Friday, October 26, 2012

Dark shadows....

Okay I admit I have never watched a soap opera. Hee-hee-hee. This is reality people - get it. Carol and Jerry Skelton, Dennis oBrien, Bubba Columbus, Pat M, Virginia Dana B and the rest of the recall people. led us down a rotten path. Since 2002 I have been trying to call attention to wrongdoings. Yes I blame the recall people to because you all cost this town and it's taxpayers money. our hard earned money.

Now here we are owing $700,000 on a sh--- building. Okay so we know that Jerry S, Bubba, Dennis  Dana B and Chris S were all on the Municipal Building committee. we know that Jerry had all the info in the white binder that he kept from the public. We know they paid $400,000 for the building, stupid. $300,000 went where? who signed those invoices. we know they would have kept them from Julie - she would have questioned them. sooo here is my idea.  Let's sue them for bankrupting this town. Our town. This was a CONSPIRACY! end of story.

woo boy - I have been asking for an investigation for years and years. Now there will be an article on the Special Town Meeting Thursday November 15th 7PM NRMS Auditorium asking for special legislation for an investigation. woo boy We need this - I have been trying to get this for years. This is why I started the blog because nobody would listen. The Gardner News wouldn't print my letters to the editor - then my grandson said to me - gramp what about a blog. Thank you Stephan. We need everyones support on this article. We need and investigation. And when this article is brought to town floor we all get to be heard - we all get to let the people know why we need an investigation. We need to say what wrongdoing have happened. we need to put the blame on these people for all to hear- right Jerry carol bubba dennis Dana etc etc woo boy lets put the pressure on. and if we get it passed - then we need to push it though the legislature - Call sen. Brewer - hey sen Brewer better dig out all those letter and emails I sent you in the past about wrongdoings in Templeton and you to Anne Gobie. So who will help us of the new people Susanna Lee or Denise Andrews.

This payment will take a big chunk out of our money next year FY 2014. if you think it's bad now wait until then. less services- offices closed more - All because of these people -
I still say take them to court. end of story.

Feeling better more to come ..... thanks for reading my opinions Pauly


  1. It is not a made up story, I wish it was. Then it would go away, and every thing would be ok. The people in our town offices could have their hours back, Bud would have enough money to run his department. Hey, even get some half decent equipment! Maybe we would have had enough money, to pay a qualified person to be the treasurer. I am not picking on Dan, its just that he is walking into a mess, right from the start. Walking into a job, you have never done before. It is going to be a tough row to hoe. Sometimes second best is not enough. I do not know how long, the people working in our town offices, will hang in there. In this economy, with prices going up every time you turn around does not make it any easier. I know Denise Andrews will be a great help to us. Denise has spent a good ammount of time in Templeton, getting to know people, she has a good under standing of where we are, and what we need. She will be there to help us going down the road, and trust me, we will need all the help we can get.Bev.

  2. Pauly , I was not on the Muni Building Comm. You must be talking about Kirk , he was a big backer of that project. Dana

  3. And thanks to Mark Haranas for continuing the fallacy that it was simply a matter of a $400,000 increase due to a roof code change for 252 Baldwinville Road that killed the project. How about the fact that the bids were upwards of 3 million?! Stop harping on this roof code change; this isn't what killed the project!

    1. You wonder why the bids came in so high? If I remember right didn't they want marble floors!! Marble?? This is not Newport, or some classy suburb, we are Templeton. We do not need a classy place, in the end East Templeton will be just fine. A plumber, fixes plumbing, a electrian, fixes wires, a bunch of dummys go and spend our money, and we get nothing, but the bill to pay it back! Bev

  4. Way to throw Kirk under the bus Dana. At least he's man enough to admit when he makes a mistake. (He was kept out of the loop anyways with regard to 252 thanks to GS.) Kirk is an asset to this community - you are not.

