Friday, October 5, 2012

Call for Help!

The seniors at Narragansett need some help. The EEE threat has jeopardized Homecoming.

At last night’s BOH meeting, the BOH upheld the ban on outside activities from dusk to dawn, because of the threat of EEE. A large group of seniors attended last night’s BOH meeting to try to get a waiver for Homecoming activities.

There was discussion on why the fireworks at the Ferncol fair were allowed to take place. The Ferncol Fair is on state property and the Templeton BOH has no jurisdiction on that property.

Can anyone think of state property where the homecoming activities can be held? Let’s try to figure out a way to help these kids.

Julie Farrell


  1. Here's a question: does the board of health have control over town employees? If they do, they should put the same curfew on any town work being performed outside after dusk. Water department can't fix breaks, police can't step outside of the cruiser to give a traffic citation, no OT for TMLP etc etc.

    Of course, that would be ridiculous. As is all this panic about EEE.

  2. Julie What type of activities are you talking about ?

    1. I think they were talking about the homecoming foot ball game. This is a big event for these kids, especially the seniors. They can't play tomorrow, because of M-cast testing. They should have thought of playing on Sunday. Bev.

    2. The football game was played today from 4:30- around 6:30, it had been scheduled all week for today. I think Phil Leger needs a good dose of EEE

  3. I guess the kids will learn early on that they will not get their way all the time in life. And also a good lesson on how the government can control every aspect of your life whether you want it or not.
