Thursday, October 11, 2012

A Few random thoughts

I heard that the windmill was turning this morning - has it been fixed?

Don't forget that the Selectmen are interviewing the candidates for treasurer this Monday October 15th 6:00PM at the KIVA  

This is very important so please try to attend!

I would like to give a shout out to a couple of local businesses that have been around for years......
       PAT'S POODLE PARLOR (South Main St, East Templeton)
       PEASE'S ORCHARD (Phillipston Rd - top of Brooks Village Rd) - Best Cider donuts around!!!!

More to come........


  1. I think we should sell advertising on the blades of the windmill. That way we would get something for our money. Do you guys have any other ideas? Speaking of businesses in town, it is a hard thing to do, staying in business, for more than a few years. Three people tried to make a go of it, where my sister had her farm stand. They did not last, I felt bad, but if the guys that do construction, are not working, you loose a majority of your lunch business. The insurance on any kind of business where you deal with the public, is a killer. If you have people other than family members, you get involved in Workmans Comp. The money you fork over, to cover all of the other necessary expences, does not leave you with much left. You really have to give alot of credit to the people who have hung in there, to have their business last for more than a year or two. It will be interesting to see what happens to the land at the Fernald School, when it closes, if it closes. I heard someone say the other night, they had a nother year extension. The person who wants to keep it agricultural, may be suffering from delusions. There are good reasons all the farmers have sold their cows. There is no money in selling milk. The only way a farmer can make it is to get help from the government. If you grow plants in the ground, the cost of fertalizer, and seeds continue to rise. The changes at the Fernald school will be a interesting process to watch. I do hope they keep us informed, as to what they are up to. It will all come out in the wash. Bev.

  2. What is going on with the plaza that is suppose to be built in town? Is anyone keeping tabs on that? Pushing the right people to see that is happens?

  3. It takes a lot to start a new business in these times. So, when a new local business opens in town, we should do all we can to support it. Forgotten Treasures, a new thrift shop at 12 Elm Street, opened recently. I plan on going to check it out this weekend or beginning next week. I hope others will stop by to check it out and give the new business owners a nice welcome. Shopping locally will only help your own wallet as well as your fellow neighbor. Why make Walmart more money when you could find what you need locally and know your money will filter through your own town? Are there any other businesses in Templeton that the citizens should know about? I would love to know about them.

  4. Oh, there is the new hot dog place - All Steamed Up by Dean Paige welding in Otter River.

  5. Oh yeah - Forgotten Treasures thats Julie Smith (Linda M's daughter) good idea for a business let's check it out and all steamed up is Dean Paiges daughter let's support these new businesses!

  6. Has anyone heard about ice build up on the windmill blades? I was told a chunk of ice flung off the blade and through a windshield.

  7. It is possible to have ice throws off the blades of a wind turbine. Hell, whole blades have fallen off!

    Sometimes wind turbines catch on fire. The protocol in Germany when a turbine bursts into flames, is to station firefighters around the perimeter to put out the embers and let it burn out.

    Probably why GE wouldn't sell TMLWP a turbine - too close to the school. Had to go with a company on the verge of bankruptcy. AAER didn't care how close it was to the school.
