Friday, November 16, 2012

Don't forget the Gardner Art Show is this weekend here is the link


  1. I have been before to the art show and the work is outstanding form our local artists. The musicians keep the place kicking!!

    1. If I feel better, I would like to go tomorrow. It would be good if we could support Ashley and her husband. We all could use a little culture in our lives. Hope the event is well attended. Bev

    2. Sue and I went yesterday. OMG, what a beautiful show. If you have some time today, please try to get there. It is hard to imagine that there are so many talented artists in our area. I was also impressed with Gardner's Senior Center. I remember what a dark hole in the wall that place was, when it was the PACC. No more, what a difference a little paint and tlc can make. It looks like a brand new building. It gives me hope for ET school. I hope we can take that ugly duckling, and turn it in to a beasutiful swan. Bev.
