Wednesday, January 23, 2013

My town of Templeton - Our town of Templeton

Getting better from being sick and sitting in my house all day I get to do all lot of thinking- could be a good thing but not at 3:00 in the morning hee-hee-hee when i get soooo pi---- at what some people have done to MY TOWN OF TEMPLETON and what some people are continuing to do to MY TOWN OF TEMPLETON.
I thought of the word sabotage -got this from as movie I watched the other day - like I said nothing but time to think and watch and watch again the dvds of the meetings in town. we had Bob bubba Columbus in the selectmans seat two different times. The first time he chased out Doreen Noble at the COA with harassment  then when he was elected again he harassed Tammy Collar, Treasurer. was there some point to this - they were both good people who did their jobs and did them good. what the hell is wrong with him - Bubba - then I see on tape that he shows up at a light and water meeting and runs into the back room with Driscoll when Driscoll goes to make a phone call.  woo boy what is this sh----. who boy let's see he also harrassed and fired Jeff Ritter. and cost us a fortune with K&P. legal fees- legal fees- legal fees Soooo let's see -do I want him anywhere near any of the town offices in MY TOWN OF TEMPLETON hell no -  HEE_HEE_HEE

then we have Dennis Obrien - what exactly did he do for MY TOWN OF TEMPLETON during is three years as selectman,  what is he doing now as the Vet's rep. Soo what did he do as selectman - oh yeah he helped get us into $700000 DEBT - whoo boy that's right $700,000 for what do you people call it - boondoggle. and he has the dumbness to ask questions about the ET school project and the seniors center - yeah did you people pick up on that question of his on the dvd - "is the contractor doing the windows in the senior center?" hey Dennis - don't be stupid hee-hee-hee - it's a modular building it came with windows! stupid hee-hee-hee. I wonder if Dennis will put a bid in on 252 Baldwinville Road when it goes up for sale. whoo boy bet you all didn't know that Dennis has been looking for a commercial piece of land for a storage business like 101 storage for a while now. sooo what do you all think now? shady shady people not to be trusted....
what has Virginia done for MY TOWN OF TEMPLETON  whoo boy let's see harassed harassed harassed whoo boy but now she is sucking up... remember people keep your friends close and your enemies even closer hee-hee-hee.

is there some big conspiracy going on at Echo Hill. is there some point to all this. haven't these people done enough damage to MY TOWN OF TEMPLETON and OUR TOWN OF TEMPLETON
who boy big raises/pensions - sue the town - create jobs for supporters/friends (Shawn Grimley) - waste money on a golf course appraisal (bet you all forgot about that one hee-hee) buy a sh-- building and spend more money on it.  debt debt debt........ harass- harass - harass good employees (who will they go after next) we all know they've been harassing Bud for years - but he can take it hee-hee hee - but it is harassment. okay fellow bloggers feel free to add you comments on all the wrongdoings these people have done  hee hee hee - this should be good.

Sooo when will this bu---s-- stop in OUR TOWN OF TEMPLETON when we all wake up and never let these people even mow our lawns....
come on comment on the wrongdoings- and for those of you who will say why that's the past what did someone say - eternal vigilance in OUR TOWN OF TEMPLETON and  "Remember, history that is forgotten is doomed to repeat itself!". thanks for reading my opinions, Pauly


