved back to 690 Pats Rd. There's nothing better than watching a video with half of the screen covered by a camera cord! It certainly adds a new twist to the drama of the meetings! Ha! Gotta love Templeton!

    1. Watching this meeting shows us one thing, for sure. You can convince people to do most anything, if they don't keep a eye on the big picture. The big picture being the reality of our financial state, and how we got there. Good job Kirk and Julie for stopping the board from jumping off the financial cliff once again. More debt is not going to help us get out of the huge hole we are in. It only makes the hole deeper. Bev.

    2. Bev
      You are always very knowlegable. What debt is at issue?

  2. Im so glad we have these meetings taped . I could not attend this time . however after hearing what was said about the loader i did a little research of my own . I made 6 calls to different heavy equipment dealers and asked them a simple question . How many hours would be expected on a new machine if serviced properly from the time of purchase .The answers were pretty much the same 15,000 plus hrs. depending on a few variables . I dont know what kind of bull Sh-t Bud was trying to pull , but i do know one thing for sure, Mr. Moschetti was right on target when he spoke ,and for that i thank him

  3. Now I am confused. What debt was being use? Bud what does 8500 machine hours amount to? Is the chapter money bein used this year? I heard that chapter 90 money was mostly for streets but can be used for equipment for the streets. What debt is being brought up for the buying of this rquip? Chapter 90 is not a debt unless i don't follow. Thanks for any clarification

  4. Chapter 90 is not the same as taking on new debt at the local level. Chapter 90 is a 100% reimbursable grant program funded by bond issues at the state level. So that being said, debt is debt because your state taxes pay for those debt issues. The state awards the money to the municipality based I believe, on population and road miles. The municipality submits the poject requests to the state for approval. The Selectboard determines what project requests get submitted. I believe they look at the list of prioritized roads needing attention along with grants and projects which have chapter money pledged. Look to Chapter 90 section 34 to see the allowed expenditures under this grant program. I hope this helps a bit.

    1. Thanks Tammy . My opinion is that if we did have 160,000.00 extra dollars than we should spend it on the ROADS . The loader needs some repair the roads need a rebuild .

  5. My concern about Chapter 90 money is the amount of Chapter 90 money that had ALREADY been committed.

    We have used Chapter 90 money for the Back Bay project and to fund the engineering costs for Baldwinville Rd. Chapter 90 money was also used to resurface Baker Lane, Cottage Lane, Main St, Mechanic St., Sawyer St., Wellington Rd and to rent the screener. In my opinion work that needed to be done and was done well.

    At the 9/24 BOS meeting, Bud presented a spreadsheet that indicated how much money is left in Chapter 90 until our allotment next year - $409,352.

    I'll try to make a chart to indicate what amounts the BOS has committed or will commit :

    Bald Rd - Legal/ appraisals $14,000 committed $14,000 needed
    Back Bay - phase 4 $160,000 committed $50,000 - $85,000 needed
    Back Bay - phase 5 $125,000 committed $125,000 needed

    Bald Rd - final design $131,200 committed $131,200 needed
    Totals $430,200 $320,200

    These figures don't include any money for engineering Memorial St. or any cost overruns for Baldwinville Rd once construction begins.

    Now add in a $160,000 loader. We would have over extended our Chapter 90 money. It was suggested we lease the what happens if there are cost overruns for Bald. Rd? or the Chapter 90 money doesn't get released until fall of next year? How do you pay for the next installment on the lease? What budget do you cut to make the lease payment? Or do you send the loader back?

    Or do you vote to fix the old loader hoping to get another two years out of it?
