Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Citizen Petition Alert

I will be collecting the citizen petition sheets on Wednesday October 24th. I would like to turn them in on Thursday to the BOS office.

I would like to thank all of the volunteers who took time out of their busy lives to collect the signatures.
I believe this citizen petition asking for an investigation by the Attorney General into:

252 Baldwinville Rd.
Casella Settlement
Chapter 93 Acts of 2000
WWTP lawsuit and Writs of attachment

will be productive. The citizens petition is the first step. The next step is attending the Special Town Meeting on November 15th.

I have placed supporting documentation for 252 Baldwinville Rd and the Casella Settlement on the Citizens4Templeton website. I am working on a large file for Chapter 93 Acts of 2000 that will be added later. There are over 20,000 pages of documents for the Waste Water Treatment plant lawsuit as well as the Writs of Attachment. I’ll need to shorten that up a bit.

My opinions…supported by FACTS ! !

Julie Farrell

PS. I have obtained a copy of the DVD for the BOS meeting with representatives from the DOR. I hope to post those links by the end of the week.


  1. Oh! I can't wat to see the video! Must see tv. Thanks for posting the documents. Knowledge of facts is a good thing.

    1. The best thing about all of this information is, these are the facts, there is no worming out of the truth. This is especially good for those of you who did not live in town back then,or if you have a short memory. We have to give Julie alot of credit for the time she puts into making this blog informative. The credit also goes to Sue. These people work full time jobs, on top of helping the town recover. If there was no Paulys blog, their would be no other way for the citizens to know what is going on, in the Town of Templeton. We have two papers in our area and you can not get any creditable information from either one. This is a sad, sad, thing. Please remember Sunday, October 28, Citizens 4 Templeton, are holding a meeting at 1:00 at the Templeton, Fish and Game Club. Every one is welcome, and yes they have a television, the game will be on. We hope to see you there. Bev.
