Wednesday, October 10, 2012

At Your Service

So. How about that Light & Water meeting last night? Not many answers to anyone’s questions. The AC pipe has been sent out to be tested…shouldn’t cost more than $250 for that test. They might try to lower the level in the water storage tanks to try to reduce the psi especially for Patriots Rd (150 psi), but it is not a sure thing.

I now know why the executive session was posted for the light and water meeting. I received a wonderful letter from Mr. Driscoll in the mail today. I thought it was my rebate check for the overpayment on my water bill last quarter.
I wonder why water sales were up last quarter? Spurious indeed!

I believe this letter from Mr. Driscoll is in response to the letter Pete & I sent him on September 22, 2012. I guess we were the only ones who signed the letter.

To my knowledge, I have no ax to grind. I just want answers to my questions that I have raised repeatedly. As for costing TMLWP thousands of dollars in legal fees due to my spurious complaints, I never authorized the expenditure of money for legal fees. I wasn’t on the TMLWP commission when the manager, John Driscoll, spent $2430 on legal fees to respond to 3 open meeting law(OML) complaints! I filed the OML complaints, because I believe the TMLWP violated the open meeting law!  No one forced John Driscoll to expend this kind of money for 3 OML complaints. That was Mr. Driscoll’s bad decision…not the employees of TMLWP.

So shareholders what do YOU think?

My opinions…supported by FACTS ! !

Julie Farrell


  1. Just what is the "superior service" that Driscoll claims TMLP provides?

    We can buy electricity for less, and if we did, the town would get tax money far in excess of the pittance paid by TMLP.

    People are satisfied, and actually believe that Templeton gets "superior" service. We get what we deserve.

  2. Appears to me that we need a Mr Ritter over at the TMLP to filter frivolous calls to attorneys. Looks like he took lessons from team GS! Hard to believe that you and Pete were the only ones to forward the letter. Keep up to good work Pete and Julie. We need more watchdogs in this town.

  3. And I Mr Driscoll, ask on behalf of the TMLWP ratepayers that you consider OUR money and refrain from future frivolous actions that continue to cost us ratepayers money. And take time to learn the open meeting laws and the public record laws and provide the information to the selectmen and the Advisory Board and the ratepayers when requested. YOU WORK FOR US and your commissioners are ELECTED BY US. and the people are not happy with the way the TMLWP is being run. We are the customers/shareholders and TMLWP is not a private corporation. Get it?

  4. Mark's idea about selling to National Grid is looking better and better...

    1. Sounds to me like Mr.Driscoll is suffering from delusions of grandure! I wonder how the air is up there on that cloud? Who are they using for lawyers? Sounds like it may be K&P., thats it boys, keep the lawyers rich, instead of doing things right. Wouldn't that be a origional idea! It would be a good idea for them to give Mr. Ritter a call. He could show them how to do things the right way, with out it costing the town a fortune. Good luck trying to worm out of your lack of cooperation, while trying to blame Julie and her husband, for your problems. To many people know the truth, so that won't work, nice try. Our town is in trouble, we need help from all the departments, including yours. In case you guys think you are special, that reasoning went out the door in May, when we got rid of K&P and the crew. I guess no one told you. My opinion, and this time I am not alone. Bev.

  5. what if k+p are the lawyers! can the rate be any higher for them to make up for the loss from the town use of them?should driscoll use the money any way he wants?
    no mention of lawyer at the meetings?why don't the board ask and know about the lawyers charges /use.
    mark b i'm also a questioner of the value and worth of the tml dept. I agree that time has come for a change, problem is it may be past its prime worth and if so the bigest value has been sucked out of it by past and present operators and employees, add up the retirement that are not funded,or the power cost agreements they have us in? what are the outstanding debt that they owe ? they said they were funding the retirement for future employees with rec credits they get. 3 million i think was the # they were hoping to have after 3 years?
    It's broke in more ways than one and the more meetings i sit at the more i find its true worth is more on our sholders than it should be,I for one would be glad to be in on a team to check our options,but the team needs to be fair minded.It needs to fully explore all assets and liabilites that have been created by the tmlp. The people will be outraged with what is found out!
    lets open some eyes for the good of Templeton!

  6. The biggest problem with the light dept. is that they have been telling us that there isnt a problem !!! I for one think its time to research the possibility of selling it to the highest bidder . Dont worry about what the debt is ,National grid has millions of customers to absorb the BAD investments the light dept. has made in the past and i think the townspeople would be very surprised at how much they would pay .

  7. If the commissioners had a set of balls, they would send Mr. Driscoll packing. I would suggest that he ought to be looking for a new line of work at the end of his contract.

  8. I'd like to know why we pay the same rate as National Grid, when the whole idea of Municipal Electricity was to get cheaper and more reliable electricity. It may be reliable but it sure ain't cheaper.

    I'd like to know why the rate payers used to get a rebate for excess charges at the end of the year, but no more!

    I'd like to know why they purchase brand new trucks and equipment nearly every year instead of getting the full useful life from what they have.

    ANSWER: Because the rate payers are getting raped and there isn't anything they can do about it!

  9. I'd like to know why the Electric department can donate vehicles to other town departments, when they should continue to use those vehicles themselves instead of buying new ones. If they are good enough for other departments they should be good enough for the electric department.

    I'd like to know why the electric department refuses to purchase excess power from town solar generators

    I'd like to know why the electric department refuses to allow rate payers to shop for electricity like public suppliers are forced to do.

    Oh, I forgot....Templeton light has SUPERIOR service !!

  10. I would like to know why the electric department hasn't instituted a formal PILOT program as recommended by the Department of Revenue....Oh, I forgot, Driscoll does not have to abide by ANYTHING the taxpayers want.

  11. I would like to know where our ELECTED Commissioners are. Dana Blais, Gregg Edwards, Chris Stewart. You all should resign NOW! I would like to know if John Driscoll has a contract and if so "public record request"

  12. I know where Dana is: He stated publicly at town meeting that he didn't care WHAT the town votes...they won't take the flouride out of the water. That should be a clue as to his attitude on the electric issues.

  13. Let's see............Driscoll came from Littleton Light dept,
    Hamilton came from Littleton Light dept, Skelton came from Littleton Light dept. NO Nepotism at all ! Nope None. and btw, Littleton is the ONLY other town in Massachusetts that has LIGHT and WATER together.. I think It's time for Driscoll to GO !
