Wednesday, January 23, 2013

letter re: East Templeton School

Here is a letter from the advisory Board chairman to the Board of Selectmen thought you all might like to see. whoo boy what is Virginia thinking.........


  1. Aside from Julie suggesting performance contracting, none of the other selectmen have offered up any other bright ideas to deal with the town offices. So, it would be foolish for them NOT to support the ET School plan. Plus, if they don't support it, they will show they are not working for the best interest of the town. I thought I saw at the last BOS meeting that they voted to move forward with the application for CPC money. But maybe I heard it wrong. Will Spring and the Advisory Board have stepped up and made many strides to help fix some of the problems in Templeton. Thank goodness there are some people left that are willing to step up and work for the greater good.

  2. Your hearing is good they voted unanimously to sign and send the letter in support of the E T school being new offices/1 stop town office. Also to move clerk to patriots road was a way to save money asap! Chris wanted to see what the clerk thought about it!
    The letter should not be delayed and if it is the loss of effort of many hard working volunteers would be a shame.

  3. Let's hope that letter gets written, signed by ALL selectmen, and delivered a lot faster than the letter to the Light Dept.

  4. This is exactly what Chris acappy & Virginia have done in the past, vote one way then "forget" how you voted and try to throw more road blocks under the project (like they've done with the senior center) Do they think that we the taxpayers are that stupid that we can remember what happened at what meeting.

  5. One other thing I was wondering about is. When did the advisory board become the town building committee.With all the numbers being thrown out there,and all the savings to the town for ET.Sounds like the same old song and dance without a complete plan like 252 Bald.Rd. Thought things like this were not going to happen again.Without a complete plan from start to finish. THIS WILL HAPPEN AGAIN

    1. Don't even go there! You should be grateful that Mr.Spring has the time and energy to donate to this project. Yes he is the Chair of the Advisory Board, be glad for that!! The first advisory board that knows what the hell it is doing, in years. So he had done more in the past 4 or 5 months, than any committee would have done in a year. So you want a committee??? So they can walk around with their head up their asses?? Like the 252 Bldg. Committee?? Half of those people did not know what JS was doing, at least I hope they did not! If you have any problems with what Mr. Spring is doing, go and talk to him. Very simple, go and talk to him! He will gladly explain to you what is on his agenda and why. The only thing that can screw up this project is Echo Hill Gang. I understand Mr. Brehio has been stalking the school. It would be easier for him to go see Will, but I guess he is not brave enough to do that. Mr. Skelton should do his own dirty work! Everyone knows he sends his lap dog Bubba, instead. This job will be done well, at the lowest cost possible. I tease Mr. Spring about being cheap, but that is fine. The people in this town should not have to run all over town to get things done. The office staff will find it so much easier to be in contact with other departments, when they are in the same building. This is a project that needs to be done, and I will fight for it on Town Meeting Floor, and I will go door to door, to make sure people understand, why it is we need. So, If you have a problem, or Gee, maybe you would like to help,just give Mr. Spring a call. OK !! Bev

    2. You've got your facts all screwed up, there bub. And since when would you classify what happened at 252 Bald. Rd. as a "complete plan"? There was nothing complete about that project except that it was a complete waste of time and money. The town attorneys did not complete their own guidelines for purchasing property for a municipality. Therefore, they did not complete their duty to protect the town. The application for the loan was not completed by the correct authorities. The Municipal Building Committee did not offer complete transparency to the BOS and did not complete requests when information was requested. The Chair of the BOS did not completely follow the state Ethical Guidelines when he signed off on purchasing property across the street from his house.

      The town is in deep financial trouble due to "complete plans" like 252 Bald. Rd. What town board is responsible for overseeing finances? The Advisory Board. I would hope and expect ideas on how to save the town money would come from this board. Lord knows they aren't coming from the BOS. There's a HUGE difference between using a town owned building to make into a town hall and a crap building that would have been more cost effective to knock down and rebuild than to spend crazy money to fix up. And, it was a complete waste of money to expect to put in marble counters and other non essential items.

      I'm sorry that you haven't seen boards in town operate the way they were intended for so long that when they actually begin to function properly, you cannot recognize it. I'm sorry that you cannot differentiate between someone that is sincere and trying to help the greater good of the town and someone that is working for their own best interest and acting out of spite and hatred.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. 11:20 AM No truer words were ever spoken! Bev.
