Thursday, November 29, 2012

It’s Elementary!

 After the last blog about the Templeton Elementary School Building meeting…Notes from… ,there were some comments made about the contract for $900,000 with the OPM.

MSBA rules and regs have changed since our elementary school project began. One of the new rules when we started the project was that in order to facilitate the feasibility study and get the project to schematic design, communities needed to select an OPM from a list of MSBA approved vendors. So we did. The Templeton Elementary School Building Committee(TESBC) did an RFP and selected Strategic Building Solutions from the MSBA approved list.

The contract with Strategic Building Solutions (SBS) was signed for a total amount of $989,813 (page 28). The vote by the town for a feasibility study was in the amount of $550,000. This contract was signed by former chairman of the board of selectmen, Gerald Skelton on September 15, 2009. This contract was signed by SBS on June 25, 2009. At the bottom of the first page, please note that the contract was stamped “RECEIVED DEC 08 2010”. Received by whom? The BOS? None of this makes sense, unless it was mixed in with the documents from 252 Baldwinville Rd in the white binder.

My opinions…supported by FACTS ! ! !

Julie Farrell


  1. Anything with this man's name on it should be part of the Attorney General's investigation. Everything he touches turns into a disaster. Remember those signs from a few years ago - "We NEED Jerry back." We need jerry behind bars is more like it. And for God's sake, take his pen away before he signs us up for some other disaster. Is there any way he could lose his pension to help pay for some of these shady transactions? Julie have there been cases in the state where people have lost their pensions for things like tihs?

    1. Isn't it a felon to use municipal funds for a ballot election? Is it a felon to obstruct justice?

  2. Replies
    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. good idea lose his pension. Tim Cahill did for mismanaging state lottery money

    1. In the contract it states the name of the Project is Templeton Center School. Does that mean they were considering TC or it's just the name of the project.

  4. During the feasibility phase, you need to identify a school that needs to be replaced. At the time we had three, somTC was identified as the school for the feasibility project. More MSBA rules.

  5. There was talk about combining all related departments into a DPW and moving this new department down to the sewerage treatment plant on Reservoir St, for economic reasons thus freeing up the land currently being used for highway. Wouldn't this be the best overall plan for the community?

  6. After the sale of the templeton light plant! There's a nice town owned building for the dpw to move into? It's on our long term debt amount now so we should be there. I think they should start cleaning it up for the town to do what it wants to do! 2 birds with one stone. As far as gerry s. I think there is room with the other gerry s.! Maybe a good porking time! Templeton has had theirs,payback can be a bitch! NO!

    1. Wouldn't that be a sweet deal, Turn the Light dept. office into the new Municipal Town Hall. Then Gerry can think he built another empire

    2. No,I think the sign should read, BUILT AND PAID FOR BY THE TOWN OF TEMPLETON TAXPAYERS. I am really beginning to think we should look into selling the light co. It is getting to a point that we will not beable to continue to pay their payroll, especially if what they take in, keeps going down. The amount of homes empty, along with the increase in property taxes, may cause more loss in revenue. The great master plan, created by GS, did not allow for such a change in the economy, from what I see. There is also a problem with all their funds being locked into neuclear, and not in natural gas. Right now natural gas is pleantyful, and cheaper, and it looks like it will be that way into the future. So it looks like energy sold by the big guys will be cheaper, and gone are our low rates we used to have. I have the most problem with the down right nasty attitudes we as share holders recieve. As share holders, we should not be on the recieving of their hostil behavior, they should be more that willing to open their books to us. So, I would like to know WHAT IS THE PROBLEM? The town is in trouble, if the Light and Water do not help, the end result will be, they go down the tubes with the rest of us. This is my opinion, Bev.

    3. Has anyone actually calculated a total number of money GS has cost us? I'm estimating around $1.7 million not including his and his wife's pension, or the interference with the Am. Tissue settlement which I can't put actual numbers to. I would highly suggest that if any of their "dear friends" haven't gotten the picture by now, they better smarten up quickly and begin to distance themselves from him as his evil doings will certainly ruin their lives as well. I wouldn't want to be standing on his side when karma comes a knockin'.

    4. If you want to blame the costs from the treatment plant on Mr. Skelton due to his possible obstruction of justice charges on case 02-2424C an approximate total would be six million on the downgrade, six million in tipping fees, six million on lagoon and monofill closure, one million in debt obligations due from Erving, six million in operation and maintenance costs per contract from when American Tissue left to November of 2009 and I may have missed a few dollars here and there. You don't have to believe me check the Federal Case that is on disc at the Selectmens office. I would argue that Mr. Kopelman is more responsible for these costs due to his legal responsibilities to the Town of Templeton. We might want to look at this situation a little closer to see if anything can be done to recover these costs. We truly got screwed by our own ignorance but at least now people are trying to learn what is going on. Sometimes you can trust your elected officials if you take the time to ask them what is going on and do some leg work yourself.

    5. Has anyone looked into how happy these other communities are with big companies like National Grid? Nowhere have I seen anybody speaking out how happy they are with the big companies and their lack of care for the little guy, which Templeton would certainly be in their list of communities. Change how Templeton Light is run instead of having a kneejerk reaction of sell, sell, sell..

    6. Wow, that's like twenty five million dollars and you didn't even include possible interest.

    7. hey anonymous 5:06
      How's that change gonna work? How do you change an organization like light and water? They have made it very clear - It's their way or the "highway"...get it?

    8. It's time to tell Dana Blais to "high" tail it somewhere else. He's a big part of the problem.

    9. Hey 10:11
      Maybe it could start by electing commissioners willing to work with the Town. Then Mr.Driscoll could be reigned in or not have his contract renewed. Most of the employees there are good workers but do as they are told by their "bosses". Just like a sports team, you replace the coaching staff before you sell the team. Just saying...

  7. Yes! Sell the light co. and create DPW. Its going to take about 20 years to fix the problems that were created over the past 10 years.

  8. Yes! Templeton needs to think out of the box and soon! Build a team up of people who know about business to get a handle on what the real value is and start from there!
    Is it worth the amount we need to balance our debt we're in now and if so what would be the amount of stabilization money we could put away!
    Templeton needs to look at this hard for Templeton's well being!
    Just my opinion,and I think alot of others too!
    Dave Smart
