Friday, September 21, 2012

Templeton Elementary School Building (TESBC)

Templeton Elementary School Building (TESBC) Meeting

The first meeting of the newly reorganized Templeton Elementary School Building Committee met yesterday at 4:30 pm in the Baldwinville Elementary School gym. Attending this first meeting were: Kirk Moschetti, Mr. John Graziano, Bill Clabaugh, Supt. Ruth Miller, BOS chairman Chris Stewart, town coordinator Jeff Ritter, Julie Farrell. Virginia Wilder and Will Spring were in the audience.

The first order of business was the reorganization of the committee. Kirk Moschetti is the new chairman, Hank Mason is the vice-chairman and Theresa Kasper is the clerk. (Neither Hank nor Theresa were present). There was some discussion about the posting of the meeting and the agenda. The next meeting is scheduled for October 18th at 6:00 p.m. and will be posted on the Town’s website.

The members present discussed the finances for the feasibility study. About half of the $550,000 voted for the feasibility study has been expended. There may be money that has been reimbursed by MSBA. We will confirm the figures.

We voted to pay the former clerk for her services, but have decided to wait to pay the last invoice from Strategic Building Solutions. The committee voted town coordinator, Jeff Ritter, to contact Strategic Building Solutions (think Carl Webber) to discuss the status of the project. Mr. Ritter will also contact DCAM regarding the property at TDC for a school.

Supt. Miller distributed copies of three letters. The first letter was written by Senator Brewer, which outlined the legislative process for acquiring the TDC land for a school; this is a lengthy process. The next document was a letter to Diane Sullivan, MSBA describing the land acquisition process and an ambitious timeline for the land acquisition. The last document was a letter from DCAM Commissioner, Carole Cornelison, which outlined the DCAM land acquisition process. My hope is that these documents will be posted to the webpage soon.

Mr. Graziano distributed an information sheet regarding the building concerns and condition of Baldwinville Elementary School.

Julie Farrell


  1. This sounds like it will be a good committee. Thanks Kirk for having the meetings when everyone can attend. It would be interesting to see what the old group spent a good chunk of the feasibility money on. I suppose it is like shutting the barn door after the horse is out, but still, thats stll a lot of money with nothing to show for it. Bev

  2. It all sounds good so far. Its going to be a tough project with state hoops to jump through. But I'm glad to hear Kirk is the new Chair. That's encouraging. Thank you for the update! Its good to receive valuable info about some of the town committees' business. The more we know, the more we can help to support the missions and projects.

  3. Wow Its already working ! The new committee has met for the first time and we already know what happened . I to am glad that Kirk is chairman . Dont forget about three months ago when the past committee came to a selectmans meeting and said we had two weeks to take Bob Whalens house ,build a police station , tear down a school ,Or we were going to loose the funding for the school . because in the eyes of the former committee that was all we had left for options . That got Kirk so pissed off that he called the Senator himself and asked for help with obtaining some land for the town to build a school on . THIS IS WHY HE IS CHAIRMAN !!. Thanks Kirk for all that you do .

  4. Don't forget, this is the same Kirk who was in favor of blowing money on the 252 Baldwinville Rd. fiasco. He had some choice quotes just a few months ago.

    1. Not everyone on the Muni Building Committee were part of the misinformation and improper following of procedures. Kirk had pointed out things that were not right and he was ignored and info was kept from him and others that weren't on board with some of the other shenanigans. Kirk will do a great job with this project. I am confident of that. His reputation far exceeds the previous clowns that thought the citizens were "stupid" and could handle the school project any way they wanted. Plus, there are others on the school building committee that are intelligent and are serious about making this project happen responsibly. No one is going to be able to make a move without tons of scrutiny from other members as well as the public.
