Paul working for you.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Shedding Some Light…2013

Attendance was up at the Light and Water meeting last night. At some points it was Standing Room Only. Best opening quote was from Virginia Wilder as she entered the meeting with Bob Columbus : “Why don’t you shut up, Pete” In reference to Pete Kasper commenting: “Here come the stooges”

WATER MEETING – The FY 12 water audit indicates a surplus of $41,000. (The water main breaks in July are FY 13).

The Zone II delineation, years in the making, is finally ready for approval. There are maps of the completed re-drawn Zone II water delineation.  There is a conflict between the BOH regulations and the planning board by-laws that will need to be rectified at Town meeting. No meeting date has been set for discussion between the BOH, Planning board and water department. Hopefully, these issues will be ready resolved for the Town meeting in May. A final cost for the Zone II should be ready shortly.

2011 Fluoride Award – was not received by the water department but by the BOH. Maybe the  BOH will have a ceremony marking this momentous occasion.

Pete Farrell provided the commissioners with information from the Harvard School of Public Health that indicates water fluoridation lowers IQ.

Customer comments and questions –
Will Spring asked when the budget forms for the Water department will be completed and sent to the Town coordinator. There seemed to be some confusion on the part of the Light and Water manager about the deadline for the Annual Report (Feb 1 2013) and the budget forms ( December 2012?)

There was no answer to my question: Where does Templeton’s Water enterprise figures get reported to the DOR? These figures were once (2004, 2008?) reported on the Recap Sheet, but have gone missing. The chairman stated it was probably ok since the DOR hadn’t fined them yet.

Good News! The Templeton Wind Turbine Cost Certification (aka wind turbine audit) might possibly, someday be completed at a future date. This long standing agenda item will surely re-appear in the near future, when again we will be informed that it might almost be ready for the next meeting. This audit is being performed by Braver and another firm Goulet; not quite sure how much has been expended to date for this audit but it is at least $8,000. Exact figures on the expenditure of the audit of the turbine will surely be forthcoming in the same near future as the audit itself…Something about making the audit agree with the 3.83 million figure. MMLLDWECC (Massachusetts Municipal Light Department Wind Energy Cooperative Corporation) is making payments on the 3.83 million figure for our turbine so the audit needs to tie out to that figure.

More Good News! The website is coming along and promises to be treasure trove of Light and Water information. It is hoped that within 6 weeks, this website will be operational. Like expectant parents waiting for an overdue baby, many in the audience were grateful to hear the “due date” of this website.

Rates- There was a long discussion of rates. Next year a rate study will be conducted. Good news! The service fee of $4.00/month/customer will be reduced to $3.00/month /customer. The exact cost analysis of light department billing will be provided in the near future. (I can hardly wait!) My calculations indicate a revenue stream of $168,000 at the $4.00 service charge figure and a revenue stream of $126,000 at the $3.00 service fee. Bill Trust is the firm that provides the Light bills for a total cost of $26,000/year.  The service also includes the cost of the meter reader’s time and vehicle and miscellaneous expenses, which probably accounts for the additional $100,000 figure. In my next life, I’m coming back as a meter reader.

Business Manager Position- after much discussion, the commissioners voted to create a Business Manager’s position. The position will be salary and exempt. The office manager position will be eliminated. It was unclear if there is a job description for the position or if a clothing allowance will be included.

One commissioner asked if this could be discussed in executive session. Guess again! Hey commissioners! You are elected to a PUBLIC body. You must follow the Open Meeting Law and abide by the rules and regulations of the Ethics commission… just like every other elected or appointed PUBLIC official. Surprise!

After I inquired if the newly created Business manager position will be posted, a brief recess was called about 7:10 p.m. The manager left to make a phone call. Bob Columbus and Ron Davan left the meeting room to go to the offices a few seconds later. Later in the meeting, I asked who was called and was informed by the manager that he had called the attorney Doucette & Larose (the law firm that no longer submits an itemized invoice)

It was decided that the Business manager position will be posted for two weeks …internally. Last time a position was open at the light department, it was posted internally and very difficult to find. 

