Friday, October 5, 2012


If you are on the town water supply in the town of Templeton, you have the honor and privilege of being poisoned by water fluoridation. There is no way to opt out unless you drill your own well (an option worth consideration).

The BOH position is to promote and protect the practice of water fluoridation in the town of Templeton. We have approached the BOH to request their support of a warning notice on water bills. This warning notice is similar to the warning notice for NH public water supplies that was recently passed and based on information from the CDC. The warning does not remove fluoride from the water but alerts parents that it can cause dental fluorosis to allow parents to make an informed decision about their child’s health.

The position of the BOH and its director is to PROMOTE water fluoridation. Wil Spring attended this meeting as well and had a good point to make:

What are you [BOH] doing for the rest of the citizens who are not on town water? If fluoride is such a vital, necessary thing for human beings, what about the people and the children who are using well water? What is the BOH doing to ensure that all residents are being fluoridated?

I believe it is the BOH’s responsibility to protect the health and welfare of ALL residents in Templeton. The BOH supports water fluoridation as a necessary and vital component to protect the health of every person in Templeton. The BOH should also be committed to force every man, woman and child on well water to ingest fluoride tablets on a daily basis….whether they want to or not.

At the conclusion of the meeting, I asked for a number of documents and studies. I have asked for the studies that have been conducted that demonstrate beyond a shadow of a doubt that fluoride and water fluoridation does NO harm to the human body.

I also made a request to the BOH to ask for the MSDS on fluoride from the water department. I asked that the BOH members go to the water department and observe firsthand the chemical that is used to fluoridate the water supply. I also asked them to request the certificate of analysis or product analysis sheet for the fluoride that is used for water fluoridation in Templeton. There are different types of fluoride. The fluoride used for water fluoridation is very different than the fluoride used in toothpaste and mouthwash. You are not supposed to swallow toothpaste or mouthwash. People usually swallow the water they drink…which is fluoridated.

Bev. B. also attended this BOH meeting. As a former member of the BOH, she understands that what was once common practice: DDT, spraying trees with arsenic of lead, lead in gasoline, DES, thalidomide, 9 out of 10 doctors who smoke, smoke (camels?); these practices have been found to be harmful and are discontinued. Is it possible that water fluoridation could be bad for you?

My opinions…supported by FACTS ! !

Julie Farrell


  1. My opinion is that "just because they did some thing years ago, does not make it right!" In those days, they were ignorent, but finally got a understanding of what they were doing was wrong, or not in the best interest of the majority of their population. Last night I asked if the fact that the governor of N.H. had issued a warning, didn't it give them a cause for concern? Well I guess we all know the answer to that! Pete asked if they had read a book he had lent them? He was told, because the book was written with a bias against floride, it was not crediable. {it is good to note that one of the studies came from a well known college in Boston, MIT}. These people are pissed that this question has found its way to town meeting floor twice. Well, I hate to break it to them, this is our town. Any one of us has a right to get enough signatures to place anything we want on town meeting floor! Think about this, these are our children and grand children. The floride in your water is not the same, as what is in your tooth paste, or mouth wash. {even they will tell you not to swallow, when you rinse out your mouth.} There is a warning on my toothpaste to keep out of the reach of children. If more than used for brushing is accidently swallowed, get medical help or contact a Poison Center right away. Remember I said that the floride in the drinking water is not the same as in tooth paste and mouth wash? Well,that is because the floride in the water has lead and heavy metals in it. NOT A GOOD THING At this point, all we can do is, if you know anyone with a baby, or small child, and they use town water, explain to them why they should not use town water to make baby formular. I know if I was on the BOH again, and I thought floride in the water supply hurt more than it helped, I would make it a top priority to get some answers on my own, and get off my high horse real quick. This is not about them, it is about every child on town water. That should be their top priority. My opinion, Bev.

  2. I'm still trying to understand all the resistance to a constructive discussion about a serious health issue. If people in town have questions or opposing viewpoints, why is that considered "bad" or "political"? Let's hear both sides, discuss, and come to a conclusion. Both sides have valid points supported by reputable experts. So, how does one stupid taxpayer get to make an informed decision if one side is suppressed in favor of another? If fluoride is not safe, I want to know about it. If it is safe, tell me why other towns have stopped adding fluoride to their water? Why did governors in other states issued warnings? The BOH should be a source of information to the public and I would hope they would constantly educate themselves on evolving research. Using data from 50 years ago is not responsible if there is newer data that states something different. This is a recurring problem all over Templeton politics. Fluoride, turbine, debt management...all we want is honest discussion with respect to all sides of an issue. I don't want to be told what to think. I want to be given all information and make up my own mind.

