Saturday, November 10, 2012

Thanks Jeff Bennett

It is my opinion that Jeff Bennett knows exactly what is going on in Templeton. All the way from the Middle East (National Guard) now Julie Farrell is here in Templeton she doesn't comment much on this blog, is she afraid? And another point PHC sr have concerns about is too many websites. Always Templeton watch is being overrun by other websites for a reason, is someone "Julie" trying to shut me up? Will someone is about 300,000 hits too late. Obstruction of justice is going to prevail right "Pete Farrell"? Ask Whitey Bulger? I'm still looking for comments from the boneheads under the rocks in Templeton, and everyone should read Pete’s seven page report, again. And it's all true-word for word dated again November 10, 2012 at 9:05 AM. And don't let anyone tell you if the bunch of bul----, it's all true on paper read all seven pages. I hope everyone votes on the advisory board/finance committee recommendations this Thursday night at special town meeting. Don't forget they work for us taxpayers.

More to come-Pauly.


  1. It looks like Mark Reich was the attorney that represented the town in court concerning case 02-2424C why was Hewig deposed?

  2. Hewig was the Attorney that worked with the town and did the investigation and depositions as far as I know. When I was deposed by Erving attorneys Hewig not Reich was in attendance. That is why I believe Hewig was deposed in regards to not finding Mr. Dana Putnam and getting his testimony on record concerning Erving being a party to the WWTP contract and not Mr. Reich.

  3. Julie posts on here more than Jeff does, and 300,000 hits is a mute point, I may visit this site and click back and forth 30 times in a sitting, well, it shows as 30 hits but it sure was not 30 visits

    1. Hey Pauly, Julie is the girl that gets up at 4:00 a.m. so she can post stuff on the blog. Julie is our Erin Brockavich, she is a more modern, Gladys. The people who have spoken up for years, about wrong doings, have taken a great ammount of abuse. It is easy for the local papers to make you look like a crazy old man, or her and her husband like radical nut jobs. The power of the press can be good, but it can be real bad. Real bad is what we have here, and we have suffered because of them, and the evil doers have had a open door. IT IS TIME TO SHUT THE DOOR, LET THE AUTHORITIES DO THEIR DAM JOB!!! THAT IS IT, DO THEIR JOB !! We can together, with our Reps and try to patch the town up, so we can get through the next year! I have to laugh, Julie irritates all the evil doers, because she is smarter than the rest of them, Hee, Hee (I am glad she is on our side} Bev.

    2. Plus, Julie irritates the evil doers because she's a woman...and they hate women! So, being a woman combined with being smarter than them, ya you bet they don't like her! Thank goodness there are people like Julie and Bev in this town keeping an eye on things.

  4. To Chris Stewart- You are the Chair of the BOS. When you publicly announce that you are not for an investigation of previous wrong doing in our town, you are being biased. As the Chair, you are to represent ALL of the citizens of Templeton, not just who you're related to or who you're friendly with. If there are a group of citizens in your town that have unanswered questions, it is your duty to get those questions answered for them. Being the Chair of the BOS, you have to attempt to bring people together and promote harmony in the town. You have not done this. When you make comments about sides (calling certain people "Julie's People") and ignore legitimate comments during meetings, you are no better than Bob Columbus. And I'm sure you're not comfortable being lumped in with him.

    What is embarrassing to the town of Templeton and their reputation is the never ending fighting that has gone on for decades. When I interact with people in surrounding towns and they ask where I live and I say Templeton, they get a look on their face like "Oh, you're from Crazytown". Hate to tell you , buddy, but Templeton already has a bad reputation. And refusing to endorse an investigation will only fuel that ongoing reputation, it will not improve it. What will improve our reputation is for the town to begin to conduct business in a professional manner. We've got a good start with Mr. Ritter. But we need non-biased leaders who truly are part of the town operations to help improve the conditions here, to promote the town to evolve. By publicly stating you are against an investigation, you are doing such a disservice to the citizens. You are indulging your bias and ignoring your responsibilities.

    1. I can understand why Chris does not want this investigation to happen! His name is on the 252 Bald. Rd. paperwork. He should not afraid to see this coming. If he was a pawn in the master plan, like others were, he will come out of this ok. It is very possiable that he was not included with the inner circle, and had no clue as to what was really going on. Having said that, it is not ok, they way he has treated the people who go to meetings. I feel bad that he does not get that we are not "Julies people"! We are the people who have been working to make this town, a better, stronger place to live. We are lucky to have a person like Julie, who gives a dam! If Julie was not here, I would be doing the same thing, tomorrow and the day after. Chris has a huge conflict of interest. Leave it to the gsnoos, to continue their selective reporting. With that so called news paper, you need to read between the lines. Bev

  5. I am new to town but I heard that Paul Q. is Chris Stewart's father in law. Wasn't Paul Q. on the Selectboard with Gerry and Bob C. in regards to obstructing the Sewer Commissioners in prosecuting case 02-2424C? That's how I read Mr. Hewigs deposition. Maybe Paul Q. was kept in the dark? Also it looks like Paul Q. was a selectmen during the 1991 Assignee document where K&P created the original problem by not representing the town correctly. Paul Q. may not want this investigation and by extension Mr. Stewart may feel the same.

    1. You catch on very quick, There has been a long history of this going on and it ALL funnels down to the same few people in EVERY case.

  6. Well, it will be very interesting to see who speaks against the investigation at the town meeting. I suspect anyone that is against it has something to hide. And if someone is nervous about that, it tells me that wrong doing DID happen and makes me want to vote FOR the investigation even more.

  7. We've got a Judge in town The Honorable Judge Haley. If Erving was a party to the contract and the legal system is being manipulated so that big companies with powerful political ties don't have to honor contractual responsibilities, wouldn't the Judge be the best person to consult?

  8. Maybe Jeff Bennet knows Judge Haley he knew Judge Carroll. It could be that his misguided youth could be beneficial to the town. Who knew?

  9. sorry, I don't know Mr. Haley. Mistakes made gives one a very useful tool in life, it is called experience.

    1. I have tried to be open minded about the things that have gone on in the past ten years or so. It looks to me, like the people at K&P have done the most to cause damage to this town. Len has worked over time to hurt us to our core. He has alot of connections, and power, but I think that when people {in Boston} figure out the fact he left his ethics at the door, when it comes to the Town Of Templeton, alot of that support will run. The thing I really love about the people in this town is, that when they figure out that a person they elected to represent them, has not done their job, they will not think twice about giving them the axe. The worst thing that you can do to the people in a town is to "violate their trust". There is no way they can worm their way out of what they have done, as a result, "pay back is a bitch". My opinion, Bev.
