Monday, October 1, 2012

Templeton’s SWAP Report

Templeton’s SWAP Report
Source Water Assessment and Protection

I located my copy of the most recent Templeton Water Report. This report mentions the SWAP Program. Templeton’s SWAP Report has a wealth of information about protecting our water supply. It was published on February 26, 2002. The information in the report is 10 years old.

Since this report was published I believe we have a stormwater plan, which is mentioned in the report. I don’t believe we ever created a Wellhead protection committee, which was one of the recommendations (page 8).

On page 2 of this 10-year old report, mentions a Consumer Confidence Report at the EPA. I went to that website and found:

P.O. BOX 20


Population Served: 6186
Source Type: Ground Water

Your water supplier does not currently store their water quality report on our online system. Please contact your water supplier for additional information.
If you are a water system and you want to have your CCR listed click here.
A Consumer confidence report might be a useful report to have.
Reference is made on page 3 to a fact sheet entitled “Residents Protect Drinking Water”. That fact sheet might be worth distributing to Templeton residents.

Transportation Corridor Recommendations (page 4) suggests working with local officials during their review of the railroad right of way to ensure water supplies are protected during vegetation control. I know the BOS is notified when the railroad will be spraying along the RR tracks. I have in past made mention of it at BOS meetings and asked for this information to be placed on the town’s website.

Also, the EPA cleanup of properties in Baldwinville (from a blog in May) should be included in any update of the SWAP report for Templeton.

At Tuesday’s TMLWP meeting there is a discussion item about a website for TMLWP. I hope the commissioners will consider adding this type of information to their website.

Finally, Appendix C is outdated and will be the subject of a separate blog….DEP BWSC Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup.

My opinions…supported by FACTS ! !

Julie Farrell


  1. Why is the Light & Water page on the town website good enough for them to post information about cost for the customers like deposits if you are a renter or the cost of a street light. But it's not good enough for other L&W info. Why do they need to "pay" for and create their own website when they could put their info out there we all could find it, on the town's website. A link to the water report that they send to their customers could be posted right from the first page of the towns website. Mr Driscoll stated at one meeting that it would cost about $5,000. for a website. Is he stupid? why pay $5,000.00 for a separate website when the town already has one. Waste waste waste. Check it out go to them click on Town Boards, Departments, Commissions etc, you will find the link to the Light & Water Dept. Hey L&W commissioners just put the info there!

    1. Sounds to me like Mr.Driscoll is not very informed about what goes on in his own office. Seems like he should speak to one of the ladies in his office, so they could show him the way! I remember the remark about the $5,000. I was thinking at the time, one of the kids in the high school could have done for nothing. Bev

    2. Oh my, the Light and Water Depts can't manage to put the simple things on a web site, asking them to do more,{ which is a good idea}, will really send them into orbit. Looks like we need a more qualified person running the Water Department. It needs to come back where it belongs, and we need to establsh a DPW, but that is just my opinion. How did Gerry expect a light guy to run a water department? Just because you pay someone, does not mean they can do the job. That may prove to be a costly decision for the taxpayers to absorb. It has been costly so far, but with no answers in sight, the cost is just going up. My opinion, Bev.

  2. Give control of water to the highway department. The water is under the roads and Bud Chase runs a good department.

  3. well said I can't agree more, won't need so many employee's too!
    not foolish frugalish

    reline pipes are a way to get things done,but they have to check with the girls up front to see, could be done for 1/2 the cost of call ins and overtime?
