Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Let’s Take America Back!

You should know that our town, the Town of Templeton, has made headline news in Boston. Mike Manca, 277 Baldwinville Rd was recently interviewed about a racist, political sign on his property.

Mike Manca has a right to free speech. We all do in this country. So far, that right has not been taken away from us. While I disagree completely with that sign, while that sign disgusts me, Mike Manca has a right to free speech.

I also have a right to free speech. Instead of ignoring the sign and the controversy it created, I am exercising my right to free speech by writing a blog. Racism hasn’t disappeared. It’s gone underground covered by a veneer of political correctness. If you don’t respect the man, Barack Obama, respect the office. The Office of the President of the United States of America.

Interesting choice of words to cover hateful speech:
Let’s Take America Back!
Mike, where do you want to go back to? Back where? Before the 1990’s? Before the Civil Rights movement? Before the atomic bomb? Before women had the right to vote? Before the creation of the Federal Reserve? Before the Civil War?

“When evil men plot, good men must plan. When evil men burn and bomb, good men must build and bind. When evil men shout ugly words of hatred, good men must commit themselves to the glories of love. Where evil men would seek to perpetuate an unjust status quo, good men must seek to bring into being a real order of justice.”
                                                        Martin Luther King, Jr.

Julie Farrell


  1. Neither racism nor anti-semitism should be tolerated on this blog. I have seen no overtly racist comments on the blog. I have seen decidedly anti-semitic comments.

    1. As an old fella it is my opinion that if you don't talk about things that are uncomfortable those things just fester. Best to get it out in the open so maybe we can learn a few things.

  2. We shouldn't be bringing up race or religion or sexual orientation in any way when discussing politicians. It simply doesn't matter. What matters is what the candidates stand for and their ideas for protecting and improving our lives. I think our culture of reality tv with the constant arguing as a form of entertainment has made us think the only way to communicate is by taking sides and arguing. We've forgotten to be respectful and how a "healthy discussion" is a sport this country was built on. Maybe from this incident with the sign and the whole election season in general we can actually learn a lesson from it all. Maybe we can all agree to treat each other with a little more respect. And to learn to listen to one another. Because most of the time, a solution comes from analyzing a problem from all sides.

  3. Yancy Smith, Oath KEEPER and tax payerNovember 6, 2012 at 6:14 PM

    Name calling by anyone is pretty childish, don't you think? Did you bother to talk with Mike directly before calling him names in public. Could you or even would you have the guts to say it to his face?
    And as far as respect for the office? The man in question doesn't even respect it. Claiming that the Fort Hood murders were "workplace violence" so that the victims families can't get combat pay? Refusing to send any help to the Libyan embassy and even going to sleep while our people over there were still missing? Literally bowing to foreign rulers in public. Borrowing so much money from foreign governments that it puts our childrens' children in debt and puts our national security at risk.
    I saw the sign and pretty much drew the same conclusion you did. But since I didn't talk to Mike myself, I kept my mouth shut.
    "Where do you want to take America back to?" For someone who criticizing a man for his words you certainly don't deserve any leeway. He is obviously referring to possession. My 9 year old boy even got that one, and he's not even a librarian. But maybe Mr. Manca was referring to a time when corrupt politicians were tarred and feathered.

    1. So let's talk about possession. Possession of the US....We are OWNED by China and international bankers. So is your interpretation of Mike's sign that he wants us to take back possession of the US from China? from International bankers? Really? Do a little research on LIBOR scandal. Referring to the president by the "N" word isn't going to change that situation.

      If you reread the post above, you will see and I quote: "a racist political sign on his property". I stated that the sign contained racist content. You could infer or imply that I think the person who purchased the sign and proudly displayed is a racist, but I didn't say that. Maybe you should have talked to me before posting your response.

      If you had, I would have told you that it is BS to think that the sign was a "mistake". It was put up intentionally for all to see. It is what it is. Take ownership for your actions. Don't pretend the sign was a "mistake".

    2. "Let's Take Back America", when used in the context of an ELECTION SEASON, is an obvious reference to taking the country back from the corrupt powers that have slowly been eroding our everyday rights.