Lifeline – After discussion, it was decided to look into ways to provide a discount to our residents who may qualify by income or disability. This is a long-term project that deserves study. Hopefully, it will not be another epic adventure like the turbine cost certification.

Customer Comments & Questions –
Will Spring mentioned a situation with voltage fluctuation at his home. He also asked about reconfiguring the department’s energy portfolio to take advantage of the lower cost of natural gas. Unfortunately, over 80% of the light department’s energy portfolio is locked into long-term contracts.

Dave Smart made inquiries about RECs (renewable energy credits), which generated about $300,000 for the light dept. last year. We were informed that the RECs are used against the debt incurred to construct the turbine.
Dave also asked about the commissioner’s stipend ( $1,500/yr) and flicker complaints from a resident (on-going discussions).
Bev and I asked about formalizing the PILOT payment to the town. I guess we’ll just keep asking that question over and over. Oh! Wait! How about a by-law to formalize the PILOT payment? That might work.

My opinions… supported by FACTS ! ! !

Julie Farrell


  1. Thank you Mr. Farrell for your continued efforts to educate Templeton Residents on the health hazards associated with fluoride. If the studies are correct there may not be any IQ left to comprehend these health hazards here in town. May explain some of our other problems as well.

    1. Life is hard enough for children these days, why would anyone think it is ok for them to consume water with fluoride in it. Ok, maybe they drank so much of it as children them selves, so what we are dealing with is the result. So it seems Virginia showed her "bad" side last night! I got there late and missed that. There are better ways to tell Pete to be quiet. She and Bubba make quite a pair!! Bubba won't run for Light and Water, if Greg is running, unless he chooses not to. Time will tell, and as with every thing else, it will come out in the wash! Bev.

  2. I heard that Bubba and Ginny had been up at Skelton's earlier in the day. Must have been getting their coaching.
    My questions - why did Bubba follow J Driscoll and Dana into the offices when JD went to make the phone call. Did anyone ask him.
    Did anyone tape the meeting if so can we get it on the blog?
    I heard they want to create this new position for Kathy Webster because she will be retiring in a few years.(higher pension) whats the point of advertising the job if you already have the candidate picked.
    and don't these commissioners (and manager) know when something should or should not be held in executive session - here's a clue if you talk about a "position" - no executive session is needed. If you start mentioning people by name "Kathy" then yes executive session.
    also I heard Dana was blaming the "town" for being in the financial mess. guess he hasn't heard about the $700,000.00 of taxpayers money spent on 252 Baldwinville rd. by his good friends Bubba and Jerry.

    1. Yes, Dana has said that more than once, and in a way he is right. We should have been paying attention to the fine print, but we didn't. Last night I could not remember the exact phrase I was looking for. It was in the 1982 Town Report Book, but it was from 1981., the wording was "appropiation of surplus in lieu of taxes" This is the only year I saw that wording. The way I look it , the light gave the town the profit after the bills were paid. I absolutely do not think we made the Light Company a enterprise fund to make everyone working there wealthy, at the expense of the tax payer. If attitudes do not make a big turn around, we have three choices in my eyes. Take it over by a Town Meeting Vote, Sell it, Vote out the people who are not working in the best interest of the tax payers. My opinion, Bev.

    2. Im pretty sure that no one on the light co is overpaid! If fact, if ou look at what other lineman and managment of light companies get it is probably alot lower! I would not tread on the good men over there or they may leave us to make some real money!

    3. No complaints about the linemen. Lots of complaints about the management.

  3. Why can't there be RECALL for the light commissioners.
    instead of taking the Dept. and giving it to the Selectmen.
    If it is given to the Selectmen, what about down the road and the three jecks get back in, then they will have it all

    1. RECALLs are expensive, time consuming. Placing control over Light and water to BOS would be a temporary, stop gap measure.

      Some possible options once control is under BOS - separate water department. Then operations could be consolidated so people would receive one bill for water and sewer.

      Formalize a PILOT payment to the town - one that is more equitable to the town and does not bankrupt the Light department. Then one possible option would be to create an APPOINTED Light Authority; the BOS would APPOINT the members of the Light Authority for a specific term.

