Wednesday, November 7, 2012

from Jeff Bennett

This is an e-mail sent to all selectmen from one of the secretaries in the BOS office. My question is why do office personnel or any town employee have to resort to begging to get selectmen to do their job and duty. We all had no problem in making statements, promises and expressing ideas on how we could do better if you elected it is time to put up or quit. If we as selectmen are unable or unwilling to do our job,
it is time to step aside to allow the selection of someone who will do the job. Some people on various boards do have jobs and families and all, but is that not something that one should consider when choosing to run for elective office. The people in the office send out reminder e-mails about various paperwork that needs attention from the selectmen, we need to take time to take care of it. I hope taxpayers take time to attend the next selectmen meeting and ask about this very important issue. And before anyone of the anonymous raise the issue on the blog, the good people of Templeton are free to fire me at anytime for being absent from town for 6 months or for any length of time. I hope taxpayers make note of this issue, add it to the list of reasons why new selectmen may be needed come May 2013. Please attend the upcoming special town meeting. From Afghanistan, good day and I wish the residents of Templeton well.

Jeff Bennett

From: []
Sent: Monday, November 05, 2012 11:28 PM
To: Kate Myers
Please be advised Kate, I am sending an email to Jeff Ritter, as vice-chair of the select board to give notice at the next selectmen meeting about this issue. I understand you are doing your job and more but you should not have to beg the selectmen to do their jobs. Again Kate, I thank you for the effort you put in, it is appreciated by this town resident / selectmen.

Jeff Bennett

From: "Kate Myers" <>
To: "Christopher Stewart" <>, "Jeffrey Bennett" <>, "Julie Farrell" <>, "Patrick Mullins" <>, "Virginia Wilder" <>
Cc:, "Fred Aponte" <>, "Town Treasurer" <>,, "Nancy Paradis" <>
Sent: Monday, November 5, 2012 12:24:29 PM

Good morning,
There has been a huge issue getting the signatures on both warrants AND invoices AND misc paperwork from the Board of Selectmen! I notify the board with more than enough notice to come into the office and sign but for whatever reason it still does not happen. We now have a Board of 4 NOT 5 available for signatures which makes it even that much harder. It would be greatly appreciated if you could make every effort to get into this office and sign the appropriate paperwork. MANY things are time sensitive! As you are aware some offices in this building have been short staffed…with that said I have been making every effort to get the warrants done in a timely manner but with Holidays, closed on Fridays and other issues that may come up, the warrant might be delayed by a day or two. All I am asking is that all of you please be more aware of what we need in this office so that we can get our jobs accomplished.
Thank you.
Kate Myers
Templeton Board of Selectmen
Administrative Assistant
Ph: 978.939.8801
Fax: 978.939.4065


  1. For the record, I have a conflict with a family member on the payroll warrant. I sign the payroll warrant EXCEOT for that person.

    If I have a problem signing a vendor warrant, I don't sign it. Like the settlement with Casella and the municipal building e-mail as an invoice for 252 Baldwinville Rd.( never saw that one! I believe it was kept from me)

    1. It is with out a doubt, being a selectman has a lot of responsability. I know when you take on a job like this, you need to make yourself available, every day. It is not a good thing when people shirk their duties, leaving a few to carry the load. It is one thing to run for office, the other is to do the job. This is the time for us to think about makeing the town cooridinator more of a administrator, giving him or her, the ability to make decisios so things get done. My opinion, Bev.

    2. Julie,

      Jolly Good! Never even occurred to me to ask. Now that's another example of transparency that you can be rightfully proud of. Credit where credit is due.

  2. The idea of a Town Admin is a good one, as long as they are qualified for the position, like Mr. Ritter and not a glorified secretary, like Mrs. Skelton. The town needs to get on the right track and get business done in a timely manner.

  3. Why is this a problem? Virginia Wilder is retired and is usually hanging around 690 anyway. Mullins is unemployed after losing his job in Winchendon from the theft situation. These two really have no excuses. Farrell and Stewart work, but Chris isn't that motivated to do much of anything.