      You didn't infer or imply anything. You said that he was displaying a "racist, political" sign. Your words. Well does anyone BUT a racist display "racist, political" signs. You put it right out there in your first paragraph.

      And when did I say that I beleived that Mr. Manca made any mistakes about spelling? I'm not seeing any references to that anywhere in my response. I'm also not so naive as to give anyone the benefit of the doubt when they are also flying the conferderate flag in their yard, which by the way is almost touching the ground, a huge no-no.

      And as you pointed out, the sign CONTAINED a racist reference. He covered over that statement with the taking back America slogan. He didn't have to. And if he was a real card carryin' racist, as you are definitely implying, he probably wouldn't have. I'm not sure of his motivation, don't really care, moot point. But like I have said in other posts, maybe it had to do with the intimidation of having ARMED POLICE sent to his residence to "advise" him to remove it. That would be a reasonable assumption considering that he is also flying the Gadsen flag which is a universally recognized display of support for smaller government; a display for anyone who is concerned about government intrusion and abuse, if you will....HMM, I wonder who made the decision to send them. No bullying or "retaliation" goes on in this town.

      Now don't jump to any conclusions. I don't even think for a second that the INTENT of the officers that spoke with Mr. Manca was to intimidate. The attitude and demeanor of all of our officers has never come across as anything but professional. However, they were sent by someone and that would definitely appear a tad hinky to any jury in a civil case. Also, remember that any official that had anything to do with any sort of a civil rights violation is also liable in felony proceedings. Slippery little suckers, these civil rights.

      So, maybe Mike does want to take the country back from whom you say "owns" it. But whose watch has this occurred on? You reference the LIBOR scandal. Whose federal reserve chief is supposed to be wary of scams like this before issuing bonds for debt? So are you saying that the sign doesn't imply voting out the current adminstration?

      My intention from the start of all this nonsense has merely been to defend the right to free speech. I swore an oath to defend the laws of the Commonwealth as well as those of the U.S. I don't care one bit about Mike's personal views. I don't know him, I've never done business with him, and I definitely don't wish to GOSSIP about him behind his back. But I am absolutely concerned about elected officials trying to bully people into being p.c. sheep. If you are so in favor of his rights then why do continue to press the issue? And "BS", really?

  4. The definition of Semite at one time was defined as a member of any ancient and modern peoples originating in southwestern Asia including the Akkadians, Cannaanites, Phoenicians, Hebrews and Arabs. Most people associate the word Semite with Jew. Since 9/11/01 and seeing how Mossad (ADL,AJC), Israel and the Neocons appear to have been very much involved in that fateful day as well as the years leading up to that slaughter I have come to associate the word Semite with Bully. In my blog on Templeton Times; The USS Liberty and the Caiaphas Complex it is explained why I feel this way. Please take the time to read this informative piece. There are many Jews who are bullied by these same "Semites" if they go against the bullies they are called "self hating Jews" if they go against the bullies in Israel these Jews are put on a list called the SHIT list, SHIT stands for Self Hating Israeli Traitor. If you are interested in reading a Jews opinion on the bullies of which I speak perhaps you would enjoy the book Jewish History,Jewish Religion, The Weight of Their Thousand Years by Israel Shahak. There are many Jews who see the Bullies amongst them. If you still don't understand why my definition of Semite now includes Bully please read Jewish author Ilan Pappi's fine novel "The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine". This book tells of a country the size of Massachusetts with 400 villages and cities that was ethnically cleansed so that the resources in the Mideast would have a port of call on the Mediterranean for the wealthy bullies. Another Jewish author Michael Newman covers Israel with his novel "The Case Against Israel" Mr. Newman is not unaware of the bullies among them. It is my opinion that these bullies will hide behind the term racist so as to continue their bullying ways such as is the case of the ADL and the AJC. Please take some time to learn just how vicious these bullies can be do not be intimidated by those who would call you an antiSemite, for now you know, that these days, a Semite, is a Bully.

