Monday, October 1, 2012




  1. chickens - if you're not doing anything wrong and have nothing to hide what is the problem

  2. Please get the word out that the meeting has been cancelled. I think the meeting was cancelled because they would not have a quorum.

    It just gives me more time to prepare my questions about my water bill and the water system. Maybe when the meeting is held, the audit for the wind turbine will be available.

  3. Are we sure it was not cancelled due to a water break?

  4. what with the fan on high they would all get splattered with the sh-t about to hit it!
    could anyone see this comming?

  5. massvocals
    October 5, 2012
    Fluoride Treatment 5 Ways to Detox Fluoride It should be outrageous to think that the very water we drink is poisoned More outrageous is to be lied too with propaganda and then approved by what is an uneducated town vote but the water actually is poison . Although calcium fluoride is found naturally in underground and ocean water, the sodium fluoride added to the public water supply is virtually toxic, a wolf in the sheep’s home even the teeth of the wolf do not improved like our his dental health is worst .fact it is slow to intoxication and makes you sick over a number of years (The West Virginia University Rural Health Research Center says that fluoride doesn’t even prevent cavities; as you remember the town was inform again of this credit for uses the only credit and yet this is a lie see vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids and cocoanuts are better allies for that.) Even the federal government is calling for lower levels of fluoride in public water , wonder why ... after a Harvard study confirmed fluoride’s lowers IQ. remember I said this and you laugh So needless to say, it is extremely important to know of fluoride treatment methods. and the fact that most fluoridation is not being study in town even as we were given in past by HHH ( Gardner hospital ) one of there studies graded us Templeton one of highest cancer communities in there district

    In the wake of even more horrifying findings like fluoride’s link to the cardiovascular and cancer epidemic (causing at least 10,000 cancer deaths since 1977), it’s imperative that we learn how to defend ourselves against systematic and casual envenoming of our water. Here are 5 methods for fluoride treatment – ways to detoxify your body of fluoride.

    Fluoride Treatment - Iodine

    While too much iodine is linked to hypothyroidism, so is too little. The good thing about iodine is that it increases urine irrigation of sodium fluoride as calcium fluoride. Although it does take some calcium with it (calling for an adjustment in diet or calcium supplementation), iodine and lecithin both remove fluoride from the body.

    The next time you’re shopping for laundry detergent, scoop up a box of Borax, which contains boron. Pour 1/32 of a teaspoon (up to ¼ teaspoon) into a liter of distilled water and sip it throughout the day. (Yes, this is safe.) .

    As with any kind of detox, use caution and go at the pace that feels good for you and your body. In addition to detoxing the fluoride out, you can also limit the amount of fluoride coming in which is the most important stop cooking with Templeton water do not drink it or by investing in a water system that filters out fluoride, such as a reverse osmosis water system.or buy such water As you incorporate any fluoride treatment and the fluoride leaves your system, you’ll experience overall health improvements, and you’ll never look at the faucet the same way again. even in taking baths

    Additional Sources:

    Natural News

    2012-10-02 07:54:56


  6. Top Stories

    also I would like to tell the people there is a 3 choice for president the system of election in USA is under control of zealots. who refuses to allow open debate there excuse is one must muster 17% of the vote. However if the message is not heard or the man not seen or heard of then this factor can never be reach .

    Obama?? who further efforts of NWO and written over 600 president exe orders and ROb us nit wit howdy duty comes just in time there issues will condemn us all.. Like there control on protest and comments on line viewed and approved before release in word its obedience training its out there growing There is another way ? in word "Freedom " only one man left stand up for this his name is
    GARY JOHNSON he is running for president FREEDOM is his policy
    we hope you will search him out or you sahll face the level soon to come That Jeopardy is coming or otherwise
    The Level Of Wealth and Destruction Will Be Unbelievable in near future If you people keep voting for lessor of evils YOU say you love your children and you know the difference between, liberty ? and freedom ? then its up to you to educate yourselves in meaning As the progressives have taken over both parties the only choice for a true republic in the united States a constitutional republic is the form of government left us but that has change you see it in law Our lives and property are at risk is 3 party president we can and should hear but THAT IS CONTROL AND RESTRICTED YOU MUST COME TO SEARCH FOR THE TRUTH .We must remove the blank check which allows these fools to spend trillions in our name as congress has forsaken us china is at this very moment per-pairing a gold back money system . America will not be able to take china down like we did with that dictators who were doing the same thing . IMF will lose there components and dominants of US dollar

    ask your self question and see the truth :
    1 Reality Check:
    Who Is Behind The Commission on Presidential Debates?
    2 Are The Debates and question Rigged?
    3 Why is the 3 party not allowed to debate/? fear ?
    4 what American can aline themselves with restricted debate ?

    look at currency/// money
    Silver Spikes Through $35, Gold Sets New 2012 High, to 1789.00 OZ
    there is money Cartel its IMF and world bank

    Follow us down the rabbit hole where the yellow brick road leads us to the men and women be hind the walls of propaganda The truth is only seen when weigh to the level of our general principles which are our foundation in restriction of government the united States CONSTITUTION and Bill of Rights they have new plan to usurp your rights though employment / business should be free of taxation and government controls / the present system in my whole life has continue to borrow and heighten the level of debt to no limits standard ( in other words they change the standard to suit the need , at the top ) so as to continue the credit sham .lets print more money to pay the >>>> Not one president has fix this and one was shot in trying In the same thinking many are in fog as to how we can continue to credit ourselves and run things The thief is before your eyes its movement and they own YOU
    there are many sucking and it employs there very lives many livelihoods surround there present dream like way / anyone who takes without due process or demand there ideals on others or who license though liberty our freedoms are clear delivery of progressives point of view / to wit see agenda 21 which is is happening all around us its called zoning .. or restricting in opportunity , employment see CORI as in the presidential debates by leaving 3 party Gary Johnson out restricted from public view is nothing more then more obedience training or thought police in control of YOU .
    please look into your internet and seek his name GARY JOHNSON and dedicated your selves to the switch off or ON dont be lead to the looter be free