      It is essential that people stay informed of what their elected officials are doing so the town doesn't find itself in this position again.

      These are a few of the possibilities that could happen if the L&W petition is successful. There are many other options as well. Nothing will change if the status quo is maintained.

  4. Will this new website have online billing?

    Will this new website have pretty pictures that will explain how electricity works for all us po' dumb folks who have drank too much fluoride and don't know when we've been had?

    Oh, and was Commissioner Stewart in attendance?

    1. yep Comm Stewart was there but didn't add much. When Dave Smart asked them all what their jobs as commissioners were, Dana didn't say anything about representing the voters.

    2. Chris was at the meeting, sitting up front with the rest of the boys. He was kind of quiet. He knows how much trouble the town in in, I don't know how he can sit there and keep his mouth shut. In my way of thinking, there is something very wrong, when a woman who works in the Water Dept. made more,[two years ago Annual Report] than our Town Clerk, past Treasurer, and Tax Collector. These people that work for the town, took a 12% pay cut, and had their hours cut last year. I would guess that the Light People got raises. So yes the town has not been as good to our people as the Light has been to theirs. We have spent the last ten years putting ourselves in long term 40 year debt, and throwing our money to the wind. There is no way that I have any ill will against the people that work on the lines, or in the offices. I do have a problem with the poor "we do not give a dam" attitude of the Light and Water Commissioners. They are sitting pretty because they have not done their share, to contribute to the town. Do you think that I will stand for our hourly people to get hit again!! Not if I can help it. It boils down to this,The money we need comes from one of two places, a 2 1/2 over ride, or the Light and Water Dept. can pick up some slack. Bev

  5. I, too, would like to know why Columbus went back into the offices when they called the attorneys. Maybe he was allowed to use the restroom? Those boys are on crack if they think Columbus is going to get elected to commissioner. Speaking of crazy people...any updates on getting the attention of the Attorney General's or the DOR office to execute the will of the Templeton voters and investigate the wrong doings of the town? Our town is in trouble and it would be nice if everyone's focus was fixing the mess and ending the rein of the Echo Hill Gang. Why don't they just crawl into a crack in the floor and go away for good? Also, I know Ginny really wants to do a good job as selectman. I just wish she would think for herself and stop taking orders from the Dark Side. At least she shows up at meetings and goes into the Selectman's office. Has anyone ever seen Scappy at a meeting besides a BOS meeting?

    1. if your looking for Scappy during the day try Paines Garage. He must work nights. lol


    3. I hope they'll look into the signatures on the loan for 252. And I hope they question the entire purchase of 252 including how the attorneys didn't protect the town by following their OWN rules of purchasing property. I kinda feel bad for DO'B because I think he probably didn't even know what he was doing. I hope the paper trail will lead to the ones that consciously and intentionally knew what they were doing and bullied their way through it all.

    4. What I really hope, is that the Atty. General's Office will follow the money. That bunny trail could lead to some things that might prove interesting. Time will tell!!Hee Hee. Bev

  6. Templeton Light and Water Dept hates the seniors. Why else would they intentionally delay the senior center opening? I think all the seniors that want their center finished should go to every L&W meeting and ask them when they will help finish hooking up the building. Or if they can't get out at night, start a letter writing campaign. You have to be filled with black stuff in order to prevent a senior center from opening simply to satisfy your dear friend's ego. The seniors have given and given to this town their whole lives, how about giving back to them and stop using them as a pawn in your twisted chess game? Instead of handing out light bulbs or buying them pizza, how about getting you act together L&W Dept and go above and beyond to get that building hooked up? You can find time to hang crappy banners all over town but can't walk across the street and help them out? Shame on the management for their lack of respect for the elders of our community!

    1. we all know this is payback because the senior ctr got the go ahead from the taxpayers before a new town hall. Do you remember the town Meeting a few years ago when the town hall was shot down but the senior center passed amd Bubba and Gerry and Dennie were pissed. I bet Bennett and Julie and Pauly remember. whats that saying paybacks a bitch.