  1. Good job Pauly, people forget fast. Some people don't know what goes on under their noses, that is not a good thing. A reminder is always a good thing! Bubba having the room full of police, when it was supposed to be a selectmens' meeting! Not allowing the citizens to speak. That is one meeting I will never forget as long as I live. Who did they think was going to start trouble? Rita who is ninety years old? Bumpsey Dennis? Shame, Shame on them, for trying to stop people the of OUR TOWN from trying to right the wrong doings of these bunch of thugs!! Yes I said THUGS AND BULLIES !! Thats' who they are!! The truth is still buried, some of it in the records of years past,[the ones they didn't destroy]. All of the problems did not happen in just the last few years! Going back to the days of American Tissue Mills, and the joining of the Light and Water Departments, Echo Hill's relationship with K&P started. This joining of the two did probably more harm to the town than any thing else in the past 250 years. A mixture of bad planning on the part of the town, and the misuse of power has cost us money we will never get back. It is interesting that there were people who tried to warn the people of this town of what may lay ahead, if changes were not made. On Sept.7, 1999, Town Coordinator Chris Ryan wrote a letter in regard to Light Dept. operating the Water Dept. Naturally the Commissioners disregarded it because "they found it negative and nonproductive." I think you will find what Dan Keeney wrote about the mess we would be in, back in 2003, very interesting. Click on New Financial information updated under a blog Julie wrote 12/29/12. Our friend, JS, managed to buy support of enough people to protect himself, and used other people to do his dirty work. Last spring, I went to a Advisory Board meeting, when Bubba walked in trying to get money for Carol Skelton's pay. They had used all of the money in than department to pay off Mr. Ritter, when they ran him out of town the first time. He walked in looking for $9000.00. If it was not for Mr. Spring, he would have got it. Bubba came to the next meeting and walked out empty handed that time also. The fact that we had a college student from the Mount. running this board is scary! But it worked for Bubba and Jerry, they could do what they wanted, move money around, right or wrong, it did not matter!! The fact that K&P was working for Bubba and Jerry, and not the towns' people, was wrong, from day one. Can you imagine they, K&P, worked for the selectmen and not the town, but we paid them, we paid them very well! The Town paid these people to work against us $5,000. in one week. The reason we have not gotten a tax bill, is because of Echo Hills involvement with the Town Meeting Warrant last May. The new Town Accountant has spent weeks trying to figure out how Mrs.S. and Scott played with our money. Difinately not book keeping 101! We can also thank our friend on Echo Hill, from fixing the mess that Scrappy got in, when he was in Winchendon, so he could run for BOS. This man has not contributed a single thing to the Board, just taken up valuable space. Their have been a lot of improvements being made, since last May, but we need to keep destructive people out of office, and hold the followers to this group accountable for the things they do. At is important to remind people to be vigilant, and stay involved in their Town Government. This is the only way OUR TOWN OF TEMPLETON, will thrive. My opinions, Bev.

    1. Thank you Bev & Pauly for these well laid out explanations of just some of the Numerous wrongdoings & past bad leadership of this rogue gang. Excellent, Excellent recapping of some tough subjects that have hurt the town as a whole. Seeing it in print has that much more of an impact as to what has actually happened that most in town don't know about. I hope everyone who reads Pauly's Templeton Watch makes copies of these Blogs & passes them around to their friends. This is part of the Eternal vigilance that, you are so right on about, that we need to be constantly using. Again, thank you both!!!

  2. Good reminders! What is up with wind turbine doesn't seem to be on line again
    Maybe we should SCRAP IT does anyone know who could? Was suppose to be a
    Learning tool for students, maybe one of the students will exceed and design one that
    we can stamp in, MADE IN USA remember those days .hee-haw!

    1. I figure we can sell advertising from the blades. Any other ideas will be welcome. This can be a super learning tool for the students of NRHS. How not to buy a wind turbine, from a company that is going bankrupt. Not getting a two year warranty that starts before the thing is even put up!!! How not to place a wind turbine where the wind is not sufficient!(in a hole, give me a break). Trust me, there is more than enough for the kids to learn, once the truth, oh yes "the report" Julie is waiting for from our Templeton Municipal Light Co. comes out, if it ever does. Just maybe this report is going to be bad enough, it will never see the light of day! It will come out in the wash, one way or the other, things always do. Bev.

  3. The audit company will only sign off if the data they want is provided and has to be accurate enough to come to a conclusion and also be and have a report of the management of the assets involved, Let me see if i can remember the town report an the light dept page that was the identical one from the year prior!
    Ya think the data gets to the audit company either?
    We need to see if the audit company will take any calls about the hold up Mr. Driscoll speaks about and see if they know he is telling us what he is? They gave a great report to the princeton light when we attended the meeting there. Why not get them to come and present it to us and get it first hand one way or the other. 8,000.$ worth , Why are the blades not turning for Templeton today either?
    Dave Smart

  4. Nice work Pauly! Good to have you back. Get stronger because we will need you come May. Eternal vigilance is necessary so the mistakes of the past are not repeated.

    There have been many mistakes..intentional or not. The hearing to ask for an investigation could happen sooner than later....stay tuned.