    1. Ok, I don't agree with what was said about Dana, and I will tell you why. He has done some big jobs at queen lake in the past two or three years. Having that much going on is hard to manage but he did it. He did it so alot of guys in our community could have a job. That is the truth. Some of these guys are very talented, they are really craftsmen. Carpenters, electricians, landscapers, guys that have a specialty, get a chance to work. Most of you know he built our camp. He did such a beautiful job, we put a plack near the front door. I know Dana would have loved to build a town hall for the town, he would have done a good job, because he has pride in what he does. Do I agree with everything as far as the light and water? No, you know I don't. Just think about GS's binder? It could be he had one for the light and water too! Maybe more than one person was kept in the dark. We will never know! Bev.

    2. Kirk was 100% into and for 252 Bald, Rd. right down to the very end. Kirk does not get involved in a project unless he has a hand in everything about it. DO NOT underestimate his relationship with GS

  5. Bev don't take this the wrong way but how does Dana being a good carpenter affect the town or him sitting on the L&W board doing nothing. and maybe someone should remind Mark H that the $400,000. for the roof never passed The $700,000 was just a total waste of money. oh yeah an Dana that's right you were on the School sign committee the one that wasted 200,000 paying Carl Weber to find land.

  6. So True, Dana is a good carpenter PERIOD......, There is nothing else Dana can be commended on, He still shoots his mouth off about how great Bob Columbus is. He is also one of the BIG problems with the Light/Water dept. Lets not forget. Mark

  7. you know what they say, keep your friends close and your enemies closer

    1. Well, At this point, all of the people who stood behind the recall people, who believed the story that was spun, must be getting the real picture about now. If they havn't, the truth will hit them right between the eyes, especially when they get their next tax bill. It is a sorry day when you stand up for some one, and then find out they have betrayed you. This is the worst betrayal of all. GS, and crew need to stand alone, to face the music, with no one behind them. This is a warning, never sign up for a committee, or a group, and let them put you in a position that you do not know every thing that is going on!! Don't feel stupid, or be afraid to ask questions?? How did GS run around with his binder? Information that should have stayed in a town office? This should be a wake up call, for every one. This town can not go through crap like this again. The waste of all that money, by the Carl Webber, how did that happen? Why didn't someone say stop? Because you are on a committee, does not mean you leave your brain at home. All of the things that have happened are going to make it harder for a school to be built, hours to be given back to our workers. I would not want to be the one to brag that I was on a committee that spent $2000.000, and had nothing to show for it. Every one has a opinion, It is really hard to not be mad, over the dumb crap people do, especially when it is going to hurt all of us. We need to move forward. Don't forgrt the meeting Sunday, 1:00 Templeton Fish, Bev.

  8. Check when that building coed change went into effeft, may surprise you. Kirk Moschetti may have supported the project and may have been looking at work (possibly) but I know for a fact, I asked the question, Kirk also said it was dumb to pay a propane company to remove THEIR tank from town property as good ole gerry wanted to. Kirk spoke up about that pretty loudly. We all now know what a mess 252 is and who was really behind it, now we must fix it and clean up the mess and ensure it never happens again. Begin the plan and look for good canddates for selectmen this May, new people, regular folks who care and who will put it in some time, I am the perfect example that you don't have to be the smartest in the room to do that, you just have to care and work for the taxpayers and not yourself. I am glad we have this blog because it allows me to keep up with things while on vacation in Afghanistan. hope all taxpayers in Templeton are ready for the storm that is suppose to be comming. take care and stay safe

  9. "The most dangerous man, to any government, is the man who is able to think things out for himself.... Almost inevitably, he comes to the conclusion that the government he lives under is dishonest, insane and intolerable." H.L. Mencken, American Writer (1880-1956)