    2. Its so disrespectful to the seniors. If I won the lottery, I'd donate money to them to give them whatever they needed. You wonder why our culture is so messed up. Its because we do not respect our elders the way past generations did.

  7. I seriously dont think they are disrespecting the seniors, i think they are just playing by the books! Just like u and I!

    1. Which books are you referring to? the former accountant kept 3.

    2. So playing "by the books" includes causing delays for "soil testing" when the EPA information on the PCBs was readily available?

      Playing "by the books" includes calling the building inspector to halt the project because of a permit issue that had NOTHING to do with the light department OR the water department?

      Playing "by the books" includes a vote by the water commissioners to pay for pipes and then postponing because of cash flow issues caused by the water main breaks? If the water dept. had a surplus of $41,000 in FY 2012, why not pay for those pipes voted?

  8. or is it the Jerry Skelton rule book lol

  9. nice to know that you people voted Ginny in to work for JS & CS and not the people of Templeton.

    1. Don't know who you're talking to but I can tell you she didn't get my vote.

  10. How do we know O'Brien was contacted? Where can we read about this?

  11. More information about Ethic investigations is on this website:

    You'll need to cut and paste.

    1. When Bubba, the slime ball, went out back with the boys at the Light and Water meeting, don't you think he gave them Jerrys number to call?? Like a friend said, what lawyer is sitting by the phone waiting for JD to call!! Don't worry, I am gullible too!! Bev.

  12. probably used bubba's cell phone so the call to jerry couldn't be traced back to the light department

    1. can we get a copy of the L&W dept phone bill for last Thursday night to see exactly who they called.

  13. All the stooges were at Echo Hill today for a rally. Boob Columbus and VW are still over there...

  14. The people at the meeting are all witness to the unprofessional and non functional board as a whole.I will allow one more question and that's it!
    Times up we need to go back underground and lick the new wounds! The fact they are on record that they called the lawyer is what we were told!
    When we see the bill for it and the charge that will tell if they were to him. Any Smart lawyer wouldn't make a paper trail to be followed. Phone records are also public documents too when used for that purpose? We will see on the bill who was or wasn't called! Even so I think Sue was correct about the name being used!
    The new title has something to do with the way her pension will work out? Did they collect ss and or other pension legally ? How does this change react with the written policy on that at light and water,is there a written policy if not, it should be aligned with the town personal policy!
    Non union like all other positions alike!
    Dana has crossed the line on us again with the limiting of time to question and answering. We need to have 2 meetings a month and longer time to get more involved to get a better handle on our light dept and soon!I still had 10+ questions that needed to be answered. But the info we got helps build the case for my petition. Where the money is going and how much? Why do we here endless babble about a recloser and delay after delay on the web site? The time about that is more than the time we get for Q+A.
    Stop the crap Dana and let it be known that all will come out in the end and the Town of Templeton will know everything in the end! That always happens.
    It will bite you in the ass if you stick to this and try to shut us up!
    Shareholder,With my C4T member "hat on or off"
    Dave Smart
    JD Please send info on 4.00 charge to me at
    Thank you for being responsive.

  15. Dave, I am glad you and the rest of us, have gotten the attention of our Light and Water Commissioners. I think it is a little like having a rock in your shoe, one that you can not shake out. It is amusing that Dana blames the voters for the town being in trouble. All the voters did wrong, was be trusting that the Articles that were voted on were ok. They had been approved by the towns' legal team, so who would know that something was wrong? Why didn't the DOR stop us from creating so much debt?? Why was the fact, that games were being played,to balance the books, not brought public, and taken care of at the time it was done??? Who dropped the ball, and managed to dig the hole the Town is in deeper?? If Dana had any questions, why didn't he speak up? My opinion is, we need to get the water Dept, back where it belongs, with the sewer department. One way or the other, the Light Board needs to be changed. I think Mr. Edwards is a good man, but not strong enough alone. Skelton thinks the Light is his baby. He needs to find out he is wrong. I pray the Atty. General will look under the rug, they may find alot of dirt there. Bev.

  16. The sewer and water departments were never one department as far as I know. Their billing was done together for many years. Would it make sense to have appointed water commissioners under the authority of the Board of Selectmen?
