Friday, October 26, 2012

This Saturday Oct 27 @ Steeple Antiques

Hey people I just want to mention a business in East Templeton across from C O &S Garage.

STEEPLE ANTIQUES  137 Patriots Road  owned by Cheryl LaPointe is having a HALLOWEEN DAY on Saturday October 27th (tomorrow) Fun for the whole family.

Check it out and support a local business.

And to Bev- Thanks for the spaghetti sauce - are us sure you don't have a little Italian in you. Hee hee hee


  1. Sorry, no Italian in this lady. You learn to cook Italian quick, when your husband looks at meat and potatoes like it is going to kill him! He will eat pasta seven days a week if I let him. Glad it was OK! Anything to get Pauly on his feet! We need his support more than ever. I have a feeling things are going to get rough, on our way to fiscal sanity. It is time for all you people that read this blog, come and support us when we need it. You do not have to stand up and make a big speach, Just be there, Please! Bev.

    1. Bev, I think Pauly's joke went over your head about having "a little Italian in you". I'm guessing the Bart is not "little".

  2. Steeple Antiques is a great shop. If you haven't been, check it out. I'm so glad they came to Templeton. I've already found some Christmas presents there.

    And if we're getting a hurricane net week, it may be fun to take your kids over to Steeple Antiques Halloween Day on Sat so they can have a fun Halloweeny time.

  3. Congrats Pauly! It looks like your blog will hit 300k pageviews today! Woo hoo! Thanks for putting the time and energy into providing a new line of communication between citizens of Templeton. Your hard work has put a spotlight on the real operations in town government. With so many more people understanding what you've been trying to say for over a decade, it will be hard for town officials to get away with anything fishy moving forward. There are many, many more eyes on things now and people will questions things more regularly. Your actions are now a part of the history of Templeton. And for that, I thank you.

    1. I am so proud of what you have acomplished, Pauly. You have shown, the people who thought they could do anything they wanted, that a man in laymans language, could put a stop to their "wrong doings"! You let the rest of the town know what was going on ! We all have learned much from you. Get it in writing! We are not done yet, this is just the beginning. There is a lot of work, to be done to get this town, back on its feet. There is no doubt, if it was not for you and Sue, we would just have continued to dig the hole we are in, deeper, and not even have a clue. You are my night in shinning armor! Bev.
