Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Verbal don’t cut it

I want to say thanks to the cable commission that video the selectmen’s meetings. I can’t make the meetings sooo I can watch them again and again and again for the cost of a DVD.
Sooo here is my comment on the meeting. The DOR report- its about  time …..
I went through my papers – still all over the kitchen table and found the originalletter that was sent to the DOR asking for help – as you can see it is signed by then selectmen Julie F, John Henshaw and Pat Dunalevy (rest his soul) but not by JS or DOB. Woo boy dosen’t that say it like it is. And what a top notch Advisory Board we have (squeak squeak) look at their recommendations & then look at the DOR recommendations. Hoo boy do I remember that meeting when JS DOB. Hey Julie do you have a copy of that meeting for the blog. Hee-hee-hee
Not to the BOH – I invite any of their members to write a blog to explain this regionalization with Barre. And VW could we get a list those 40 towns that you said you sent letters to and a copy of the letter. Hee-hee-hee- are we picking on you like you said we were picking on John Driscoll – NO we the taxpayers want information – NOT VERBAL – in writing so we can read it again and again and again.  Speaking of the water dept. VW said “let’s send Jeff R to have a talk with John D – hey Virginia have you not been paying attention- VERBAL DOESN”T CUT IT. Why is asking for information – picking on a dept. the water dept is a TOWN DEPT. Here’s a copy of the letter sent from John D to the Advisory Board. woo boy guess John D doesn’t agree with the advisory board about transparency in town government. Come on John D as of when is asking for a public record picking on a dept? –it’s called the Public Record law not the Picking on a department law hee hee hee. Maybe we’ll get the information by Christmas. Hee-hee-hee.
252 Baldwinville rd – ok on the cable station I heard Chris Stewart say something about the air quality in the ET school being worse that the air quality in 252 Baldwinville rd. Chris what have you been smoking. 252 Baldwinville rd did black carbon manufacturing. ET school is an old building asbestos – yeah probably but so does 252 Bald. Rd. asbestos was put in caulking in cement blocks in the 70’s.  Oh yeah that right you were on the Municipal Building Committee too costing this town $700,000.00 dollars. Do you all remember the selectmen’s meeting last spring after Julie and Mitchell were recalled and the MBC came in asking to spend more money and BC- VW-PM and CS voted yes spend more money on the building. Stupid stupid stupid. At least we can try to sell it now. And yes let’s collect those taxes due the town.
Hey anymore volunteers for helping Will S fix up the ET school? I have been reading the History of Templeton by Mrs Lord – Bev dropped it off to me. Do you know what they did back in the days after the Hurricane of 1938 – they all pitched in and helped rebuild. This is what we have to do in ET.
Mark Moschetti stopped by to see me one day- and he told me that the sewer dept collections problems. Seems that even though we voted at the Town meeting to allow the sewer dept to shut off sewer to those who didn’t pay there bill – just like the water and light dept do. The water dept won’t allow them to – Dana Blais a Water commissioner that you voters elected  he stated that he didn’t care what the people voted. The water depts argument is that the people pay their water bills. So the sewer dept has no recourse – Hey Mark why don’t you put the list on the website like they are going to do with the people that owe taxes. Woo boy that will get people to pay. Times are tough for a lot of people but remember people Mark says the Sewer dept (Linda) will welcome small weekly payments.
Now one last thing – Julie had an email at the selectmen’s meeting and talked about a bill from the lawyers that her name was on. She explained that it was for an opinion on who of the selectmen could or could not sign an election warrant if selectmens names were on it – in other words if they were up for reelection. No problem Julie not a waste of money – not like Bob C, Virginia and Pat M wasting taxpayers money trying to get rid of Mr Ritter.  I see there is going to be an article on the November special town meeting to pay K&P money that is owed them from last spring when BC and Virginia and Pat M were having K&P get rid of Mr R and bring back Carol S. I say we make a motion on town floor to change the article to have Bob C, Virginia and Pat M pay the bill. What say you all. Hee hee hee. Good idea or what.
End of story. thanks for reading my opinions - Pauly


  1. Hey Pauly, you are sounding good! I think the town should not pay that bill, for K&P. They have drained our well dry. They have done as much to hurt this town, as every one else. Send the bill to Scrappy, Bubba and Virginia. Next time,{there better not be a next time} when a person votes to spend our money, maybe they will think twice. Sounds like Chris does not want change. Too bad, we need to get out of the building on the Athol Road, as quick as we can. The air quality there is bad, I went in one day during the summer. All the office doors were shut, and the air in the hall, was awfull. As far as I can see, any improvement is better that where we are. Our town government has started the long climb up, out of the pitts, and no one will stop us. So Chris or anyone else, help or get out of the way! My opinion, Bev.

  2. I will not vote to support regionalization of the BOH with a community that has an active landfill. Barre's landfill is expanding. The laws have changed regarding the supervision and site assignments of landfills. The DEP no longer oversees the site assignments of landfills. Local BOH has oversight authority for landfill site assignments.

    I can't imagine the Barre BOH would enter an MOU with Templeton and then hire a different BOH agent to oversee the expanding Barre landfill. There's more going on here than meets the eye.

    Could Templeton use an additional $18,000? You bet....but what's the catch? Because there's always a catch. And Templeton is finally catching on!

  3. Question how much of that $18,000. was Phil going to get?

  4. Am i the only one that is sick and tired of people telling us how lucky we are to have them ? Phil is a very nice guy and he really knows his stuff . However what the hell are we doing with a full time health agent when the five or six other towns that he works for pay him on a case by case basis . WAKE UP PEOPLE . its time we take all cost saving measures seriously . THINK ABOUT IT .

  5. Hmmm no five week paid vacation no benefits just per diam sounds good to me

  6. If it's good enough for Barre, Petersham, Royalston, New Braintree...did I miss any of the towns Phil works for "per diem"? It should be good enough for Templeton.

  7. you forgot Phillipston and New Salem

  8. Am I totally missing something here? We are paying a "full time" health agent,complete with benefits, who is ALSO working on a "per diem" basis for six other towns? When does the agent find time in his "full time" day to do this other "per diem" work? I know with some types of work, you can moonlight after office hours, but it seems that this job would require working daytime hours. Just wondering. Can anyone explain this for me? I have no idea who the agent is, so it's not a personal thing ... I'm just confused.