    1. A tad off topic and a little crazy, but still interesting......

    2. Got my own blog that I can't even get people to read so I hijack othersNovember 6, 2012 at 6:49 PM

      More like a LOT crazy and totally off topic. I would go so far as to say bat-"SHIT"-crazy.....hee hee...see what I did there.

  5. Yancy Smith, yes i did say something and I'm not afraid to answer for it.November 6, 2012 at 6:18 PM

    This anonymous junk has got to end. If you can't take responsibility for your words then don't speak.

  6. Guess you don't have to worry about retaliation way out there on South Rd. If you don't want to read the blog, then don't. Please do not tell people not to speak.

    I have no problem taking responsibility for my posts. Other people may need the protection of "Anonymous" .

    What the heck is the plural of anonymous?

    1. Yancy Smith, 359 South Road, smithyw@yahoo.com, 978-407-4544, work nights, home during the day to answer any threats personallyNovember 6, 2012 at 8:28 PM

      Actually it's 359 South Road. You're thinly veiled threats don't even make me nervous in the least.
      Take your own advice about what not to tell people. I stand by what I said. If you can't use your own name on a post, then shut up.
      Try to keep up here, nobody accused you of not taking responsibility for your posts. Not unless you are saying that you are the Guy Fawkes/anonymous behind all the childish trolling?
      You also failed to answer to whether or not you bothered to talk to Mike before you called him a racist.
      Nor did you even answer the question about where we should go back to?

    2. somebody needs a hug

    3. Yancy Smith, me again.November 6, 2012 at 10:19 PM

      Auuugh....coffee, nose....Stranger Danger!!!

  7. This conversation makes me very sad for our future. I really do think people have forgotten how to communicate without respect.

    1. Yancy Smith, me again.November 6, 2012 at 8:34 PM

      Respect begets respect. When you start name calling, you need to be called out for it.

    2. ya, cuz taking the high road just isn't in your wheelhouse. Stop thinking with your ego.

    3. Wasn't aware that ships traveled on roads.... No really, I get the reference but when did my ego come into play here?

    4. Again...coffee...nose...I'm gonna pee......November 7, 2012 at 2:31 PM

      Thinking with my ego???? What does that even mean.
      And his name is Franklin. I am thinking with my Franklin.

  8. I have no problem with people exercising free speech, but rather than call out a particular race, why not call out all of the politicians in Washington and ask them when are they going to stop taking the bribes from the people who keep offering the bribes up for them....you know the big bad lobbiest. They all do it, black, white, does not matter, so rather than going backwards, why not try forward and put up a sign asking when are the bribes going to stop? Democrat, republican, no matter, of course I think we should concentrate on Templeton first, but hey, I am just a little guy from Templeton. How about if we concentrate on Templeton for a while. I am still shaking my head about combat pay because someone got shot in the work place and it is the congress that borrows all the money from china and others. Also, why should everyone not have the opportunity to hire a divorce attorney? Helps the economy. If Mike Manca wants to help out Templeton, maybe we could get Aspen trucking to move to Baldwinville Road, then we get a Dunkin Donut at 252 Baldwinville Road and we could improve on our tax base. How about it Mike?

    1. Mike made his bed, let him lay in it. People will think the way they want, no matter what anyone says. I have good news, Denise won the election. Se deserved to win, she worked hard. She will work for the people in the Town of Templeton. Believe me, we need all the help we can get. It is amazing that things do work for the better, against all odds. Have a good night sleep, and we can get on with life, here in Templeton. Bev.

    2. Jeff,

      Thank you for your continued efforts on the behalf of our town and country, your openness, and your willingness to speak openly about the issues that are affecting us all.

      While I do agree that it would be ideal for the comments on this blog to stay on the topic of Templeton's issues, the last few threads have involved state and national politics and so the door was opened.

      I believe that you may be mistaken in your opinions regarding the money borrowed from China. The current president has had no problem blaming the past administration for the problems that it inherited. I agree that these problems that did indeed originate in Congress, just like all laws should. But where does the proverbial Buck stop? If one signs off on and then takes credit for policies then one should also be willing take the blame and responsibility when those policies do harm.

