Saturday, December 1, 2012

sent by blog follower

The chief of police warns - beware of this danger!
Manhole covers missing in Lunenburg Sentinel Article


  1. Is this the blog that is discussing the possibility that gas chambers used during WWII were not used to exterminate large numbers of people but instead were used to delouse the prison populations?

  2. Has anyone seen Scrappy Mullins driving around with the huge trailer behind his truck with the high walls? Looks like he may be back in the business of scrapping. What is he up to?

  3. Should the town consider stealing their own manhole covers and converting this ready asset to cash and then putting in an insurance claim to help out with our poor state of fiscal affairs? How much could we get? Should a committee be formed?

    1. Bet you Jeff could be the head of that committee he seems to have the knack for making stuff disappear and collecting the insurance money.

    2. Hey 10:16pm, Got something to say? Then say it! Feel like you know something that Jeff B or Jeff R would not want known, then let it be known! The devil is in the details, who is your devil?

  4. Anonymous 11:45 It's this clear type of thinking that drew me to vote for you Gerry all those years and you continue to have my support. We need Gerry Back!!!

    1. Oh yes, we do need his back, in the court house, to face charges for his part in screwing the town out of large ammounts of money, and his part in running the town into a ditch, and over the cliff. Oh but wait, it will all come out in the wash. He will be hung out to dry at the AG'S office. All his political help will be seen running away. I suppose he may have supporters, the people he paid large paychecks to and a few people who read the gsnoos. Where were those people the night we voted to ask the AG's office to look at all the facts we have? Not one person stood up for him!! Why was that? Don't you think alot of people finally figured it out? Don't you think some of those people feel used and abused, for backing him and his crew, only to find out the truth!! This is my opinion. Oh yes, if you really think the town would be better with GS and crew, you must have a serious problem, or maybe you are apart of his crew!! There is no money left to be played with, I don't think he would come back if he wanted to. Too many people watching, too many people trying to find a way for the town to servive. Once the people in this town figure you out, your done for! YOU CAN FOOL SOME OF THE PEOPLE SOME OF THE TIME, BUT YOU CAN'T FOOL ALL OF THE PEOPLE ALL OF THE TIME!!THAT JUST ABOUT SAYS IT ALL, Bev

    2. hey anonymous 11:51am drink some more of that fluorided water. lol

  5. Well said Bev.I think his supporters are just an echo from the past, The leftovers are the problems now!You know the 16+ crew gerry had them all in the pocket book and the 16 years are proof the money didn't get used the way it should have for Templeton's best interests, it got used for the boys clubs interests! That would be a nice town office over there at l+w Just think $181,000. for just the office equipment,save on rent,electric rates would be lower,town would get 35,000. Water dept rent!Bonus/Bonus-"not bone us"
    Gets better every time i think about the changes needed!
    Shareholder's opinion
