Sunday, October 7, 2012

This was sent to me.

Here is something some sent to me......

First - Has anyone been on the S. Royalston Road latety, yes I know it is the worst road in Town which should be on the list for an overhall not Echo Hill - Baldwinville Road.. Did you see the old, junky camper with no tires on it parked on the side of the road with a for sale sign on it. It really is on a town road. Accident waiting to happen. Isn't there a law against this? Second - we really do miss Jeff B. He, like Julie, is such a well informed resident and willing to take anyone on. Third - welcome to our new Fire Chief Ray Laporte. You are a great addition to our Fire Dept. Fourth - Pauly we are waiting on you to get well. We need your great blogs. Sooo...Get better!! Fifth - is the BOS going to cancel their meeting so we can attend the Light and Water meeting. What about Chris? 

Good points anonymous - and a good question how will Chris Stewart attend both meetings? and while we are discussing the L&W dept maybe they should review the public records laws and the open meeting laws  They also may want to ask Jeff R on how to post an executive session - you are not suppose to put the person's name in the posting - duh! 
Just my opinions - Pauly
And to all my fellow bloggers thanks for reading and commenting during a time that I'm not feeling to good. 


  1. Funny you mention the trailer on Royalston Road because as I was today walking today on Bridge Street I noticed a junk yard across the road from the cemetary. Is there no law against all that clutter/junk? My goodness, I know if I were a neighbor I'd be knocking on their door! On the subject of flouride after researching I am finding it very hard to believe that we are being forced to ingest posion delivered by way of town water. I think it may be a law suit waiting to happen. Good job keeping us up to date PF. Where are the views from pro flouride?

  2. Oh there are laws about junks, BUT the only time the police seem to do anything is when it involves a classic car or a good vehicle they may be able to snag from the desperate homeowner. They are very selective and don't bother if there is not anything in it for them.

    1. Gee, come to think of it, I have not heard anyone for floride, except for the people who came to our town meeting, to tell us to drink the town water. I'll bet you they wouldn't drink it. This whole thing with the BOH seems to be the, "don't tell us what to do" attitude. Not a attitude I would have if I was in their shoes. It is their job to protect the people in this town, reguardless of their personal feelings. They are not doing their job in my opinion, weather they like it or not. Bev.

    2. Oh Yes, I forgot to nominate Partgidgeville Road as one of the worst roads in town. It is literally sinking into the swamp, on the right side, if you get off 2A, and head to South Main Street. You can't miss it because you have to straddle the middle of the road. If you try to travel down the right hand side of the road, it is dangerous. The other side is almost as bad, but not quite. What a mess, There is a new pot hole that has just developed in that section, so be carefull. Bart says we will have dirt roads soon. It is ok with me, at least you can grade them. Ok a question for you guys? Do they tar roads any more? If not why not? When I was a kid they tarred roads all the time. It seems we could try to salvage some of the roads we have. The roads are going to pot,{really going to he--, but I was trying to be nice} real bad, in my opinion. Bev.

  3. Chris Stewart only gets a stipend for light and water and not BOS. He'll go where the money is, and where he doesn't really have to do anything!

  4. the problem with the roads in town
    1- they just grind them and pave over them just a band aid
    2- no preventive maintaince on the roads ya need to fill the cracks with liquid tar to prevent water getting in and causing heaves !!!
    3- partridge rd was just done years ago I'm not sure when it was done but 15 years I'm guessing
    4- if you want roads to last you need to rebuild the base not just pave over the clay base .the roads have no drainage ..
    5- i bet we would be better off on some roads to have them dirt so you can just grade them a few times a year go up north in Maine and new Hampshire the back roads are all dirt and there better then some of Templeton roads !!!

  5. I believe there was a by-law passed, at the behest of the BOH on the amount of "junk" one can have on THEIR property, as in the land they pay taxes on for the privelege of owning and I believe the by-law equaled three cords of wood as in one cord is 4ft x 4ft x 8ft. It should be in the by-law book. It was brought up when Joyce Crouse was the health agent. So the place next to the light dept and cemetary, there is an amount of "stuff" that is allowed to be on your property before it is considered a violation. I bet if the assessors send a personal property tax bill for it it would get someones attention. I am pretty sure that can be done. May have to try and reach the assessors and find out for sure. Chris Stewart has an obligation as chairman to be at two meetings on the same day and same time so he again has an obligation to change the day or time of one of the meetings or step down from one position. It is chairman responsibility to post the meetings, check the agenda and ensure they are worded correctly. It is on-line, it is a phone call away at state offices. I always have a copy of state open meeting law and public records law with me at every meeting I attend, so should the chairman. Taxpayers/voters should hold him accountable, do both jobs right or quit one or quit both. And I do not have to be in Templeton to know that. That is simply a responsibilty one has to accept in taking on the position of chairman of any board or committee. If you are simply there for the money, you should probably find something else to do. (my opinion of course)

  6. Seriously, why are the light and water PUBLIC meetings STILL not posted on the town website? And how the hell can the Chairman of the BOS be at a BOS meeting as well as serve as a Commissioner on the L&W dept who needs to be in attendance for an executive session? The poor management and coordination of public meetings is laughable! And when crap like this is pulled, its really hard not to think its intentional. How unprofessional it is to hear about public meetings via word of mouth! Does it really need to get to a level of outrage by the public before anyone in management actually makes a change like actually following existing rules for posting public meetings? It sure seems that way.

    And one more thing..when are people going to acknowledge the pattern in this town of town officials going out on disability? Its a card that has been played more than once in the past. Its just another example of the grabbing hands grabbing all they can. Such an example of the lack of integrity that some STILL possess in this town.

  7. will this be another one like Todd Basso. Go out on disability and then go work for a lanscape company. oh yeah and fix up your rental properties. or Carol S run a year around flea market.

  8. Maybe the money spent running that stupid brush hog down all the sides of the back roads could be spent on paving or the money spent on running the sidewalk plow in the developments (fern st ware and Ledge) when I lived in another town all property owners had to keep their property along the roads or side walks clear. Gardner has that bylaw. In a year where they say we will run out of money in the Highway budget they are wasting it chopping brush on back roads?

  9. Here is a kick in the jaw, read the union contract for the highway dept. included is the workers get a pair of work boots furnished to them, paid for by the taxpayers. An employee goes out on disability and fights to get his pair of work boots because of the contract. going out on disability and you need work boots for what reason? to pawn them? Go to a selectmen meeting and ask why the executive session minutes for say the last 2 years have not been made public. Look at the police contract and ask why policemen have to get paid to take a physical fitness test? Not to pick on anyone but if you work for the town of Templeton and you live in the town of Templeton, I would think you would take a little less and help out your town and fellow taxpayers rather than just take all you can get. Taxpayers should report Mr. Basso to the insurance co, they do have investigators and or take pictures of him working and ask the chairman of board of selectmen what the heck is going on. People need to start thinking about May elections, there are two selectmen up for re-election, Pat Mullins and Chris Stewart, if you do not like the job they are doing, run and make a list of what you do not like and what and how you would do different. Nothing will change just by blogging. No one thought we had a chance in hell of getting rid of Carol Skelton and bob columbus, virginia wilder and crew went out, lied and tried very hard to put things back but in the end they failed. Templeton can be fixed but will take time and work. Follow the lead of Will Spring, become part of the solution.
