Tuesday, October 2, 2012

ADVISORY BOARD MEETING - WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 3rd 6:30PM 690 Patriots Rd the agenda in here.


  1. This is a extremely important part of our government. The Advisory Boards of the recent past fell short, of the goals needed to help the town go forward. Our present board is putting in place, the building blocks needed to make this town grow. Lets give them the support they deserve. This is your government, and your money. Take the time out to go to a meeting. Bev.

  2. Thank goodness for the Advisory Board!!!! They are the key to getting this town back on solid footing. Yes, we should support them in any way we can.

  3. We're finally making progress in correcting many of our financial problems BECAUSE of the Advisory Board.

    We can turn this town around by continuing to be fiscally conservative until we can build up our reserves. We need to prioritize the projects we decide to begin.

    In my opinion East Templeton Elementary school would make a wonderful space for a town hall. Are there issues there? Yes there are. We already own the building. Let's take a critical look at the structure to determine if it can be reused. Let's see how many offices we can put in ET. Let's close 2 Elm St.

    Let's look at our debt and determine which debt can be re-financed if that is cost effective. we need to re-structure our debt before taking on more debt. $17,000,000 is a very large number!

  4. How did the meeting go? I had a late day at work and couldn't attend the meeting.

  5. The advisory board is finally doing things it has not done since Dan Kenney was on it. That is the board responsible to look at all things financial for the town and make suggestions based on sound financial practice and it is good to see members actually not only taking the responsibility serious but actually working on sound practices and alot of credit goes to Mr. Will Spring and his wife who supports Will and the town. Mr. Spring took on this responsibilty while his wife was in the middle of recovery from a health situation and I hope they do not mind me mentioning that here but I believe that speaks for the dedication and thought that both Mr. Spring and his wife have for Templeton. That care is exactly what the town needs right now and I thank them both for it.

    1. I have to agree with Jeff B. about the Advisory Board. Will Spring took over the reins of the Board and is headed in the right direction. And kudos to his wife for standing by him and encouraging him. We need more people like him to get involved in running the Town and we can't forget Darren for his hard work.They are honest citizens and will do the right thing for the Town. We don't always get to the meetings but keep up the good and hard work.

    2. The meeting had to be cancelled. There were not enough members present. There are times things do not work out, but in the long run we are in better shape than we were six months ago. Mr. Spring designed payroll sheets that have improved that system. Now every department is doing things the same way, and it has cut the time for doing payroll in half. It may seem like a small change, but in reality,it makes things easier for everyone. I think it is a relief to be going forward for a change. Bev.