    1. We've been having a constructive discussion about fluoride in Templeton for years. The question has gotten a debate, but townspeople were unconvinced that changing was a good idea. It's failed both times.

      I'm not speaking of the merits of the question, just saying that people have had a chance to get rid of fluoride treatment in the drinking water. There is much to overcome. Dentists tell mothers it is helpful to good dental care. Dentists have high standing with most mothers and fathers. They go to school a long time, and what they say has a lot of weight in the debate.

      To say we've not had a "constructive discussion" may be true, but I don't agree. The anti-fluoride camp has gotten a vote twice. People weren't convinced. I have read some material on-line, it does not sound like fluoride is as dangerous as has been claimed on this blog. Calling it "poison" is just wrong. Dosage can make anything poison. Even water. Read an MSDS for chlorine bleach. Should it be banned, based on what harm it could do if mis-applied?

      I think it is VERY wise to investigate the treatment details of fluoride in Templeton. Make sure the dosage is correct. Make sure the fluoride that is being used is correct for the purpose. Is the water being tested, and does that show the very low concentration of fluoride that is prescribed for dental care? 1 part per million?

      Here's what Linus Pauling had to say about fluoride:
      Over a period of more than a decade I have studied the available information about the fluoridation of drinking water I have reached the conclusion that the presence of fluoride ion in drinking water in concentrations about equal to the average for natural water is beneficial to the health, especially because of the protection that it provides against dental cavities, and that there is no evidence for detrimental effects comparable in significance to the beneficial effects. I support the actions of city, state, and national governments in ordering that public supplies of drinking water be brought to this level by the addition of fluoride, in case that the water is deficient in fluoride, and by removal of some of the fluoride if there is an excess of fluoride in the water supply.

      Does Templeton have "naturally occuring" fluoride? If we do, then Mr. Pauling thought we might need to remove some if it's too high. If we don't, he thinks we should add it to "average natural concentration". Linus Pauling won two Nobel prizes. He was a brilliant man, he is someone whose advice I would certainly take.

    2. Ask the water department what the natural fluoride level is in Templeton. The silence will be deafening.

    3. Mark, you have very good points expressed here. I do not think the majority of citizens fully understand the facts presented by both sides. I've tried to digest it all and still its hard to really get a grip on the subject. I do think it is important to continue to discuss the topic amongst ourselves in venues like this blog as well as at BOH meetings. And I feel it is the responsibility of the BOH to continue to engage in conversation on the subject as long as there are citizens with questions and concerns. It is their responsibility to provide as much information as possible even if it is annoying to do so.

  3. you are right anonymous 12:38am we live in a democracy. And Chris Stewart please stop saying "you people" we are individual people with different thoughts and opinions.Let's have some discussions. I heard the BOH chairman didn't want to hear from anyone in the audience at the last meeting, can anyone fill me in on this? I was unable to attend.

    1. With the different ways available to get floride, if you want it, it is not necessary to put it in the water system. Floride treatments were not available years ago, but they are now. It is true that the question has brought up in front of town meeting twice, but it seems to me the discussion has really just started. Do you really think the "experts" that came to town meeting, came for nothing? Why should they bother? Dental people make a good ammount of money to apply floride treatments. Do you think the tooth paste people want the use of floride to stop? If it did, we could go back to using baking soda, it would be safer, and do just as well. Lets pray that a study, acceptable to the BOH, never comes out to say drinking Floride in water will cause you problems, as a result. Oh yes, those studies exist! The BOH, in its wisdom has decided not to accept them. A simple warning, like the one the Govenor of N.H. has put on water bills, is all that we are asking for. Who would that hurt? Bev.

    2. How much water does each individual consume in a day? How can you be sure that you are not over dosing? Some teas supposedly contain fluoride, so what is the accumulated dose for a tea drinker? What about young athletes? How much water do they drink while working out? Is the dose weight dependent? Does drinking one quart of fluoridated water have the same effect on a 100 pound female as it does on a 200 pound male? Do the people that add the fluoride have the proper licensing and training? These are the type of questions that I would like answered!

    3. who cares the point is if you want it in YOU you have a choice in templeton we have no choice its in the water please there by foolish who care not any reason as teeth being an issue is out right lie and it does not make the water any better in fact make the water taste as it does so if there is problem you can not tell any difference and over the years it causes issue like cancer and bone and mental issue and for babys wow its faster