  10. What does Dana singly have to do with the 252 Baldwinville Rd building I think all you are mistaken and have some real issues to figure out no one person made this decision on his or her own to purchase this property. Many people were involved also Julie was on the Board at the time if it was a bad idea why didn't she speak up then. Seems to me that Pauly is the only one that has the real issues with GS, personally I think that he is jealous over him, he has a nice farm house mountainous view over on echo hill and all Pauly has for a view is that over piles and piles of junk, and contaminated soils that probably would never even grow grass to give him a view. Maybe over the years if pauly paid in to his retirement instead of pocketing most of his cash he to could have a nice view to look at during his last years but he chose to pocket money and have no retirement. Because someone managed his or her money right and paid in and in the end it all paid off for them they should not be faulted. Pauly you have screwed many people over in your life, how bought how you screwed over your wife never gave her a dime, made the contaminated mess then when she wanted her half you told her to give you half of the cleanup money so she walked away and left with nothing, you used Salame to do you dirty work, now she is dead so you needed to move onto someone else that leaves Julie and Jeff that is the only two that you are able to buy, only thing is who will pay their when you have pasted? Who will fire people up in the town cause so much trouble and hold the town back from making good decisions, with the amount of energy you and others have used negatively against 252 baldwinville rd, if it had been positive the town would already have a new town office with all the offices in one building and make it very easy for everyone to conduct business, but you and others make it so hard, I think that a bunch of you like Sue don't want everyone in the same building because they are afraid that people in town would be able to see how little that certain people in town do and it makes it very easy for people to see things once everyone is all in the same place, makes it very easy to watch the wasted town money on assistants and assistants to the assistants. This town needs to cut dead weight, starting with Sue, regionlize the health and building inspectors hell there is probably over 75-100k in savings right there alone.

    1. WOW have you been incarcerated for the past 10 years, YOU REALLY do not have a clue, I feel really bad for you that you have been suckered into believing your great mentor GS. If you or anyone would look into details of the way things had been done by GS instead of listening to GS himself you would VERY CLEARLY see the pattern of illegal behavior. If others put into their retirement like Gerry did? LMAO.

      from; A former Skelton supporter who looked into things on my own and saw the REAL truth

    2. You are very wrong about decisions not being made by one person, there may have been a couple on the committee, but What Gerry wanted, Gerry did, others just went along with Gerry. I KNOW, I WAS THERE, although unknown to them.

    3. This person obviously did not pay attention to meetings over the course of 2009-2010 or they would know how many times Julie asked questions and tried to ring the alarm on things not adding up. Julie has taken flack from the "dream team" for years and years without any support. She's a strong and intelligent lady and I admire her for undergoing all the bullying and good ole boy attitude as long as she has. Not everyone on the TMBC is responsible for the actions of said committee. Several were kept in the dark on major decisions and when they made suggestions or asked questions, they were ignored. GS signed for a loan without formal approval of the BOS. There is documentation to prove it. GS kept all important information in that white binder. Its a fact. And as far as spending goes, no architect normally takes a 20% cut from a $2mil project. It usually is a 7-10% cut. So, if this GS supporter would like to make a defense of their group, I suggest they do their research a bit more before opening their mouth. We've ben insulted before and that tactic simply doesn't work anymore. We're beyond that. And believe me, Pauly has more respect and character in his little pinky than BC, GS, and DO combined.

      Only history will give the final judgement on who did more positive things for Templeton. And I think I know who to put my money on. Its not the guy who has the biggest toys or bullied and harassed numerous people. It will be the guy who persisted and demanded transparency in local government and rallied citizens to pay attention and do their homework on important issues.

  11. To anonymous 7:00 pm

    Pleas review the DOCUMENTS on the citizens4 Templeton website. If you review the documents for 252 Baldwinville Rd that are posted for everyone in the world to read and review, you will discover that the invoice to pay for the purchase of 252 Baldwinville Rd was signed by Dennis O'Brien, Bob Coulums and Chris Stewart . The invoice is an e-mail...can't miss it.

    For the record I asked repeatedly for updates and information on 252 Baldwinville rd. I was treated rudely and disrespectfully by Gerry Skelton for daring to ask questions about "his" project. It's on video. Gerry kept the binder in his possession at all times. I believe committee members were kept in the dark about the USDA loan application and many issues with this project by GERRY SKELTON!

    So Jay,
    Keep drinking the kool-aid. It's best to wean yourself off that stuff slowly.

