Friday, November 16, 2012

A good Job done‏

Well guys, we did it. We had our voices heard. How sweet was that. I thank you all so much for the support, not only for tonight, but for the last eight months. You know, we got over that hump, now we need to make the people who have the power, understand the real need to make this investigation fly. We need to make them DO THEIR DAM JOB! Simple as that. Next, in time for the Annual town meeting, we need to make the penelaty for breaking our BY-Laws tougher.
It may take years, to get things done, but atleast we have a start. I saw the Leominster paper today. The mayor got nailed for a ethics issue and they fined them $4000.00.It took a long time for that to get done, but it got done. Our poor town is in a mess, but we are still in better shape, than we were four months ago. It was nice of Denise to come tonight. She is going to work hard for us. Virginia was very upset, tried to make a issue out of the fact Dave had a citizens 4 Templeton hat on! Give me a break, who reads anyones hat? I think any excuse will do, she is a echo hill girl through and through. That will come back to bite her. If she was the leat bit smart, she would want the best for the people in our town. Not try to stick them with a huge ammount of debt, just because her best friend forever, was greedy. Pauly is back in the hospital., I will go to see him tomorrow. I know he is going to be so pleased that things worked out tonight. I am so proud of everyone that showed up to night. That is what being an American is all about. That is also why I love a town meeting. You can have your say, if someone does not agree, they can get up and say so. In the end, it is up to the people, thats how it should be. Bev


  1. Bev, you did a great job last night. Thank you for caring about your town.

    1. On Tuesday, Nov. 20 the Elementary School Building Committee is meeting. There will be some bad news from the State. Maybe the Gardner News will show up to take some notes. It's NOT going to be good news. Hope to see you there Mark H.

    2. Well, I suppose they are going to pull the plug on the money they were going to give us. That would be my guess, or it could be they won't give us the land we need?? Well guys, I can just picture Mr.K, in the middle of things, stirring the pot, doing anything he can to hurt the town. Virginia really scares me. How did she know so much about the settlement, and the fifty thousand dollars the town was given? Looks like her BFF has been toutering her. Keep your eye on this woman, and keep your back to the wall. That way you and I are less likely to get stabbed in the back. My opinion, Bev

    3. Yes, Bev, You did a Great Job of speaking on behalf of the average citizen of this town. Really Wonderful. Am very proud of what you did last night. A big thank you. Now let's hope there are some honest people in the Atty General's office who will do what is right. Thank you also to Julie, Pete, Pauly, Sue & others who have been dedicated in getting to the bottom of all the suspected corruption here. I believe this goes really really deep. Hopefully, no one in the state capital will put a stop to the investigation. I think there are some there who may also be involved that do not want to be exposed. These are just my thoughts & opinions from years of observing this nice town get "rung through the ringer until every last drop is squeezed out of it". I do not know how some of these people can get up in the morning let alone live with themselves for thinking they are the only ones that matter. Just another example of what Greed & arrogance does. Now that the ball is rolling in the right direction we can pray that justice will be done. Thank you to everyone who voted to get this investigation started.

    4. BEV you dont have to worry about keeping your back to the wall you always have FAM standing behind you

  2. The state's revenue forecast has been downgraded, and like most cities and towns, less money is rolling in than anticipated. This will likely affect the Massachusetts School Building Authority's budget. I suspect they will have to cut back on the number of projects that they finance, and given Templeton's on again off again trajectory, we're probably going to be cut. Not sure though. Julie could probably speak to this.

    1. This new committee we have will tell us what is really going on . unlike the last bunch of CLOWNS !!!

  3. A new school might be nice but taking care of what you have and what you can afford makes sense also. Lets make sure that our buildings have a good roof and are structurally sound. Lets live within our means.

  4. Thanks isteach, good to hear from you. It is going to be another tough year, 2013. I do not think we can afford to do some of the things on the "GREAT WISH LIST", that some of the people have in this town. We need to keep taxes affordable, for everyone. I will be dammed, if I will vote for anything that will drive people out of their homes, so we can have more stuff. I know down the road, we will regret the money that was wasted, on really, really dumb things! Just because we had the money, did not mean we should have spent it! Oh well, hind site is always 20,20, not much we can do now. I guess it behoves it to bring our brains when ever we attend a meeting. Bev.

  5. Great job to all fellow c4t members!
    chalk up another win and pat your backs, As I see it the message got thru loud and clear!
    Alot of people now will hear about the C4T and it will get us the recognition we want.
    Its a beautiful day to be a Templeton Citizen and member of C4T congratulation!
    Well Done
    Thenk you Julie and Bev
    Dave Smart
