Friday, September 21, 2012

Selectmen's meeting back @ 690 Patriots Rd

BOS Meeting Sept. 24th

The agenda for the next BOS meeting has been posted. Please note the meeting place has changed back to the conference room at 690 Patriots road.

There may be some information released regarding the executive session held on Sept. 20th.

Also, I believe the DVD’s of the 250th Anniversary Parade are available at the BOS office for $8.00

Hope to see you there!

Julie Farrell


  1. Lets hope people continue to attend these meetings. I hope everyone has learned a valuable lesson, that comes from letting someone else take care of our business. I know, I have. We are just in the beginning of what it will take to get our town on its feet. We need to be vigilent, in our quest for fair, open government. I spoke to someone today, that said, "this town is in a big mess. "My answer is," No, we are starting to see the light. Things are slowly getting better.." As long as we as a town, keep going forward, I have faith that the worst is over. Gone are the days when people are going to run for office, because they are going to get something out of it, besides gradification, if you know what I mean! my opinion as usual Bev.

    1. I believe people will continue to attend these meetings. More than likely the Michaels Lane people will be there about Gilman Waite and a few more about the Light and Water Dept. The room may be full.

    2. I sympathize with the people from Micheals Lane. This is just another example of what happens when you sit back and do nothing. NEVER lets someone else determine what's best for you, your neighhood,your school,your town or anything else. Be proactive not reactive. Micheals Lane residents are showing up now that their neigborhood is being effected, the teachers came when it was in their best interest and left right after, they disrupted the meeting that was still in progress leaving. Come on folks WAKE UP!! Stay informed and come to as many meetings as possible not just the ones that effect you or your cause. THIS IS YOUR TOWN TOO!!!

    3. I think the problrm came in when the trees were cut. The field has been there forever, but things were not so obvious. This is a no win situation, for everyone. In life there is always change. On Debbie Drive, in Leominster, a neighborhood had woods behind it. The land was sold, now there is a apartment development behind their houses. Unless you buy land around your house, there are no guarentees. I hope something can be done to help these people. Bev.

  2. another case of "NOT IN MY BACK YARD" it is busy up there in the spring and a few weekends in the summer and the fall for a few hours only thats it the gilman was there before them and they new that it was a sports area when they bought there homes !!!!yes they did expand but they did leave them a buffer and they didn't have to do that .the only gripe they have is parking for Field 3 yes that might be a problem thats it!!!mike c

  3. If you want control of the land that is next door to you, buy it. hmmm lets see who owned it first the Town or the Michaels Lane people?

  4. gilman Waite is the best thing that has happened for quite some time in Templeton. The recreation committee and the many volunteers have provided a fine place and program for our youth. Sorry Michael's Lane. Your developer obviously didn't tell you that the land across from you would eventually be developed further. I hear your concerns and I hope fences and high hedges will give you some peace.