  12. Hmmm what would I rather look out at squash or scrap metal worth lots of money, just ask Scrappy what he would prefer. and lets see waste $700,000 on a crap building and architect plans or move everybody into ET cleaned up with volunteer help. and save the tax payers money. drink some more of that koolaid made with flouridated water.

  13. sounds like someone is jealous of Pauly's supporters and his success. does Jerry have any friends

  14. Its pretty fitting that a GS supporter would focus on money as a measurement of a man. In my opinion, when we all met our maker (whomever that may be) it becomes quite apparent that money means nothing in the end. What matters most is what good did you generate and give to the world. GS will never be remembered as someone who worked for the greater good of the town. Pauly will. Pauly has helped so many people in need without ever expecting or asking for anything in return. Pauly will be remembered as bringing people together and creating a change in the world. GS had to buy friends and power. And therefore, it only makes sense that someone that looked up to GS would only see his wallet as a measure of the man.

  15. Well said Anonymous 10:33.

    If only GPS had used his OWN resources to peddle influence and buy loyalty instead of bankrupting the town. Bankrupting the town by using Town resources to peddle influence and inflate salaries of the "Chosen" people.

  16. whom ever that may be, if you are going accuse me of being bought off, please do not be afraind to use your name. As for that big white binder that contains 252 information, I ask why was it suddenly removed from the selectmen office after I won a recount? Wactch a video or two and ask yourself why ddi Gerald Skelton get so upset when ever questions were asked about 252? Why did Mr. Skelton ask was the soil tested at the new senior center site? Look into why road block after road block was put in front of that project from the town coordinator spot? Who was the town coordinator then? What I personaaly would like to see is court ordered review of the personal e-mail accounts of the skeltons and Bob Columbus, to see if any e-mails from Len Kopelman went that route. Just a thought. Now ask yourself a question, Why was there an effort to separate the town from the selectmen named in the most recent complaint brought against the town by Carol Skelton? Why would Len Kopelman do that. Better yer why did Len Kopelman insist on looking at the contract of Jeff Ritter right after the recall last February? I do not recall the BOS asking for that and Len Kopelman stated at a BOS meeting that he works for the majority of the BOS. Who was that going to benefit? oh yeah, the attempt by Bob Columbus, Pat Mullins and Virginia Wilder to bring back Carol Skelton full time with good ole Len Kopelman as town counsel. "Just because you think they are out to get you does not mean you are paranoid" Take a look at the figures put out by the old muni building then look at numbers obtained from the treasurers office, as in canceled checks and invoices, they clearly show a five year average of $145,000.00 spent for rent, heat ,lights etc. the muni bldg committee put out numbers for loan repayment and building expense at $188,000.00, clearly it was going to cost MORE to have 252 done, and that is fine, but why all the lies that it was going to be cheaper? What exactly was Gerald and his crew hiding? Gerald Skelton was a selectman when it started and his wife was coordinator so that information from the treasurer was available. Then there is the issue with the pay for the ole con com agent, they lied about that and ignored it for over 2 years, even after it was shown to them. Way too many things do not add up to your equation there anonymous. And yes I have all of this documentation to prove what I just wrote. Maybe if Gerald Skelton did not sign off on pay increases for his wife who was town coordinator and Gerald was a selectmen, is that a conflict? and maybe if Dennis O'Brien and Bob Columbus had an ounce of decency in them and they had been working for the town taxpayers. Tell you what anonymous, take a look at who funds Gerald Skelton's pension. See if any part of that comes out of the light & water budget. Now sign your name and you and I can have a debate about things. My response will be delayed because I am over in Afghanistan on vacation and you are back there babysitting Gerry's squash and probably watering his grass for him. and that folks is my opinion of anonymous.

    1. The truth will win the day! Anonymous, Oct.27, 7:00, you should have saved your self a lot of effort. We know the truth. There are no secrets, among us. Pauly can stand up and face anyone. He will not stand alone, he has us behind him, 100%. Our town history will tell the truth, sadly Mr. Skelton will not come out a hero, but this is his own doing. All of the money in the world can buy respect. My opinion, Bev.