      Fort Hood WAS a terrorist attack. What do you call it when a military psychiatrist....whose business card read "SoA" or soldier of Allah....who was vetted by the military and his peers as sane enough to do his job....distributes religious material on base immediately before arming himself on a base where most of the personnel are known to be unarmed by a questionable post-9/11 policy enforced by the current administration and then.....goes on a shooting spree only pausing to reload while screaming "ALLAHU AKBAR" (allah is greater), ultimately killing 13 (thirteen) "someone"s as you put it? How's that for a run-on sentence. Oh wait, you're probably right; what the heck was I thinking? There's no Muslim terrorists anymore....silliness.

      Jeff, are you also shaking your head about the Benghazi incident. What's your take on that?

      Like I said, I agree that the main purpose of this Blog is to discuss the problems of Templeton. You in fact mentioned it a time or two. So why the personal attacks: divorce attorney, Aspen trucking. Are those statements, made by an elected official, very professional or "...concentrating on Templeton..."?

      And what about this free speech issue that everyone supposedly has "no problem" with? I'm pretty sure that the First Amendment was intended to guarantee against government interference with political speech, no matter how misguided that speech is. So, what's it called when police officers pay a visit to someone and "advise" that person to take down a political sign when a simple phone call would have sufficed? Was it was out of concern for Mr. Manca's safety,? Why the department want the appearance of intimidation tactics? Who made that decision? Kind of a law suit in the making, huh? But I guess since Mr. Manca isn't an 11 year old girl at the middle school.....

      Now let me make myself crystal clear; I HATE RACISM. However, Mr. Manca has an absolute RIGHT to put whatever rantings on his lawn that he chooses. I would think those of us who took an oath, both citizens and military alike, to defend against that very thing, would want to do just that. Likewise, CITIZENS (not subjects, elected officials, town or government employees, etc.) have the right not to patronize Mr. Manca's business. They also have every right to picket in front of his house all day. People want to freeze, it's a free country.

      But aforementioned public employees/officials need to remember that when they post official business on a public forum, it's really not very wise to post personal business on the same forum. It kinda blurs the line separating their official and personal agendas and treads dangerously close to a conflict of interest. When you have a personal problem with someone it's always wise not to let it interfere with your job.

      I also despise bullying and I'll be clear about that too; I am not accusing you of that. But too often there is talk of "retaliation". Even implying that it may or should be done, especially on a public blog, is foolhardy at best.

  9. I'm so glad the medical marijuana ballot question passed.

    1. That so you can finally come up with a legal way to smoke it!

  10. Well Yancy smith, I am shaking my head about the divorce attorney personal attacks, no where did I attack divorce attorneys, I wrote everyone should have equal access to them, as in I support same-sex, gay, homosexual , whatever your prefence to name it is, I support thier right to not only get married but they then can go to court and fight over who will get half of whos stuff, a play on words that you obviously missed, my bad. everyone should be abled to have acess to divorce attorney and the only way to get a divorce i believe is to get married to start with, hope that clears that up. Free speech is not free, it comes with a price so as Mr. Manca is free to put up any sign he wishes on his property, there may be a price to pay in some form for it and my thought is it could come to affect his business and that in my opinion is something one must consider as you exercise free speech, hope that clears up that one. so yancy next time you try to put words in my mouth or turn my words around, take a minute to think that over because you may end up the one looking foolhardy and that is my opinion.

  11. I agree with you Mike your sign was great!!! Everyone forgets one thing, the only reason Obama got back in is due to the 49% of us population being on the Obama free loader plan give everything to them and when you think you gave them enough give them a little more. Makes it real hard for small business to stay in business. Everyone should go down and sign up for welfare, food stamps fuel assistance housing assistance, and get a free obama cell phone. And sign up for the extended unemployeement sit home do nothing work under the table for extra cash and screw the honest hard worker that gets up early every morning to survive the guy that has to much pride to take a hand out. Hell maybe this term We can get Obama Gas Cards!!!!!!!!
