Monday, December 24, 2012



  1. Thank You, Pauly and Sue!!! Avery nice gesture and thought. I would expect nothing less from a fellow Marine. Thank you also for some very thoughtful boxes sent. Thank You to the many town residents who have sent boxes and / or contributed. Things sent to me not only go to me but is shared with others as they do with some of "their" stuff too. I am indeed a lucky guy. This will be my final tour, come fall I will be turning in my uniform for the last time. My time in service has come and gone, my time will have passed and it is now the young guys turn. My nephew is currently serving in the Marines, picking up where I leave. Not being much of a sentimental guy, this Christmas has been one of the best. Perhaps a strange statement considering from where I make it, but from here, I have seen the generousity of many people, especially strangers. With all the talk and the evidence of financial hardship and tough times people find themselves in and they still find the time and dollars to send us gifts and trust me, soap, toothpaste, letters, cards, books and magazines, cookies & brownies are true gifts and very much appreciated. To all the residents of Templeton, thank you so much for everything. And to the author of that poem, which I find a very funny parody, Thank You, I have not laughed that much in a while. To quote someone, "that is funny stuff, I don't care who you are." Again Templeton residents, Thank You for allowing me to serve you. Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year!

    1. Jeff, There is one reason the people in this town have stopped in their day, to send you things. You are never far away from their thoughts. The contributions you have made to their government, to their lives, will never be forgotten. This is the time when most people have been hurt by what they feel as a violation of their trust. This is the worse kind of betrayal, but you have given them hope. The trust in you is a precious thing, one that you recognize, and will protect. We will move forward, but it will take time. Oh, I forgot to add that you are a good person, that can not be said of a lot of people.(time for you to smile) With the help of Mr. Ritter, Julie, and the rest of C4T the next year will be good. Your friend, Bev.

  2. To defend the Constitution against all enemies from within or without, Semper Fidelis. Merry Christmas and a safe New Year Mr. Bennet and friends.
