Friday, January 18, 2013

Shedding some light…the movie

Shedding some light…the movie
January 2013

More, rare archival footage of TMLWP meetings has recently been obtained and uploaded to YouTube for your viewing pleasure.

January 10, 2013 full meeting

Or in installments

Part 1 January 10, 2013
Part 2 January 10, 2013
Part 3 January 10, 2013
Part 4 January 10, 2013

During the Light portion of this meeting, discussion ensued about creating a Business Manager position. I asked if the position were going to be posted. Then, the manager called a recess to make a phone call. We were informed at the meeting that even though it was not “required”, he would post the position.

Has anyone seen the Business Manager position posting? It would be posted internally. A request has been made to the manager of TMLWP for the job description and posting. No response so far.

It is important to note that most, if not all, elected officials in the Town of Templeton are Special Municipal Employees. As special municipal employees, these officials are eligible to apply for positions in town that are posted internally. More than a few present and former employees obtained their jobs by applying for town positions as special municipal employees; including one former manager of Templeton Municipal Light and Water.

Once the position is posted internally, employees apply for the job. Depending on the number of applicants, a screening committee reviews the resumes of the applicants and forwards the potential candidates for the position, in this case Business Manager, to the commissioners. Interviews should then be conducted in public and a candidate selected.

 A written synopsis of this meeting.

My opinions…supported by FACTS ! ! !

Julie Farrell


  1. all special municiple employees should apply for the business manager position at l+w

  2. What are the qualifications and pay scale?Does it come with a car and fuel? Is there any way the job description can be obtained? Do you get a bonus for signing on? Why now after over 100 years do we need this position and will the benefits change at all for the person getting hired? so many questions and so little time for Q+A!

    1. If you watch the video, many of your questions were answered. However, here is my question: If we have a water Supt getting $85-90K and a Light supt getting $85-90 K and now a business mgr, why the do we need a general manager (Driscoll) and what the hell do we get for our money from him?

    2. Don't fortget the clothing allowance! Or Driscoll's salary over $100,000 (general manager)+ Water super $90,000 + Light Super $80,000 and now a business manager. Over $270,000 to "manage" as in like a "business" manage the Light and water.

      Unsustainable! No accountability! You know of any business where an audit report was "in process" for over two years? You tell your bosses that it will be available "next month" for over 6 months, would still be employed? How is behavior considered "run like a business?"

  3. We need this position so Kathy Webster can retire at a higher pay grade, and because Johnny Driscoll can't do the job.

    1. Kathy Webster probably knows more about the business than JD does. Maybe they should keep her and can him. By the way, just where is the information about the wind turbine? All the things that have not been answered can fill a book, This bunch looks worse, the more we look. Bev.

    2. Well, looks like the Echo Hill gang is meeting again on Saturdays. Gromley, Bubba and Virgie were all seen at Echo Hill Saturday noon getting a drink of their kool-aid so that they can get told what questions to ask at the next meeting. It's a sad state of affairs. Gerry leading the three blind mice.

    3. there planing a take over watch out !!!there are huge plans to take control of this town and just wait they do have a huge following !!!

    4. Hey do you all know that Grimley is collecting unemployment from the town for the 16 hr a week affordable housing job he no longer has with the town. How pathetic!

  4. I just watched the video and would like to know why Columbus went into the offices when Driscoll went to make a phone call. What business does he have going back there? I don't know of him holding any town positions. What the hell is going on?

  5. If the audit company can not get the info they need to do the audit correctly and make the numbers jive with the actual amounts they will not sign off on it. If i were to email and call as many times as Driscoll has said he has and gets no response then the firm should be called to a meeting to answer questions from the shareholders that pay them. As with the federal government books there is missing data that allows a firm to get to the point of completion why is the audit complete for princeton and the same process for us not. Plug in the data and tell us the truth about it or can they do that, maybe its time for the selectmen to get involved in this and see whats up? Why so long and why no answers for our money we've spent.Lets hold them "accountable".
    Dave Smart

  6. any news if or when the attorney general will investigate ....just remember Pauly has tried to get an investigation going with out any help (why) is there nothing going on and Pauly is wacked or is there a huge cover up ...if no investigation happens it will look like Pauly and you followers are just a bunch of lier's and causing trouble ...and i hope this is not the case!!!

  7. The fact is you won't hear about it and as any investigation that should be the only way to do it,Quiet, listen to the wind blow and think about how we got to this point. We voted at a town meeting after discussion was done to enact legislation to have the investigation done. Big words take a little longer? Legislation done?
    They can ignore 1 man but not a town vote. One look through "Pauly's Templeton Watch" and the documents are there for the world to see. That can itself motivate the investigation to be done. Documents are there needed to prove the points in article 8 if they look, hard to think they won't! Martha will need our votes and she knows it.

  8. It takes time to file a home rule petition( Article 8 at STM). It took from the May ATM until December for the governor to sign the home rule petition lowering the number of signatures for a citizen petition(at ATM) from 100 back to 10 signatures.

    The back up documentation for the investigation is posted on Pauly's blog as well as the C4T website under "Important Documents" page. If you know of more documents, let me know. I'll post them.

    I don't know how it can be said Pauly's followers are lying when there is written documentation of the entire purchase of 252 Baldwinville Rd (The BOONDOGGLE)...except for the appraisal and building inspection...because those two things never happened...oops.

    Also a posted is an e-mail from Shirin Everett (K&P) that was used as an invoice for the purchase of 252 Balwinville Rd, signed by Dennis O'Brien (abutter and former chairman) Chris Stewart and Bob Columbus.
